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Chicago Manual of Style 15th Edition

《芝加哥格式手册》(The Chicago Manual of Style,CMS)是一个适用于美国英语的格式指南。该手册受到高度重视,主要用于解决格式、原稿预备,以及少数惯用法的问题(注意:在出版界的术语中,格式是指标点符号、斜体、粗体、大写、表格等等,而不是指如散文、抒情文的格式)。


该手册由芝加哥大学出版社(University of Chicago Press)发行。第一版的名称是《格式手册》(A Manual of Style),1906年由芝加哥大学出版社发行;至2005年为止共编辑了十五版。

Please note that these resources follow the 15th edition of the Chicago Manual of Style. The 16th edition of the manual was issued in September 2010, and we are working on updating our resources to reflect the changes. Thank you in advance for your patience.


The Chicago Manual of Style (CMS) covers a variety of topics from manuscript preparation and publication to grammar, usage, and documentation. The material in this resource focuses primarily on the two CMS documentation styles: the Notes-Bibliography System (NB), which is used by those in literature, history, and the arts, and the Author-Date System, which is preferred in the sciences.

In addition to consulting the The Chicago Manual of Style, 15th edition, for more information, students may also find it useful to consult Kate L. Turabian's Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses, and Dissertati(本文来自:WWW.xiaocaoFanwEn.cOM 小草范文网:芝加哥论文格式)ons, 7th edition,. This manual, which presents what is commonly known as the "Turabian" citation style, follows the two CMS patterns of documentation but offers slight modifications suited to student texts.

Notes and Bibliography in Chicago Style

The Chicago NB system is often used in the humanities and provides writers with a system for referencing their sources through footnote or endnote citation in their writing and through bibliography pages. NB system is most commonly used in the discipline of History.

The proper use of the NB system can protect writers from accusations of plagiarism, which is the intentional or accidental un-credited use of source material created by others. Most

importantly, properly using the NB system builds credibility by demonstrating accountability to source material.

If you are asked to use Chicago NB format, be sure to consult The Chicago Manual of Style, 15th edition, and/or A Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses, and Dissertations, 7th edition. Both are available in most writing centers and reference libraries and widely available

in bookstores. See the Additional Resources section for a list of helpful books and sites about using Chicago Style.

Introduction to Notes

In the Chicago Notes-Bibliography (NB) system, you should include a note (endnote or footnote) each time you use a source, whether through a direct quote or through a

paraphrase. Footnotes will be added at the end of the page on which the source is referenced, and endnotes will be compiled at the end of each chapter or at the end of the entire document.

In either case, a superscript number corresponding to a note with the bibliographic

information for that source should be placed in the text, following the end of the sentence in which the source is referenced.

The first note for each source should include all relevant information about the source. If you cite the same source again, the note need only include the surname of the author, the title (or a shortened form of the title) and page number(s) cited.

If you cite the same source and page number(s) from a single source two or more times consecutively, the corresponding note should use the word ‘Ibid.,’ an abbreviated form of the Latin ‘ibidem,’ which means ‘in the same place.’ If you use the same source but a different page number, the corresponding note should use ‘Ibid.’ followed by a comma and the new page number(s).

In the Chicago NB system, the footnote or endnote begins with the appropriate number followed by a period and then a space. In Turabian style, the footnote or endnote begins with a superscript number.

Introduction to Bibliographies

In the Notes-Bibliography System, the bibliography provides an alphabetical list of all sources used in a given work. This page, most often titled Bibliography, is usually placed at the end of the work, preceding the index. It should include all sources cited within the work and may sometimes include other relevant sources that were not cited but provide further reading. Although bibliographic entries for various sources may be formatted differently, all included sources (books, articles, websites, etc.) are arranged alphabetically by author’s last name. If no author or editor is listed, the title or keyword may be used instead.

Common Elements:

All entries in the bibliography will include the author (or editor, compiler, translator), title, and date of publication.

Author’s Names:

The author’s name is inverted in the bibliography, placing the last name first and separating the last name and first name with a comma, for example, John Smith becomes Smith, John. (If an author is not listed first, this applies to compilers, translators, etc.)


Titles of books and journals are italicized. Titles of articles, chapters, poems, etc. are placed in quotation marks.

Publication Information:

The year of publication is listed after the publisher or journal name.


In a bibliography, all major elements are separated by periods.

For more information and specific examples see the sections on Books and Periodicals.

