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小草范文网  发布于:2016-10-15  分类: 写作指导 手机版


Section D Writing


◎ 话题探究


假定你是班上的一名学生,请以Whether the Amber Room Should Be Returned to Russia or Not为题,写一篇120字左右的文章向大家介绍辩论以及表决的情况

◎ 佳作赏析

Whether the Amber Room Should Be Returned to Russia or Not Recently, a debate about whether the Amber Room should be returned to Russia or not has been held in our class. Different students have different opinions.

Students who are for the idea think that the Amber Room should be returned to Russia as soon as it is found again. The King of Prussia, Frederick William I, gave it to Peter the Great; then it belonged to the Russian people. There is no reason for the Germans to take it back again and the Nazi army are to blame for what they have done.

students who are against the idea think it shouldn’t be returned to Russia, because Germany is the original home of the Amber Room and people who own it nowadays have the right to keep it. All this is caused by history, not the Germans.

As far as I’m concerned, Russia is the very place it should go to. And the result of the vote also shows that most students are for the idea that it should be returned to Russia.

◎ 思路点拨


◎ 靓词妙句

1. Students who are for the idea think that the Amber Room should be returned to Russia as soon as it is found again.

本句使用了who引导的定语从句,that引导的宾语从句,和as soon as引导的时间状语从句。

2. As far as I’m concerned, Russia is the very place it should go to.

本句应用了As far as I’m concerned(依我之见)这一惯用结构;very修饰名词,表强调;place后接了(that)引导的定语从句。

3. be for/against: 支持/反对

4. have the right to do….有权利做某事

5. sb. be to blame for…某人该为某事而承担责任或受到责备。

6. There is no reason for sb. to do ….对于某人而言,做某事是没有道理的。




参考词汇: places of interest; reflect; symbol; keep something as it is.

Dear Sir/ Madam,

Recently our class had a discussion about whether some places of interest should be rebuilt or not._______

__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Yours sincerely,

Li Hua


1. A Film Review




词数: 100左右




Forrest Gump is my favorite movie which I have seen almost five times. On the one hand, I’m really moved by the real life of American people that time, on the other hand, by the confidence and courage taught by Gump’s mother. She would sacrifice anything to make her son understand the meaning of life and make him believe he is like everyone else. Just like Mum said: life was like a box of chocolates; you never know what you’re gonna get. So that is why he always did everything seriously from his deep heart. Stupid is as stupid does. I think maybe we should be stupid sometimes in our real life now. Life is a gift and we should not waste it.




1. 短语用法错误:on the other hand意思是"另一方面",在英文中,"另一方面"必须和"一方面"所说的意思相反,建议改为:not only ... but also ... 。

2. 连词用法错误:Just like Mum said: ... So that is why he always did ... "So"在英语中往往表示因果关系。仔细推敲这两句话,并不能由前句得出后句的结果,建议将"So ..."句改为"Gump does everything seriously with the belief that he could do the best as long as he makes effort."



The film Forrest Gump is about a person with a learning disability who is also unluckily born with a serious back problem. Most people think that people like Forrest can never succeed in anything, but this unlucky man achieved more than most people. He became a football star, a war hero, and a millionaire, and he did many other amazing things. I’m deeply impressed by Gump’s

attitude toward life. He pays little attention to what people think of him. Instead, bearing the motto "stupid is as stupid does" in his heart, he always tries his best to pursue his own dream. He has taught me that I should never give up on my dreams, even when life gets very hard.


文章涵盖了要点内容,对电影内容的介绍把握得很好,简明扼要。个人感想段落,也表现了不俗的思辩能力,逻辑合理,由浅入深,体现了思维层次的渐进。同时在表达方式上,用到了一些复合句式结构,如定语从句(who was also unluckily born with a serious back problem.)等。同时,作者也有意识地使用了一些高级词汇和句子间的连接词,例如achieve, bear ... in heart, instead等等。此外,文章的句型结构很丰富,体现了句型的多样性。

Powerful sentences:

1. The film describes his life as he lives through important times in American history from a very unique angle.

2. The film advocates a traditional moral idea.

3. The actor’s naturally sincere performance makes you believe that the film is real.


假如你的美国笔友Nigel最近推荐你看一部获奖影片Pride & Prejudice(傲慢与偏见),请你给他写一封回信,谈一谈你对此部电影的观后感。

1. 词数: 100左右;

2. 开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入总词数。

Dear Nigel,

I’m writing to tell


_____________________________________________________What did you think of this movie? I’m looking forward to seeing your comments.


Li Lei


Dear Nigel,

I’m writing to tell you what I think about the movie you recommended called "Pride & Prejudice". The story is based on Jane Austen’s novel about five sisters in Georgian England. Their lives are turned upside down when a wealthy young man, Mr. Bingley, and his best friend Mr. Darcy arrive in their neighborhood. MacFadyen, who plays the part of Darcy in the movie, is an outstanding actor! Another great addition is Keira Knightly. She is a jewel. Her beauty and her excellent acting add a great deal to the movie. In addition, the scenery, the backgrounds, and the other actors seemed much more real than the ones in previous versions. The costumes and hairstyles also seemed in keeping with the times. Personally, I only wish the movie was 6 hours long. What did you think of this movie? I’m looking forward to seeing your comments.

2. A Letter




注意:1. 词数:110左右;2. 展开合理的联想。




2. 除了感激之外,还有什么呢?它们也被称为"人",但是和人类的待遇却大不相同:它们不能说话,不能享受各种现代生活的乐趣;相对它们的付出而言,并没有得到同等的回报,因此我们应该对它们说声"对不起"。

3. 为了使机器人发展得更好,我们能做些什么呢?——努力提高科研能力,争取改善机器人的功能,让它们早日说话。这样的思路能使文章内容丰富,且能突显思辨的层次。


Dear robot,

I’m writing to tell what we human beings think.

