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小草范文网  发布于:2016-12-21  分类: 离职报告 手机版



员工离职证明书 Employee Demission Certification

姓名:________ 性别:____出生年月:_______________ NameSex Born Date

文化程度:________________住址:_____________________ 弄 ______号______室 Education Address

__________先生/女士于______年______月______日到本公司工作。 Mr./Ms.__________, fromY MD, you were employed by our company . 因_______________________________________于______年______月______日提出离职。 Because _________________________________ you dismiss from Y M D.

根据《三才(上海)水处理工程设备有限公司劳动合同》的规定,经协商同意,自______年______月______日起批准__________ 先生/女士离职。

According to <Trigenius Aqua engineering&am


p;equipment Co.labor contract>, we approved Mr./Ms._________ by to dismiss. From Y M D, you are relative with our company.

离职人:__________________ 经办人:__________________

Person to Dismiss Person in charge

三才(上海)水处理工程设备有限公司Trigenius Aqua engineering&equipment Co.



Certificate of Resignation

This is to certify that Wei (ID number:11111197506107777), a member in good standing of Accounts Payable/Audit, under the jurisdiction of the Pharmceutical Co., Ltd, having discharged all indebtedness against her and being free from all charges, has resigned frommembership in Finance department.The- job time employment is from 2011-6-20 to 2012-10-20.

Hereby proof!

Pharmceutical Co., Ltd


员工离职证明书 Employee Demission Certification

姓名:________ 性别:____出生年月:_______________ Name Sex Born Date

文化程度:________________住址:_____________________ 弄 ______号______室 Education Address


Mr./Ms.__________, fromY MD, you were employed by our company .

_________________________________________________________________________ 于______年______月______日提出离职。 Because ______________________________________ , you dismiss from Y M


根据《有限公司劳动合同》的规定,经协商同意,自______年______月______日起批准__________ 先生/女士离职。

According to < limited company labor contract>, we approved Mr./Ms._________ by to dismiss. From Y M D, you are relative with our company.

离职人:__________________ 经办人:__________________

Person to Dismiss Person in charge

_________________ 有限公司

Limited Company
