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小草范文网  发布于:2016-12-20  分类: 工商管理 手机版



--本科368所中国大学 2012-06-18


1中国人民大学 A+ 26山东大学A 51西南交通大学A

2南开大学A+ 27华南理工大学A 52中国矿业大学A

3厦门大学A+ 28同济大学A53天津理工大学A

4西安交通大学A+ 29东华大学A54华北电力大学A

5重庆大学A+ 30天津大学A55北京科技大学A

6中山大学A+ 31首都经济贸易大学A 56山东建筑大学A

7清华大学A+ 32中南大学A57西安建筑科技大学A 8浙江大学A+ 33华侨大学A 58江南大学A

9武汉大学A+ 34对外经济贸易大学A 59深圳大学A


11上海财经大学A+ 36天津财经大学A61福州大学A

12东北财经大学A+ 37中国石油大学A62中国地质大学A



15吉林大学A+40西安理工大学A 65兰州理工大学A

16华中科技大学A+ 41河南工业大学A 66中原工学院A


18四川大学A+ 43中南民族大学A68山西财经大学A


20西南财经大学A 45西安石油大学A 70广东工业大学A


22武汉理工大学A 47北京理工大学A 72兰州大学A

23哈尔滨工业大学A48中央财经大学A 73北京化工大学A


25浙江工商大学A 50中国海洋大学A

B+等 (110个):山东经济学院、北京工商大学、大连大学、上海海事大学、西北大学、浙江财经学院、哈尔滨商业大学、中国农业大学、东南大学、西南科技大学、辽宁工程技术大学、中国政法大学、江苏大学、新疆大学、东北大学、长安大学、吉林农业科技学院、淮阴工学院、武汉科技大学、浙江师范大学、长沙理工大学、桂林电子科技大学、合肥工业大学、河南财经学院、南京农业大学、南京工业大学、山东财政学院、南京财经大学、湘潭大学、东北师范大学、北京航空航天大学、昆明理工大学、新疆财经大学、安徽工业大学、西安电子科技大学、安徽大学、安徽财经大学、河北工业大学、北京师范大学、南京理工大学、南京航空航天大学、云南民族大学、内蒙古大学、兰州商学院、华南农业大学、河南大学、上海工程技术大学、浙江理工大学、华中师范大学、长春税务学院、辽宁师范大学、上海对外贸易学院、电子科技大学、沈阳工业大学、东北电力大学、郑州大学、长春理工大学、浙江工业大学、西安工程大学、中国民航大学、广东外语外贸大学、九江学


B等 (110个):中国药科大学、东莞理工学院、重庆文理学院、山东科技大学、西南石油大

学、长江大学、湖南商学院、西华大学、华中农业大学、石河子大学、福建师范大学、广东商学院、邢台学院、江西师范大学、集美大学、上海电力学院、大连工业大学、陕西师范大学、西安科技大学、海南大学、上海商学院、济南大学、重庆工学院、广西师范大学、南京邮电大学、嘉应学院、南京师范大学、大连交通大学、江西理工大学、郑州航空工业管理学院、青岛大学、南京林业大学、西南林学院、南阳师范学院、河南农业大学、广西民族大学、北京工业大学、西藏大学、内蒙古农业大学、上海外国语大学、沈阳药科大学、河北工程大学、武汉工程大学、宁波大学、北京农学院、西南民族大学、佳木斯大学、桂林工学院、重庆工商大学、湖北大学、大连海事大学、温州大学、中国计量学院、齐齐哈尔大学、湖南工业大学、东北农业大学、中央民族大学、西华师范大学、仲恺农业技术学院、黑龙江科技学院、贵州财经学院、山东工商学院、黑龙江大学、辽宁石油化工大学、北京联合大学、中国传媒大学、西藏民族学院、三峡大学、甘肃政法学院、阜阳师范学院、云南师范大学、延安大学、贵州民族学院、西安财经学院、安徽科技学院、河西学院、攀枝花学院、韶关学院、山东理工大学、长春工程学院、北京机械工业学院、吉林农业大学、南京审计学院、渤海大学、重庆交通大学、广西工学院、贵州师范大学、烟台大学、湖北经济学院、山东师范大学、安徽建筑工业学院、西北民族大学、信阳师范学院、广东金融学院、上海立信会计学院、西南政法大学、安徽工程科技学院、福建工程学院、吉林建筑工程学院、广西财经学院、南通大学、沈阳大学、辽宁科技大学、苏州科技学院、西安外国语大学、武汉工业学院、广东海洋大学、长春大学、盐城工学院、佛山科学技术学院 C等(74个):名单略



1. 建筑学(本科五年)

专业性质:工科 教学部门:建筑系



2. 城市规划(本科五年)

专业性质:工科 教学部门:建筑系





3. 园林(本科四年)

专业性质:理科 教学部门:建筑系





4. 艺术设计<室内设计方向>(本科四年)

专业性质:艺术 教学部门:建筑系




5. 环境工程(本科四年)

专业性质:工科 教学部门:环境科学与工程系




6. 环境科学(本科四年)

