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小草范文网  发布于:2016-10-26  分类: 商务礼仪 手机版


Modern Business Dress Etiquette

Abstract:In modern business etiquette, the apparel has become an increasingly important part.

A man wearing a dress is his upbringing, taste, status, a true portrayal of decent dress not only gives a good impression, but also helps to enhance the professional image,establish good public relations. In this paper, I analyzed from two aspects on business apparel and accessories ,and elaborated some of the principles that should be followed and taboos in the business clothing etiquette.

Keyword:modern business dress etiquette


I、The Principle Of Business Clothing

Tidy Principles

In a business setting, clean dress is business people the most basic requirements, maintain personal cleanliness is both responsible for their image, but also respect for others. A clean and tidy people always give a good impression left positive


, on the contrary, a scruffy man always gives a negative impression of decadence. Therefore, in a business setting, business people must pay attention to maintaining the cleanliness of wearing.

T-P-O Principles


A year in spring, summer, autumn and winter seasons alternate, and there are changes in morning and evening in one day, at different times, the dress should vary. For example, We wear warm winter clothes in winter, summer clothes in summer. Different time wear differently for women is especially important. Men have a sufficiently fine texture dark suit, while women

dress will have to transform over time. Work during the day, women should wear suits to reflect professionalism; night to attend a cocktail party to be adding some modifications, such as for a pair of high heels, wearing shiny accessories, around a beautiful scarf; clothing choices climatic characteristics for the season to keep up with the trend trend synchronization。


Different places, which should be different dress styles. If you are going to visit a company or units, wearing professional suit will look professional; go out to take into account the different countries and regions of natural conditions, traditions and customs, such as going to church or temple and other places, can not pass through clothing exposed or too short . ·Occasion

Clothing should be coordinated with the occasion. Talks with customers, to participate in official meetings, etc., should be dignified and elegant dress; listen to music or watching ballet, you should routinely formal dress; attend a formal dinner, you should wear a traditional Chinese cheongsam dress evening dress or western.

II.Business Dress Code

Men's Dress Norms

No more than three colors. Entire suit on the label in a dress before have removed. Suit and shirt must be kept neat and clean, especially the white shirt, collar cuffs easily become dirty, should prompt attention. Tie knot according to suit shirt collar size and fit, hit the end can not be compared shirt collar is also great, and drooping corners can not exceed the belt tip. Men dressed in suits only with shoes, shoes with the suit color should be supporting. Black shoes for any style color suits. Wear dark colors suits socks must not wear white. Belt and pants can not

hang any objects. Suit outside the bag and we are called square bag is designed for men who placed a handkerchief to show gentleman details of the place. Only modification, so here is do not put any other items. The whole dress can not be skewed, all buttons should it. Suits such as wrinkles should be ironing, wash also be sure to choose dry cleaning.

Lady Dress Norms

Women's business attire to choose simple, elegant. In more formal formal business occasions, suggested lady wearing dark suits. Skirt suit is the first choice, followed by the pants. The shirt is best with a solid color, color in light better. Among them, the skirt has the following specifications:

First, the skirt should moderate size. A set of excellent workmanship of high quality fabric skirt, it will undoubtedly add charm and too large or too small, too fat or too thin skirt, will give bad good impression.

Second, the skirt should be worn in place. Wear skirt must be worn in accordance with its regular method, put it carefully to make it everywhere in place.

Third, the skirt should consider occasion.

Fourth, the skirt should be coordinated ornaments. Dress, makeup and accessories to style uniform and mutually reinforcing.

Last but not least, the skirt should take into account the behavior.

You can choose the high-heeled shoes, boat shoes, Ms. career best with suits. Exposing the toes and heel sandals are not suitable for business occasions. Any sequins or crystal decorative shoes are not suitable for business occasions, these shoes are only suitable for formal or semi-formal social occasions. Participate in a business setting, especially formal business

activities, should avoid wearing boots. Best color shoes and handbag line, and to coordinate with the color of clothes.

Ladies wear stockings best, flesh-colored stockings can be used with any costume. You can also wear a dark suit with black stockings, but avoid with fishing nets, and the like too sexy floral stockings.

III、Business Accessories Principle

First, coordinate with clothing. Judging from the style, bright colors and elegant clothing and jewelry to match, deep color of clothing can be equipped with some of the bright colors and exquisite style of jewelry. Knit sweaters optional agate, amethyst, tiger stone necklace made; wearing silk shirts or dresses when a gold necklace sufficient.