Please note that this OWL resource provides information regarding the formatting of entries used in the bibliography. For more information about Selected Bibliographies, Annotated Bibliographies, and Bibliographic Essays, please consult Chapter 16 of The Chicago Manual of Style.


Chicago该格式由芝加哥大学出版社( University of Chicago Press) 制定, 可用于人文科学类和自然科学类论文, 其基本格式为: 正文中按引用先后顺序连续编排序号, 在该页底以脚注( Footnotes ) 或在文末以尾注( Endnotes ) 形式注明出处, 或在文末单列参考文献项, 以Bibliography 为标题。

芝加哥引注格式在美国比在英国的应用更多,标准是《芝加哥引注格式使用指南》(The Chicago Manual of Style),但是也有很多用户把凯特?杜拉宾(Kate Turabian)为学生编写的《学期、学位、学术论文写作指南》(A Manual for Writers of Term Papers, Theses and Dissertations)作为参考。所以,芝加哥引注格式也称为杜拉宾引注格式。芝加哥引注格式主要用脚注形式引注,但是也可以用作者姓名的文中引注格式。



(Goman 1989, 59) ,或者 (Fairbairn and Fairbairn 2001) ,或者 (MHRA 2004).

如果一个文献有一到三个作者,在引注中依次写出他们的姓氏。如果有4个或者多于4个作者,写出第一个作者的名字然后写‘et al.’代替其他作者的名字,比如:(Brown et al. 2009). 文后参考文献


? Fairbairn, Gavin and Susan Fairbairn. 2001. Reading at university: A guide for students. Maidenhead: Open University Press.








MLA是Modern Language Association的缩写,是美国现代语言协会制定的论文指导格式,同时也是美国英文论文写作最常用的一种参考文献格式。相比APA,CMS等格式来说,MLA论文格式更加严谨,更加常用,以下是小编搜集整理的具体的MLA格式写作介绍,欢迎阅读查看。


- MLA格式要使用双倍行距 - MLA格式每个段落首行需要缩进一个“Tab”的长度 - MLA格式段落与段落之间不留空行 - MLA格式需要在论文每一页的右上角标注Last Name和页码,如“Amy 3” MLA格式的论文的基本结构为: - 前4行左对齐,依次为:学生姓名,任课老师姓名,课程号,写作日期 - 第5行居中书写论文名 - 第6行开始为正文(包括多个段落,即引言Introduction,主体Body,结论Conclusion)- 最后附上参考文献



Conclusion之后就是参考文献部分,记参考部分要另起一页哦。在参考文献页第一行居中书写“Works Cited”,再附上具体的引用条目,注意一定要按首字母排序。

上面说完了MLA的论文格式,那么接下来说说MLA引用格式的写作细节,参考文献分为两种,一种是In-Text Reference(这种主要在文中);另一还总是Reference List(这种需要在文末)。让我们先来看看文中的引用格式具体介绍:


- Human beings have been described as "symbol-using animals" (Burke 3).

②如果引用作者人数过多(这里介绍三个或者三个以上的情况),MLA格式就需要使用“et al.”的缩略写法:

引用作者未超过三人不用省略的具体案例: The authors state "Tighter gun control in the United States erodes Second Amendment rights" (Smith, Yang,and Moore 76).

引用作者超过三人需要省略的具体案例: - Legal experts counter Smith, Yang, and Moore's argument by noting that the current spike in gun violence in America compels law makers to adjust gun laws (Jones et al. 8).

③如果引用同一个作者的不同文献的时候,则在文内引用中需要加上文献的名称:- 同一作者的两篇文章的案例:Lightenor has argued that computers are not useful tools for small children ("Too Soon" 38), though he has acknowledged elsewhere that early exposure to computer games does lead to better small motor skill development in a child's second and third year ("Hand-Eye Development" 17).

- 同一作者的两本书的案例:Murray states that writing is "a process" that "varies with our thinking style" (Write to Learn 6). Additionally, Murray argues that the purpose of writing is to "carry ideas and information from the mind of one person into the mind of another" (A Writer Teaches Writing 3).

