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小草范文网  发布于:2016-11-16  分类: 其他节日 手机版



Hello everyone, I am a square 2.Back to our topic whether men and women have equal rights and obligations.Our point of view for the men and women have equal rights and obligations.


(社会主义法律确认权利和义务相一致的原则,法律面前人人平等就表现在:对于一切公民,不分民族、性别、职业等。一律按法律的同一尺度一体对待;所有公民的各项权利遇到侵犯时,一律平等地受到保护;任何公民的违法犯罪行为都必须同等地追究法律责任,依法给予同等的法律制裁,不允许任何人有超越于法律之上的特权。Socialist law confirmed the principle of rights and obligations are consistent, everyone is equal before the law is reflected in: for all citizens, regardless of nationality, gender, profession, etc.Shall be in accordance with the law of the same scale integrated treatment;The rights of all citizens meet infringement, equal protection;Any citizen of the illegal crime shall be investigated for legal responsibility must be equally, given the same legal sanctions in accordance with the law, don't allow anyone to have the privilege of transcending the law.)

【宪法依据According to the constitution】

第四十八条 中华人民共和国妇女在政治的、经济的、文化的、社会的和家庭的生活等各方面享有同男子平等的权利。国家保护妇女的权利和利益,实行男女同工同酬,培养和选拔妇女干部平等是现代法律基本原则和主要价值之一,它贯穿于立法、司法、执法和守法的始终,是法律正义、司法公正的核心要素。Article 48 of the People's Republic of China on the women in the political, economic, cultural, social and family life and other aspects shall enjoy equal rights with men.Country to protect women's rights and interests, implements the equal pay for equal work between men and women, the training and selection of women cadres equality is a basic principle of modern law and one of the main value, it through legislative, judicial, law enforcement and law-abiding, always is the core of legal justice, judicial justice.

《牛津法律大辞典》对平等是这样规定的:“人或事物的地位完全处于同一标准与水平,都被同样对待” "Oxford law dictionary for equality is such regulations:" the position of the person or thing completely in the same standard and level, are being treated as"


位,具有相同的发展机会,享有同等的权利。” In the dictionary of law has more specific explanation: "social main body in social relations, social life in equal status, have the same opportunities for development, enjoy equal rights."


权利平等,在法律面前平等地享有权利和履行义务。The personality equality, regardless of gender, race, class, occupation, economic status, such as differences, everyone equal social status;Equality of opportunity, everyone will have access to play to their potential and create material wealth and spiritual wealth of equal opportunities;Equal rights, equality before the law and the rights and obligations.

三个问题Three questions

1. 既然反方辩友认为现实中存在种种男女不平等的现象,那请问从法律上来讲他们本身是

否拥有平等的权利和义务?1. Now that xxx thinks that there are all sorts of phenomenon of the inequality of male and female in reality, whether they have equal rights and obligations in legal?

2. 我国宪法第四十八条指出,中华人民共和国妇女在政治的、经济的、文化的、社会的和

家庭的生活等各方面享有同男子平等的权利。既然从法律上来讲,男女双方都拥有平等的权利和义务,那么我方是否可以认为你方在偷换概念?1. The article 48 points out that the constitution of our country, the People's Republic of China women in political, economic, cultural, social and family life and other aspects shall enjoy equal rights with men.Since from the law, both men and women have equal rights and obligations, then we can think you in to steal concept?

3. 再回到我们的主题,男女是否有平等的权利与义务。实行法律的强制力手段正是用来保

障权利和义务的实行,正视由于现实生活中人们忽视女性在法律上平等,所以才有法律的保障。那么请问对方辩友,作为女性,你们的权利和义务是否在法律上与男性保持平等呢?而你们的平等权利和义务不也是由法律保障的呢? Return to our subject, whether men and women have equal rights and obligations.Exercise legal force method is used to guarantee the practice of rights and obligations, face the real life people ignore the women on the legal equality, so is the guarantee of law.So could you please tell me the other

argument friend, as a female, whether your rights and obligations in law keep equality with men?And you do not even the equality of rights and obligations by legal protection?

(我在这里所说的平等是相对平等,因为事物本身的差异性,男女之间的性别关系,无论如何我们总是不能做到绝对平等。但是,法律相对于每个人来说,总是可以做到相对平等的。正如我们不可以让不同收入的人缴纳相同金额的税,我们也不可以强求女性干男性的一些工作,而男性也不可以做一些只有女性才可做的事,比如生孩子。诸如种种的相对不平等,造就了男女之间在事物上的平等性。每个人都有平等的权利与义务。义务越多,权力越大,权力越大,义务越多。一切都是平等的,男女的权利和义务也是平等的,男女双方拥有平等的权利和义务。I'm here to say equality is relatively equal, because the difference of the thing itself, the gender relations between men and women, no matter how we always can't achieve the absolute equality.Law relative to everyone, however, always can do relatively equal.As we can not let people of different income tax of pay the same amount, we also can not importune women do men some of the work, while men also can not do something can be done only to women, such as children.Relative inequality, such as a variety of produced on things equality between men and women.Everyone has equal rights and obligations.Obligations, the more the greater the power, the greater the power, the more obligations.All are equal, men and women's rights and obligations are equal, both men and women have equal rights and obligations.