Second, coordinate with physical appearance. Select jewelry to consider the age, body shape, hair style and other characteristics, otherwise it will neither fish nor fowl, and even superfluous. For example, who should not wear a neck chunky multi-string necklace, but should wear a long necklace to make the neck look longer. Round face or glasses lady, to be more wear big earrings and round earrings. Older lady to wear some of the precious, delicate jewelry, young lady should choose good quality, good color, style trendy fashion jewelry.

Third, coordinate with jewelry. Wear jewelry should be concise. Wear more than one jewelry, color, shape, style should be coordinated, the best matching consistency. In general, the color can not be more than three.

Last but not least, harmony with the environment.

Score of the season and occasion wear jewelry. Young women can be worn in the summer of bright craft imitation, Winter can wear some of the pearls, precious stones, gold and silver

jewelry. Less wear jewelry at work as well, an optional simple and elegant brooches, earrings, necklaces and so on. Important to the party or go out to participate in social activities, can be worn large brooches, necklaces and earrings with pendant flash jewelry.


For men:

·A Trademark Can Not Split Sleeves.

Suit which bought in the store, on the left sleeve cuffs have a trademark embroidered up, or have two vertical pure wool mark. After buying a suit to pay credit card, the waiter asked the first thing you do, is to take the trademarks removed, equal to suit unsealed. However, there are many domestic waiters do not know these things, and some know nothing. Over time, there are men mistakenly believe that there are so a horizontal sleeve is a brand logo.

·A Very Important Foreign Business Dealings When To Wear A Jacket And Tie Bogey.

Jackets are generally casual wear, formal wear and tie this mix is not coordinated. Of course, wear a jacket and tie, there are some cases are permissible: one uniform jacket. Now the community, some sectors, such as industry and commerce, taxation, police, they have a uniform jacket-style uniforms. The so-called uniform, that is, uniforms, uniform color, unified fabric, unified design, unified style of clothing, is the corporate image of the logo. If it is uniform, wearing a jacket and tie is possible. In another case, is the industry leader or leaders of the unit. They participate in their own internal activities within the industry can be so dressed, wearing a jacket, it is approachable, which is a convergence of psychology called affinity effect. We see people and their own state approximation, character, habits, stress, dress, language, conversation similar people, prone to resonate. Some leaders participating in the internal


教 案

2013~2014学年第 一 学期

课程名称:《商务礼仪》 课程类别:

所属系部: 经贸系

任课教师: 周星邑

职 称: 助教

授课班级:会展1121班 、环保1121、环保1122班使用教材: 《商务礼仪》


二○一三 年 九 月




第一节正装礼仪 服饰礼仪的基本原则




2、该原则中的地点性要求 3、该原则中的场合性要求:

