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中国的父亲节起源,要追溯到民国时期,1945年8月8日,上海发起了庆祝父亲节的活动,市民立即响应,抗日战争胜利后,上海市各界名流,联名请上海市政府转呈中央政府,定爸爸 谐音的8月8日为全国性的父亲节,在父亲节这天,人们佩带鲜花,表达对父亲的敬重和思念。

篇二:父亲节的由来 英文

the origin of Father's Day

In 1909, living in the United States, Washington Spokane (Spokane) of Ms. Du De (Mrs. Dodd, Sonora Louise Smart Dodd), when she was attending the main church on Mother's Day, held weeks later, Ms. Du De mind a the deep feelings, and she thought about: "Why in this world do not have a festival to commemorate his father do?"

Ms. Du De's mother died when she was 13-year-old year, left six children; Ms. Du De's, Mr. William Smart (Mr. William Smart), in the United States, a country in eastern

Washington state farms, alone, the father and mother raising six children grown up level. Mr. Smart participated in the American Civil War, feats advertised, after the death of his wife, determined to no longer Xu Xian and devote herself brought up six children.

Ms. Du De eldest, is the only girl at home. Characteristics of women carefully, so that she could better understand the father's hard work; Mr. Smart to work hard during the day, go home at night but also take care of home with each child's lives. After decades of hard work has finally grown up sons and daughters, when their children look forward to a good old age make the occasion, Mr. Smart, Mr. Smart, but because of the long years of over-exertion and the sick died.

1909 That year, exactly, Mr. Smarr's death, when Ms. Du De attending church, Mother's Day Thanksgiving weeks later, she missed particular father; Until then, Du Defu people understand that her father in the upbringing of children during the pay love and efforts, and no less than any one of the mother's hard work.

Ms. Du De her feelings to tell the Church Rasmus (Rev. Rasmus), she hoped to have a special day, to pay tribute to the great, Mr. Smart, and can the whole world to

commemorate the great father.

Rasmus, after listening to the story, Mr. Smart, Mr. Smart deeply touched by the spirit and the love that he praised and supported Ms. Du De would like to promote the "Father's Day" efforts. So Ms. Du De spring in 1910 began promoting the establishment of Father's Day campaign, and soon received the support of various church organizations; She then wrote a letter to the mayor and the state government to express their ideas and proposed that the combined efforts of Ms. Du De, the Spokane mayor and governor of Washington state in favor of the public, so the U.S. will be in Washington June 19, 1910, held the world's first Father's Day gathering.

In 1924, the United States Calvin Coolidge (Calvin Coolidge) support for Fat(本文来自:wwW.xIAocAofaNwEn.com 小 草范 文 网:父亲节的来厉)her's Day become a holiday throughout the United States; in 1966, President Johnson (Lyndon Johnson) announced in June that year the first three Sundays, that is, Mr. Smart's birthday month Father's Day for the United States; 1972, U.S. President Richard Nixon (Richard Nixon) signed the official documents, will be the third Sunday in June each year, set for Father's Day throughout the United States and become a permanent

state-designated the anniversary of the United States.

In 1966, President Lyndon B. Johnson (Lyndon Johnson) signed a presidential proclamation declaring the third year in June as Father's Day Sunday. Father's Day has become not only his father, as well as words

and deeds, such as the father of all men - including the stepfather, uncle, uncle, Peter, uncle, grandfather, grandfather and adult male friends - by the glory of the festival's official section of Father's Day flower is white roses or red roses. Haddad's wife suggested that people in his father's Day, to honor the father of the deceased to wear a white rose, for the glory of his father alive, wearing red roses.


2015年6月21日 农历 五月初六 父亲节 关于父亲节的由来,有两种说法。 第一个说法: 1909年,华盛顿一位叫布鲁斯·多德的夫人,在庆贺母亲节的时候突然产生了一个念头:既然有母亲节,为什么不能有个父亲节呢? 多德夫人和他的5个弟弟早年丧母,他们由慈爱的父亲一手抚养大的。许多年过去了,姐弟6人每逢父亲的生辰忌日,总会回想起父亲含辛茹苦养家的情景。在拉斯马斯博士的支持下,她提笔给州政府写了一封言辞恳切的信,呼吁建立父亲节,并建议将节日定在6月5日她父亲生日这天。州政府采纳了她的建议,仓促间将父亲节定为19日,即1909年6月第3个星期日。翌年,多德夫人所在的斯坡堪市正式庆祝这一节日,市长宣布了父亲节的文告,定这天为全州纪念日。以后,其他州也庆贺父亲节。在父亲节这天,人们选择特定的鲜花来表示对父亲的敬意。人们采纳了多德夫人伯建议,佩戴红玫瑰向健在的父亲们表示爱戴,佩戴白玫瑰对故去的父亲表示悼念。后来在温哥华,人们选择了佩戴白丁香,宾夕法尼亚人用蒲公英向父亲表示致意。 为了使父亲节规范化,各方面强烈呼吁议会承认这个节日。1972年,尼克松总统正式签署了建立父亲节的议会决议。这个节日终于以法律的形式确定了下来,并一直沿用至今。 第二个说法: 专门用一天向母亲表示敬意的想法是1907年在美国首先提出来的。2年以后华盛顿州的一位妇女约翰·布鲁斯·多德夫人提出应有类似母亲节的一天来向一家之长的父亲表示敬意。多德夫人年幼丧母,由父亲把她带大。她非常爱自己的父亲。 在多德夫人提出她的想法的同一年--1909年,华盛顿州州长作出反应,宣布六月的第三个星期日为父亲节。这个想法在1996年被伍德·威尔逊总统正式批准。1924年,卡尔文·柯立芝总统建议把父亲节作为一个全国性的节日以便在父亲和子女建立更亲密的关系,并且使父亲铭记自己应尽的全部责任。红色或白色玫瑰是公认的父亲节的节花。 父亲节在全美国作为节日确定下来,比母亲节经过的时间要长一些。因为建立父亲节的想法很得人心,所以商人和制造商开始看到商机。他们不仅鼓励做儿女的给父亲寄贺卡,而且鼓动他们买领带、袜子之类的小礼品送给父亲,以表达对父亲的敬重。 第二次世界大战期间,驻扎在英国的美国军人要求得到父亲节的贺卡寄回国内。美国军人的要求得到英国贺卡出版商的回应,因而印制了贺卡。虽然英国公众对这个人为节日接受缓慢一些,但今天英国在六月里第三个星期日也热烈庆祝父亲节,和美国的庆祝方式差不多。 父亲节似乎远不如母亲节那么重要,没有孩子给父亲送礼物。但是,美国的父亲仍然认为他们的命运比许多其它国家的父亲强得多,因为那些国家的父亲们连个名义上的节日都没有。 而父亲节最贴心礼物攻略,请参考 1 眼镜 带父亲去正规眼镜店做全面视力检查,选择一付新的眼镜!对他来说,镜架时尚与否倒在其次,关键是镜片的质量。