- 如果作者名没有出现在句子中,写作案例如下:Visual studies, because it is such a new discipline, may be "too easy" (Elkins, "Visual Studies" 63


正式来说,APA格式指的就是美国心理学会(AmericanPsychologicalAssociation)出版的《美国心理协会刊物准则》,目已出版至第五版、总页数超过400页,而此协会是在美国具有权威性的心理学学者组织。APA格式起源于1929年,当时只有7页,被刊登在《心理学期刊(Psychological Bulletin)》。

另一种相当有名的论文格式为MLA格式(The MLA Style Manual),主要被应用在人文学科,如文学、比较文学、文学批评和文化研究等。




每一段的开头应当按一下键盘上的Tab键再开始写而不是直接空格Indent(首行缩进) 双倍行间距 Double Space

字体要求Times New Roman


需要有页眉第一页的页眉要有Running head:(你的文章标题的简版,要求全部大写)还有页码在页眉的最右边,而第二页的页眉内容不需要Running head,只需要你的文章标题的简版+大写


需要Title Page,上面要有文章名,作者名(你的),指导老师,科目,学校,日期,甚至于班级(这条按照不同的教授稍有不同的要求)



第1级:居中大小写标题(Centered Uppercase and Lowercase Heading)

第2级:居中、斜体、大小写标题(Centered, Italicized, Uppercase and Lowercase Heading) 第3级:左对齐、斜体、大小写页边标题(Flush Left, Italicized, Uppercase and Lowercase Side Heading)

第4级:缩进、斜体、小写的段落标题、以句号结尾(Indented, italicized, lowercase paragraph heading ending with a period)










并无六级以上的标题规定。 APA格式不允许“数字”和“单一字母”出现在标题之首。 文献引用编辑


详细的引用或参考资料则放在位于文章最后的“参考文献”或“Works Cited”部分。APA格式明确的定义“参考文献”只放入文章内容引用的来源,所以有些文章才会有“参考文献(Reference)”和“Bibliography”的分别。(Bibliography另外包含了作者背景知识的来源,不一定是直接被引用的文献。)



A recent study found a possible genetic cause of alcoholism (Pauling, 2005). Pauling (2005) discovered a possible genetic cause of alcoholism.



A recent study found a possible genetic cause of alcoholism (Pauling & Liu, 2005). Pauling and Liu (2005) discovered a possible genetic cause of alcoholism.


第一次引用时需列举全部的作者,往后若引用相同的文献,只需举出最主要的作者,再加上“et al.”。但是,在参考文献部分,全部作者的姓名皆须列举出来。

A recent study found a possible genetic cause of alcoholism (Pauling, Liu, &Guo, 2005). Pauling, Liu, and Guo (2005) conducted a study that discovered a possible genetic cause of alcoholism. Pauling et al. (2005) discovered a possible genetic cause of alcoholism. A recent study found a possible genetic cause of alcoholism (Pauling et al., 2005).


举出第一位作者即可,格式应为“(作者 et al.,年份)”。在参考文献部分,全部作者的姓名皆须列举出来。

Pauling et al. (2005) discovered a possible genetic cause of alcoholism.



A recent study found a possible genetic cause of alcoholism (Pauling, 2004, 2005a, 2005b). Pauling (2004, 2005a, 2005b) conducted a study that discovered a possible genetic cause of alcoholism



A recent study found a possible genetic cause of alcoholism (Alford, 1995; Pauling, 2004, 2005; Sirkis, 2003)



When asked why his behavior had changed so dramatically, Max simply said "I think it's the reinforcement" (Pauling, 2004, p. 69).


APA格式规定“参考文献”部分的人名必须以名的字母顺序来排列,包括姓氏的前缀。譬如,James Smith应被改成“Smith,J.,”;Saif Al Falasi则改成“Al-Falasi, Saif.”。(阿拉伯文名字通常在姓氏和前缀之间加上连字号“?”,所以姓氏和前缀自成一体。)



Sheril, R. D. (1956). The terrifying future: Contemplating color television. San Diego: Halstead. 两位作者以上合著的书籍:

Smith, J., & Peter, Q. (1992). Hairball: An intensive peek behind the surface of an enigma. Hamilton, ON: McMaster University Press.


Mcdonalds, A. (1993). Practical methods for the apprehension and sustained containment of supernatural entities. In G. L. Yeager (Ed.), Paranormal and occult studies: Case studies in application (pp. 42–64). London: OtherWorld Books.


Crackton, P. (1987). The Loonie: God's long-awaited gift to colourful pocket change? Canadian Change, 64(7), 34–37.


Rottweiler, F. T., &Beauchemin, J. L. (1987). Detroit and Narnia: Two foes on the brink of destruction. Canadian/American Studies Journal, 54, 66–146.