广大的女性在法律保障她们的权利和义务中不断为社会创造财富,找到自己的存在意义与价值,那么反方辩友你们难道认为女性在社会上扮演的是一种不劳而获的角色吗?The women in the legal protection of their rights and obligations of constantly creating wealth for the society, find their own existence significance and value, then you don't say friends argue against women in society is an unearned role?)


英语辩论 ————该不该过西方节日?


Hello everyone! We are of the opinion should celebrate the western festival.

With the development of society, the Chinese and western cultural exchange unstoppable, as an important part of culture festival culture communication fusion natural.

The development of modern society is developing rapidly, and the high and new science and technology, especially the development of network communication technology more make "the global village" is becoming more and more "small". With China's political, economic, diplomatic career development, such as Hong Kong, Shanghai in the eastern and western culture and the cozy international large city, western culture idea and Oriental traditional moral, in People's Daily life had slowly merge. As time goes on, the fusion will in the wider region spread. Thus, the Chinese more carefree to express feelings of the western festival have what not good? Are there not more and more young people in the near Christmas and valentine's day at the same time, also learn in the mother's day and father's day to old people offer a wish? Modern each national culture is the reference for each other, each other fusion.



现代社会的发展日新月异,高新科学技术尤其是网络通讯技术的发展更使“地球村”变得越来越“小”了。随着中国政治、经济、外交事业的发展,在诸如香港、上海这些东西方文化水乳交融的国际大都市里,西方文化理念和东方传统道德,在人们日常生活中早已缓慢融合。随着时间的推移,这种融合会在更大范围的地域内扩展开来。由此可见,中国人多一些畅快抒发心情的洋节有什么不好呢?不是有越来越多的年轻人在走近圣诞节、情人节的同时,也学会了在母亲节、父亲节给老人献上一份祝福了吗?现代各个民族文化毕竟 是互相借鉴,互相融合的。

正方二、三辩: (问题及回答)

1.问 We think we should celebrate the western festival, in the globalization today we need to understand western culture. We all know that the western economy, science and technology, and military power is very developed. We need to western study, don't you think so?


答: We don't think so. We never think so. We are Chinese!!! !!We care about the western festival of no practical significance. If Mr. LuXun know, will not be happy! Introduce advanced technology, or "sugar-coated cannonball"! For today's China's case, to learn and master the western developed capitalist countries of advanced technology, improve and change our economic productivity is the key, but in the learning at the same time, we should pay attention to western "sugar-coated cannonball", not "off a watermelon, and picked up a sesame". This is very stupid!

我们不这么认为。我们永远也不会这么认为。我们是中国人! ! !我们关心西方节日没有实际意义。如果鲁迅先生知




2. 问:

Chinese traditional festivals, form a single, mainly to visit, dinner is given priority to, to eat dumplings during the Spring Festival, the 15 th eat Yuanxiao, Dragon Boat Festival eat Zongzi, the Mid-Autumn

festival eat moon cakes, and visiting need to spend a lot of money. For many young people, this is a kind of burden, lack of romantic colour. But western festival after entering China, itself does not have a lot of religious significance, is with friends play the happy moment, mostly with the colour of carnival, more relaxed romance and note the attraction, it accord with teenagers psychology, easy to be liked by young people. How do you feel about that?Don't tell me you a low-key person. 我国传统节日,形式单一,主要以探亲、聚餐为主,春节吃饺子,十五吃元宵,端午吃粽子,中秋吃月饼,而走探




Of course I'm not a low-key person, but I am not a man without judgment. We should be

wary of "western culture" tool ! Religion, diet, entertainment and so on, are all western forces developed countries to realize new "colonialism" and "aggression" powerful tool! If you don't

want to be deeply the triumph of western culture, we have to do some things, maintain and carry

forward Chinese traditional culture of good, like Chinese culture, love our own holiday! We only

have their own "immune" raised, to reduce "virus" erosion! Country of confidence! Now we have a

lot of people are willing to western festival, and analyzes its core, this is because our own

national culture didn't have enough confidence. Our Chinese nation five thousand years of

civilization, there should be enough confidence, is "the confidence of the country"! The young

men of the present should be even more consciousness. This is our responsibility.