上班着装的要求是:庄重与保守。 社交着装的要求是:时尚与个性。 休闲着装的要求是:舒适与自然。




1、必须在搭配色彩时,在总体上要坚持“三色原则” 2、为制服选定色彩时,最好能让上衣与裤、裙采用同一种颜色


制服的款式要雅,就是要求它力戒露、透、短、紧、异。 (四)做工要精 (五)穿着要美

忌讳乱、脏、破、皱 。


(一)面料——薄、轻、软、挺 (二)色彩 (三)图案 (四)款式

1、从款式上讲,西装有欧式、英式、美式与日式之分。 2、依据种类来区分,西装有单件与套装之分



二戒上衣衣扣系得不得法。 三戒衣袋里乱放东西。 四戒鞋袜与西装不配套。 五戒领带打得长短不适当。 六戒乱用领带夹。

七戒内穿多件羊毛衫。 八戒不见衬衫的袖口。

九戒不打领带时依然系着衬衫的领口。 十戒衬衫之内穿着高领内衣。



(二)不允许衣扣“不到位” (三)不允许不穿衬裙 (四)不允许内衣外现

(五)不允许随意自由搭配 (六)不允许乱配鞋袜

第二节 辅件礼仪

一、领带 领带礼仪

(一)档次 (二)款式 (三)色彩 (四)图案 (五)搭配 (六)质量 (七)打法 (八)领结


(一)质地 (二)色彩 (三)图案




总的来说,它的质地应当高档,色彩应当偏深,式样应当保守。 (一)质地 (二)颜色 (三)样式


第一,鞋与衣要配套。 第二,鞋与人要般配。 第三,鞋与景要适宜。


与西装套装、西装套裙配套穿的袜子,质地宜好,色彩宜素,尽量不要有复杂的图案。 (一)质地 (二)色彩


2、对女士而言,穿西装套裙时,穿肉色的长统丝袜或连裤丝袜最为规范。 3、切勿在正式场合穿彩色袜、多色袜。 (三)图案

1、不要穿图案复杂、怪诞的袜子,或是“零碎”过多的袜子。 2、不要穿网眼袜子。 (四)长度


(一)质地 (二)色彩

(三)形状与图案 (四)款式

(五)注意事项 1、用包要文明 2、用包要适当 3、用包不宜多 4、用包不宜张扬



1、不要戴劣质低档的表 2、不要戴形状怪异的手表 3、不要戴花色繁杂的手表 4、不要戴用途特殊的手表 5、不要戴广告表



百达翡丽(Patek Philippe) :贵族的标志表

? 平均零售价达13,000美元至20,000美元。公司是瑞士仅存的真正的独立制表商之一,由头至尾都是自己生产,训练一名PATEK PHILIPPE(百达翡丽)表师需10年时间。

? 该厂有个保密车间,百余年保持一个传统,即每年只手工制造一只产品,其价在人民币3000万元左右,而谁要获得这只手表,起码要耐心等待8至10年时间。


爱彼(Audemars Pigeut):


? 爱彼表采用的钻石全部经过严格挑选,无论颜色还是清晰度都是上乘的水平,真正作到完美无缺。然后经由经验丰富的珠宝工艺师精心镶嵌,在精确掌握时间的同时,尽显你非凡的魅力和优雅的风度。




? PIAGET首创的纤薄型机械运转装置,成就显赫,是钟表业的历史传奇。时至今日,PIAGET的出品,每一部份都是由PAGET工作室所制造,独一无二,丝豪不苟,甚至自设铸金工场,务求尽善尽美。

? 除了独创首屈一指的机械运转装置外,PIAGET的设计心思是人所共仰,所有表壳及表镯都必定用18K金或白金铸造,而表面的设计更是多姿多采,别具特色。 ? 这是今天令无数望族富婆趋之若骛的顶级表。


积家(Jaeger-Le Coulter): 创造吉尼斯纪录

? 积家公司的前身是1883年由查而斯·安东尼·拉考脱所创立的制表公司,创始人是一位能工巧匠巧匠.他发明了能够将测量的准确度精确到1/1000毫米的微米仪,使钟表零件加工精度大大提高。在1851年伦顿举办的世界博览会上获得金质奖章。

? 1992年积家制造出创吉尼斯纪录的微型机芯2令表(1令=2.256毫),震动了钟表界。1953年,英女皇伊丽莎白二世戴的就是一只全白金的镶嵌钻石的积家2令表。二三十年代,积家公司为马球运动员设计的防震,耐冲击的翻转表成了积家的一个招牌系列,长盛不衰。


江诗丹顿(Vacheron Constantin): 贵族的艺术品





? 卡地亚家族在19世纪中叶已是闻名遐尔的法国珠宝金银首饰制造名家。路易.卡地亚是当时颇受皇室权贵赏识的金饰工艺家。1888年,卡地亚尝试在镶嵌钻石的黄金手镯上装上机械女装表。1904年为老朋山度士(SANTOS)而制造的金表一跑打响。从此卡地亚手表一直是上流社会的宠物,历久不衰。

? 卡地亚表除了一部分由设在巴黎的总厂所制造之外,还有相当一部分与爱彼积家百达翡丽江诗丹顿欧洲钟表公司等著名公司签约特其功能造型工艺等可谓博采各家之长,荟萃精华,因而天地广阔。卡地亚凭着国际名牌集团优势,生产并销售高档手饰,尤其女用手提包,深得贵族与富豪青睐,国际明星李玫就是担任该公司的亚洲区的代言人。



? 20世纪20年代,劳力士公司全力研制第一只防水手表。1926年,劳力士的防水表正式注册。劳力士手表的设计风格一直本着庄重,实用,不显浮华受到各界人士的喜爱,尤其是远东及中东地区的人士。



机械制造 品质超凡