Hey, W. A., III. (1990, April 9). Making the grade in today's schools. Time, 135, 28-31. 报纸中的文章:

Wrong, M. (2005, August 17). Misquotes are "Problematastic" says Mayor. Toronto Sol. p. 4. 政府官方文献:

Revenue Canada. (2001). Advanced gouging: Manual for employees (MP 65–347/1124). Ottawa: Minister of Immigration and Revenue.




Marlowe, P., Spade, S., & Chan, C. (2001). Detective work and the benefits of colour versus black and white [Electronic version]。Journal of Pointless Research, 11,123–124.


Blofeld, E. S. (1994, March 1). Expressing oneself through Persian cats and modern architecture.Felines& Felons, 4,Article 0046g. Retrieved October 3, 1999, from 网页地址 电子短信(newsletter)的文章

篇三:APA,哈佛, MLA、温哥华和芝加哥和Turabian论文格式引用指导和对比

APA Harvard , MLA , Vancouver and Chicago and Turabian citing style citing guidance and comparison


Prepared by 李连发

Date: January 17, 2016

Content list (目录)

Chapter one definition and application of APA Harvard , MLA , Vancouver and Chicago and

Turabian citing style .......................................................................................................................... 3

第一章APA,哈佛,MLA、温哥华和芝加哥和Turabian论文格式的定义和应用 .................... 3 Chapter two citing guidance and example APA Harvard , MLA , Vancouver and Chicago and

Turabian citing style .......................................................................................................................... 4

第二章APA,哈佛,MLA、温哥华和芝加哥和Turabian论文格式的引用指导和范例 ............ 4

2.1 MLA CITING STYLE ........................................................................................................ 4

2.1.1 MLA CITING STYLE books ................................................................................... 4

2.1.2 MLA CITING STYLE-- Magazine .......................................................................... 4

2.1.3 MLA CITING STYLE --Journal Article. ................................................................. 5

2.1.4 MLA CITING STYLE. Website with author. .......................................................... 5

2.2 APA CITING STYLE.......................................................................................................... 6

2.2.1 APA CITING STYLE –book .................................................................................... 6

APA CITING STYLE –book in a database ....................................................................... 6

2.2.2 APA CITING STYLE-- magazine ............................................................................ 7

APA CITING STYLE --magazine article online ............................................................... 7

2.2.3 APA CITING STYLE -Journal article ...................................................................... 7

APA CITING STYLE -Journal article online ................................................................... 7

2.2.3 APA CITING STYLE –website with an author ....................................................... 8

2.3 Vancouer CITING STYLE .................................................................................................. 8

2.3.1 Vancouver CITING STYLE --books ........................................................................ 8

2.3.2 Vancouver CITING STYLE --Journal Article. ......................................................... 9

2.3.3 Vancouver CITING STYLE ---Website. ................................................................ 10

2.4 CHICAGO / Turabian CITING STYLE ........................................................................... 10

2.4.1 CHICAGO / Turabian citing style --books ............................................................ 10

2.4.2 CHICAGO / Turabian citing style -- Magazine ..................................................... 10

2.4.3 CHICAGO / Turabian citing style --Journal Article. ............................................. 11

2.4.4 CHICAGO / Turabian citing style ---Website. ....................................................... 11 Chapter three Comparison between APA Harvard , MLA , Vancouver and Chicago and Turabian

citing style ....................................................................................................................................... 12

第三章APA,哈佛,MLA、温哥华和芝加哥和Turabian论文格式的对比 .............................. 12

3.1 citation of books ................................................................................................................ 12

3.2 citation of journals ............................................................................................................ 12

3.3 citation of Website ............................................................................................................. 13

Chapter one definition and application of APA Harvard , MLA , Vancouver and Chicago and Turabian citing style


APA citing style.


APA citing style refers to the rules and conventions for source used in academic paper which is established by the American Psychological Association . Its documenting sources are author/date based style. This means emphasis is placed on the author and the date of a piece of work to uniquely identify it.


Harvard citing style.


Harvard citing style is very similar to APA citing style. APA citing style is mainly used in the USA whereas Harvard is generally used in the UK and Australia, especially in the humanities.


MLA citing style.


MLA citing style is often used by the arts and humanities, especially in the USA. It is the most well used among all of the citation styles.


Vancouver citing style.


Vancouver citing style is mainly used in medical and scientific papers.


Chicago and Turabian citing style.

Chicago and Turabian citing styles are very similar, just like Harvard and APA CITING STYLE, Chicago citing style is used in USA while Turabian citing style is used in the UK and Australia. Both of them are widely used for economics and