专业性质:理科 教学部门:环境科学与工程系



7. 给水排水工程(本科四年)

专业性质:工科 教学部门:环境科学与工程系




8. 土木工程(本科四年)

专业性质:工科 教学部门:土木工程系


9. 工程力学(本科四年)

专业性质:理科 教学部门:土木工程系




10. 交通工程(本科四年)

专业性质:工科 教学部门:土木工程系




11. 无机非金属材料工程(本科四年)

专业性质:工科 教学部门:土木工程系




12. 电子信息工程(本科四年)

专业性质:工科 教学部门:电子与信息工程系




13. 电子信息科学与技术(本科四年)

专业性质:理科 教学部门:电子与信息工程系




14. 计算机科学与技术(本科四年)

专业性质:理科 教学部门:电子与信息工程系




15. 地理信息系统(本科四年)

专业性质:理科 教学部门:城市与环境学系

本专业主要培养能从事与地理信息系统有关的研究、开发、管理等工作的高级专门人才。 主要课程:人文地理学、经济地理学、地图学、遥感技术、数据库技术、地理信息系统原理、地理信息系统设计与应用、数字摄影测量、数字城市工程等。




1.A few thousand years ago, man’s life was rough and simple,their wants would have been confined to the basic necessities of life----food、clothing and shelter.

2.Over ten nomadic tribes of North Africa moved to the river at the foot of the mountain in search of the source of water and new pastures.

3.More than 30 years ago ,the villagers often bartered eggs for needles、threads and stationary needed by children.

4.Commerce embraces all kinds of economic activities such as: trade、transportation、communication、storage、banking、insurance and advertising etc.

5.Buying fast-food eases day-to- day cooking of house wives.

L 2

1.Trade is the exchange of goods and services between buyers and sellers。It is an essential part of commerce and also a basis of it.

2.Without paying premium to the insurance company,you can’t claim compensation in the event of economic losses.

3.In the event of a surplus of goods,they can be sold at lower price.

4.Because of higher price of raw material,the manufacturers are unwilling to venture to produce the goods.

5.“The lower the price is,the more the selling is” is not always right.

L 3

1.Each person,each country should use to the best advantage the peculiar skills and resources,and specialize in producing and selling those goods that they can produce at relatively lower cost.

2.Many Middle-east countries produce and export oil rather than produce food and finished goods.

3.The workshop in which Kent works produces but assembling parts of computer.

4.In a monetary economy,money is a lubricant that facilitates trade。Without money,it’s hard to imagine how complicated our life would be.

5.The habits of eating raw meat still prevail in the nomadic tribes of central Africa.


1.Producer expect to offer more of a product for sale at a higher price,but buyer expect to buy a product when it’s price is low.

2.We are willing to purchase 80 tons of the wheat at the price of $5 per bushel.

3.If the manufacturers sell the goods below the going-price,the sale’s revenue and profit would be reduced.

4.There is a great demand for oil in the area,so the going-price is very high.

5.The shifts of consumer’s tastes,the development of new products and the fluctuation of people’s income often affect the price.


1.What to produce,how to produce,for whom to produce are three basic economic problems which every society must answer.

2.In free market economy,individuals and firms are free to enter or leave a market at will,producers enter a market to earn profit,consumers enter a market to purchase what they want.

3.For these questions,companies can’t provide concrete and detailed answer,nor can government make any reply.

4.When a particular material can be used to produce two or more different products,then producers must enter the market to compete with each other for that material.

5.In accordance with economic theory,wealth means anything of value.“How to distribute the wealth” means “who gets what.”


1.In terms of ownership,corporations are the most complex,sole proprietorships are simplest,but in terms of organization,both of them are very simple.

2.In the county,,less than one tenth of retailing industry are partnership, but more than seven tenths of them are sole proprietorship.

3.General partners are usually active in business management and day-to-day operations。Each partner can enter into binding contracts on behalf of the others.

4.Although the owners of preferred stock don’t have voting rights,their claims on corporation’s profit and assets take precedence over those of common stock owners.

5.The incorporators must make decisions about important matters of the corporation。They have voting rights and claims on corporation’s profit.


1、Owing to adopting new marketing skills,the firm benefits greatly from it.

2、In order to make (gain


) more profit,they intend to increase the investment in east-Asia.

3、The quality of these products is not good,we couldn’t bank on selling them at higher price.

4、The dress is characterized by bright color and fashion style.

5、Now,businessmen must direct more marketing activities forward satisfying consumers’ wants. L8

1、Marketing research is the process of systematically gathering、recording and analyzing data。The obtained information is available to decision makers.

2、Making a preliminary investigation is very suited to determine the characteristics of (existed)marketing problem.

3、According to the reports,many local government officials were involved in the bribe case.

4、Only these information are analyzed carefully,then whether to enter the market or not could be decided.

5、The government allows these firms to invest abroad and encourage them to earn more profit.

6、The success of the firm’s marketing efforts in large sense relies on(enough)financial resources and accuracy of sales forecast.


1、The policy of reform and opening provides a very good chance for the development of the enterprises in our country.

2、Other than me,there is n’t anyone else.