Around the world, there are many overseas Chinese, some of them even have joined the

foreign nationality, but also still celebrate traditional Chinese festival. As Chinese, should not we

carry forward traditional Chinese Culture Festival?




We recognize that should carry forward Chinese traditional culture, but now the whole

world together, with their respective cultural influences, in carrying forward traditional Chinese

culture at the same time, we also have the freedom of Western holidays.




We should think of western holidays, so not only can promote the communication between

Chinese culture and Western culture, more pressure to relax, relieve fatigue! However, we also

believe that more attention should be paid to Chinese traditional culture, carry forward

traditional Chinese culture, make western culture better integration, mutual progress! That’s all, thank you !




Hello everyone! We are of the opinion should not celebrate the western festival.

The Chinese nation is a country with a long history, the Chinese people are a civilization, smart people, China's culture is great and profound culture, especially many of the traditional festival culture, is the essence of national culture. From a point, these festival culture, is not only a display, traditional Chinese, more important is it indicated that the Chinese aged respected, hard-working kind, brave wisdom's traditional virtue, national culture broad and profound. These are indispensable! We should not celebrate western festival, don't forget to bring honor to the Chinese nation long, excellent traditional festival culture, never blind worship of lost self. We only celebrate good oneself of traditional holiday, to attract more foreigners, and for Chinese culture contributions!


正方问题 1.随着西方节日引入中国,中国学生越来越倾向于过西方节日而不是中国传统节日。这不是一个好的现象,不利于继承和


E:With the introduction of western festivals ,Chinese students are more and more inclined to

western festivals rather than traditional Chinese holidays .This is not a good phenomenon ,

which is not conductive to inherit and carry forward the Chinese traditional culture .How to

explain it?

反方回答 1.允许我纠正一下,并不是所有的人都喜欢过西方节日。像老人更倾向于过中国节日,再例如像清明节,中秋节以及春节


E: Allow me correct, and not all people tend to like western festival .For example, old people

tend to celebrate Chinese festivals. Such as Qing Ming Festival, Mid-Autumn festival and

other holidays, we all attach great importance to them. Celebrating the western festival is

conducive to the West cultural exchange.

正方问题 2.外国节日造成浪费的消费主义。根据美国环境保护署,美国人多生产1000000000吨垃圾每年节日期间。更重要的是,



E: Foreign holidays result in wasteful consumerism. According to the U.S. Environmental

Protection agency, Americans produce an extra 1 billion tons of trash each year during the

holiday season. What’s more, according to the BBC, the British throw away 1 billion Christmas

cards and 83 square kilometers of wrapping paper each year .And according to plenty

Magazine, in order for Americans to send 1.9 billion Christmas cards each year, 300,000

trees are cut down. Since the western festivals have so much rubbish, why we celebrate

western festivals?

反方回答 2.这可能是对的。但是什么节日又不危害环境呢?像六一儿童节清明节,在节日期间也会产生许多垃圾,浪费很多东西。 E: That may well be true .But what holidays do not harm to the environment. Like the six one

children's festival, Qing Ming Festival, during the festival, also can produce a lot of waste,

waste a lot of things.

正方问题 3.在全世界各地,有许多华人华侨,他们有的甚至都加入了别国的国籍,但还依然过着中国传统节日.难道我们作为中国


E: Around the world, there are many overseas Chinese, some of them even have joined the

foreign nationality, but also still celebrate traditional Chinese festival. As Chinese, should

not we carry forward traditional Chinese Culture Festival?

反方回答 3.我们承认应该弘扬中国传统文化,但是现在整个世界都连到了一起,各自受着各自文化的影响,在弘扬中国传统文化的


E: We recognize that should carry forward Chinese traditional culture, but now the whole world

together, with their respective cultural influences, in carrying forward traditional Chinese

culture at the same time, we also have the freedom of Western holidays.






We still believe that Chinese traditional festival is more important, but the western festival, it can promote the Chinese and Western cultural exchange! But the Chinese traditional festival of our sense is more great, we should not be trumpeting the western festival, the traditional festival in China desalination, should carry forward the traditional Chinese festivals, to carry forward Chinese traditional culture! That’s all, thank you !


Nowadays some Western festivals are becoming more and more popular in most Chinese cities and I agree to

celebrate western holidays in China and I will give three reasons to support my view.

First of all, the celebration of western holiday is a good way of learning the western cultures, which helps to promote understanding and

communication between Chinese cultures and other cultures.

Secondly, with the development of economy, different peoples contact each other more frequently. The world become smaller, exactly speaking, we are living in a globe village. In order to get on well with people coming from other countries, we must learn their cultures. For example, if foreign friends are living in china, they may become homesick especially on festivals. If you are kind enough to give them some congratulations on that day, they may be moved and show great respect to you. Communications will be much easier. Moreover when we are on festivals days, we always have a different mood. We are more joyful, full of more expectations. So why don't we celebrate it? Of course when we are celebrating foreign festivals, we should not neglect or forget ours. We will never forget our Mid-Autumn day or Spring Festival, National Day and so on.. So don't worry about that. Life is easy and colorful.

All in all, no matter for what, happy and enjoy is the main topic for us. We celebrate Christmas just because we can enjoy it, we can get much happyness from it. Besides, celebrating it is not means we forget our own tradition festivals

As we all know, there are so many festivals in the entire world, including Chinese traditional festivals and Western festivals. I strongly disagree to celebrate western holidays in China and I will give two reasons to support my view.To begin with, western festivals have the cultural and historical origins in the western countries, which are unknown by Chinese people. There are so many western festivals, for example Christmas Day, which are originated from Christian and this is not believed in by the majority of Chinese people. We could not gain the happy feeling since we could not understand these holidays’ meanings. Most of us don’t believe in Christ, God or religions, and few of us know the meaning of Christmas I feel uncomfortable for a religious holiday

Furthermore, there are so many meaningful traditional festivals in China, from which people could have a rest and get relax. As far as Chinese people are concerned, the Spring Festival is our favorite festival, which is celebrated by Chinese people no matter where they are. In the festival, without the burden of work, people call on relatives, visit their respected teachers, and chat with their best friends. Besides, there are other meaningful and instructive festivals in China, such as Autumn Day, National Day, Pure Bright Festival, etc.

To sum up, there are different kinds of meaningful and adequate festivals in China to celebrate and western festivals’ background are unknown to Chinese people, so it should not be celebrated by us.


1、We have a lot of traditional festivals, like the Spring Festival and the Mooncake Festival,But why should we celebrate western festivals?

It’s right to lay emphasis on our traditional festivals but it’s not proper to reject the foreign ones on this account. As late Chairman Mao said: “Make the past serve the present and foreign things serve China.” In fact, China has been receiving some foreign festivals on a selective basis since the reform and opening like Christmas Day, Mother’s Day and Father’s Day, and are becoming popular festivals among the people. Besides, As a traditional Chinese festival and a typical Eastern culture, the Chinese Spring Festival is being observed by foreigners in many countries.

2、As far as I know, some big cities like chongqing, the Christmas atmosphere is more joy and interesting than some cities in US. Chinese don't know why celebrate Christmas, but they are still do that zealously. Do you think whether it is good phenomenon to us?

Although most people celebrate western holidays without knowing the meaning behind them.They just go shopping, hold parties and have fun. . It’s not a bad thing for the people to take advantage of the western festivals, entertaining themselves, getting together and exchanging greetings. To the whole society, Christmas can stimulate the country’s economy and the people’s consumption, increase the income of tourism and catering industry and other entertainment industries, creating more social wealth.


1、when it is Christmas,Most people, including me, get many messages or cards of Christmas best wishes from friends(本文来自:WWW.xiaocaoFanwEn.cOM 小草范文网:是否过西方节日正方第二辩范例). Could you say western festivals give no entertainment to us?

It is common knowledge that every nation has its own special festivals with colorful backgrounds, which are closely connected with its special history or excellent culture. So festivals are the products of the sedimentary accretion of a nation’s culture over thousands of years. such a festival as Christmas possesses strong religious sense and colors. I feel uncomfortable for a religious holiday

2、The celebration of western holiday is a good way of learning the western cultures, which helps to promote understanding and communication between Chinese cultures and other cultures. Could you say It is useless?

Most of us don’t believe in Christ, God or religions, and few of us know the meaning of Christmas, what’s the point of celebrating it? Christmas is a festival full of religious colors and meanings for the Christians. If the non-Christians participate in the observance, they are subservient to foreigners. So let’s keep our mind on the traditional Chinese festivals instead.

Today what we are debating the topic is whether we should celebrate other people's festivals?

On the affirmative side we have and on the negative side we have Both teams have showed great debating ability in today's fierce competition. Let us now await for the adjudicator's scoring. I am sure it is going to be very close.And I think all contestants need to be congratulated for their outstanding efforts.

The score is in, and the winner of today's debate is

Than you all for coming.

In recent years, many chinese, especially young people celebrate Christmas as one of the most important festivals. They buy Christmas gifts for their beloved ones and there are parties and many kinds of activities during Christmans season for people to enjoy. wherever you go on the streets, you always see shops selling Christmas trees and all kinds of delicate decorations, waiters wearing Christmas hats. Most people, including me, get many messages or cards of Christmas best wishes from friends.

But meanwhile, some people stand against the practice of celebrating Christmas among the Chinese people. they said we should keep to our own tradition and there is no reason to observe a foreign festival.