3、Acted as the factories sales agent,the firm is active to perform all kinds of promotion activities in order to increase the sales of the products.

4、This year ,the central bank lowered the interest of loan enabling many state-owned enterprises to ease their debts burden.

5、If a product is priced too high,many potential buyers may be lost.


1、 Only senior officials have access to the president.

2、 We will go on fighting,never succumb to the enemy.

3、 She induced her mother to buy the necklace for her as she wanted it.

4、 Although he never studied in university,he is viewed as a expert in the field.

5、 All the staffs of the firm must bear in mind“Only by competition,the firm’s products can have larger market share。”


1、 By taking advantage of local rich natural resources,they have led a well-off life.

2、 On “How to try the case?”Mr. Johnson differs greatly from Mr. Tom.

3、 Regardless of the objection of the leader,he finished the experiment finally.

4、 In July,the expenses of the firm accounted for 60% of the incomes.

5、 The battle originated in the competition between two tribes.

6、 The firm found it difficult to compete with the bigger firm on selling same products. L12

1、 Telemarketing was the fastest-growing sales medium of the 1980’s.Only this firm employed over 500 telemarketers。

2、 Even if recruited marketers don’t have experience in telemarketing,at least they should have certain sales potential.

3、 At last they figured out a promotion strategy of increasing sales.

4、 More than 100 years ago American business people adopted the marketing strategy of profit through volume.

5、 The first firm to implement successfully the profit though volume strategy had the opportunity to reap enormous profits,but it also was confronted with the challenge of the potential competitors.


1. All the top management of large organizations, regardless of their aptitudes or skills, should make a long period plan which covers 5 to 10 years and match the organization’s structure to its’ desired goal.

2. Today’s model of management is still consistent with that developed at the end of the 19th century. The major management activities are still planning、organizing、leading and controlling.

3. The first-line managers of the company established the proper atmosphere and motivated their employees to do their best in the work.

4. The managers should consider organization’s goals, the feasibility of the plans and whether they will be acceptable to the employees.

5. The new employees can not adapt to the environment in which their organization operates. You should take care of them and encourage them.


1. Last year this firm recruited 2 typewriters and 3 sales-persons . This year it plans to recruit several higher level executives.

2. The general-manager has agreed the policy of promotion from within, because it fosters loyalty among organization members.

3. Giving new employees some challenging assignments helps them and the organization accommodate to each other quickly.

4.If a manufacturing company purchases new automated equipment, but it doesn’t hire and train people to operate the equipment. It’s likely that the equipment may remain idle and the company decreases its’ productivity.

5.Every year IBM expenses 900 million dollars to educate and train the employees and the general manager appraises the performance of middle and first-line managers.


1. Corporate culture is a management approach, it has a very strong influence on management and it can be identified as the inner rites, rituals, heroes and values.

2. High ranking officials have discussed “How to assess the corporate culture” and determined a few assessment indicators.

3. The management are very interested in the concept of the corporate culture .Because it has a powerful influence on how the employees think and act

4. The economists predict that the firms of future will be quite different from those of today. Tomorrow’s firms will be made up of small task–oriented work groups.

They will be coordinated through an elaborate computer network and held together by a strong corporate culture.

5. Every new employee at Honda is encouraged to plant a small pine tree. The growth of each pine tree represents the personal growth and development at Honda.


1. His interests in ethics stem from the university times. Now his research on business ethics has become a public concern among the entrepreneurs.

2. Besides obeying all laws and regulations, businessmen are expected to refrain from knowingly deceiving, misrepresenting or intimidating others.

3. Ethical decisions will always withstand scrutiny. Fairness and honesty will often win trust and support, help build solid business relationship.

4. The deceiving practices of advertisement’s sponsor infuriate most customers greatly. We must take precautions against them.

5. Investors, employees, creditors and competitors exert some type of pressures on the management, so the firm is always facing ethical choices directly or indirectly.


1. Financial management consists of all those activities that are concerned with obtaining money and using it effectively. Effective financial management begins with goal setting and planning.

2. Income and expenses vary from season to season or from year to year. Temporary funding is needed when expenses are high or income is low.

3. What the financing will be used for deserves careful consideration, because whether short-term or long-term financing which the firm looks to depends on it.

4. Today’s managers not only pay attention to production and sales, but also more to financing, because they know it is needed to start a new business and to keep it going.

5. The source of long–term financing depends on the size and type of the business. If it is a sole proprietorship or partnership, the original capital of the owner is acquired and it must be invested to the business by the owner.


1. The input unit of the computer enters data into a computer, some of them are much like a typewriter keyboard. Currently some computer manufacturers are developing voice recognition as an input device.

2. Input unit ,arithmetic logic unit, main memory, control unit and output make up the computer’s hardware.

3. With a computer, data can be stored on a disk and it can be used at a later date if it is needed.

4. A word processing program allows the user to store letters, memos, reports and the like in the computer main memory or on a magnetic disk.

5. The software package of database management contains all kinds of data, they can be sorted by different criteria.


1. The dictionary defines money as anything used as a medium of exchange and measure of value, but in people’s mind, money is just bills, coins and checks.