Robots are our close friends. They not only provide us with products in high speed, but also replace human beings in dangerous explorations. Their thinking speed is incomparable. Therefore, they can solve problems more rapidly than human beings. I remember there is a report. When a big fire broke out, the fire is too big to break in. At this moment, robots went into fires to save people. They are true heroes. I want to say thanks to them, but they can not speak. What a pity!

I wish that one day you can speak.





1. 用词不准确。机器人是受人类控制的,它自己不能主动去大火中,建议将went into fire换为"were sent to",此外save不及rescue表达准确。再者,要辨别wish和hope的用法,wish常用于虚拟语气,本文应改为hope。

2. 注意句子的结构和动词时态。"When a big fire broke out, the fire is too big to break in."中主句时态错误。其次,这两个分句间并不存在时间上的逻辑顺序。可以将其处理为两个分句:A big fire broke out. And the fire was too fierce for firemen to approach.


Dear Robot,

I’m writing to tell you what we humans think about you.

You’re playing a more and more important role in our daily lives. In the deep sea or remote space, where explorers are either unable to or afraid to go, you’re sent to the front. Great

discoveries in these areas can be attributed to your sacrifices. If there weren’t you, we human beings could not get to the natural resources of the deep sea, or explore space as deeply as we do now. However, because of the limits of technology, you’re still unable to communicate or eat with us. The pains you suffer don’t pay off for you. We can understand you feel lonely and long to speak. We’ll try our best to make advances that will enable you to share your happiness with us.




文章展开了合理的联想,既表达了人类对机器人的感激之情,又许下了对机器人的承诺,生动有趣,有吸引力。在文章的结构上,分两段叙述,条理清晰,层次逐步升华。此外,文章句式灵活多变,如定语从句(The pains you suffer),虚拟语气(If there weren’t you),表示原因用到了词组attribute to, because of。同时,本文动词词组的运用也是个亮点,send to, pay off, enable ... to ... 等等,都是学过的搭配,显示了作者较好的语言应用能力,值得借鉴。

■Powerful sentences:

1. Thanks to robots, we can probe space and the deep sea.

2. Factories equipped with robots can produce more.

3. With technological improvements, we bet your dream of being able to speak will come true. ■巩固练习:


要求:1. 词数:100左右;2. 观点明确,逻辑合理。


Technology has greatly changed our daily lives. On the one hand, it’s convenient and fun. Several decades ago communication relied mainly on letters. Nowadays telephones, cell phones and especially the Internet have really sped up communication, to everyone’s benefit. Yet on the other hand, health and relationships have been badly affected. Long-term exposure to computers and cell phones can harm one’s hearing and even lead to cancer. Moreover, people are beginning to lose the skills of face-to-face communication. To sum up, we should not ignore the negative aspects of technology while enjoying its benefit.

3. A Letter of Sympathy





1. 本次的写作任务是慰问信(A Letter of Sympathy)。慰问信是向对方表示关怀、慰问的信函。它是机关单位或个人对某人、某集体所遭遇的困难或灾害表示慰问和支援而写的信件。在对方处于特殊情况时(如战争、自然灾害、事故),均可以写慰问信表示鼓励和安慰。慰问信的正文由两部分构成:首先表达作者的写信意图,即简述慰问信的背景和原因。接下来对对方的遭遇表示深切的同情和慰勉,并致以诚恳亲切、充满关怀之情的慰问之语。值得注意的是,在写作时应针对不同的对象和不同的事件使用合适的慰问用语。比如写慰问信给病人时,可以写一些被慰问者喜欢或熟悉的事物,如病人的爱好、兴趣等,以使病人得到宽慰;给遇挫的


2. 就本次写作任务而言,收信人是受灾地区的朋友,文章可以按以下步骤展开:首先表达你听到地震事件后的震惊和担忧,并询问你朋友的情况。接下来安慰和鼓励你的朋友(expressions of comfort and encouragement),这部分应是慰问信的重点,可以向其通报各国际组织对灾区的援救和世界各地人们的关注以令其安心,鼓励他虽身处灾区但仍应鼓足勇气面对灾害,最后也可以表示自己愿意尽一切所能来帮助朋友的意愿。写慰问信时,感情应诚恳真挚,设身处地站在对方的角度理解他们的真实感受,同时应做到文字简练,不必使用华丽的辞藻,因为在困难时期,没有人会有心情欣赏一篇华而不实的文章。


Dear Vikki,

How are you? I wish first of all a speedy recovery and return to school. A few days ago, I saw on TV that a strong earthquake hit your hometown, damaging many buildings and leaving some schools in ruins. Seeing dead bodies dig out from the ruins including many children, I can’t help tearing out of sadness, feeling very bitter. Although natural disasters are always terrible, the people of the world are giving a helping hand. They are donating money and sending their sincere love. I hope you are able to rebuild your homes as soon as possible, and return to school quickly. I hope you feel better. Be strong!


Li Wen


本篇习作涵盖了慰问信包含的两个基本方面,但在交际效果上慰问、鼓励效果欠佳,主要原因是作者对灾情场面的描述篇幅过多,使收信人的重点集中在对灾难的回忆上,因此应调整两个部分的侧重点。另外,文章在句式和词汇上还有待改进,表现在如下几个方面:开头问候语"How are you?"不合乎慰问信的写法。其次,在表达写作意图的情况下第二句话"I wish first of all a speedy recovery",显得突兀,建议最好用"I’m sorry to hear ..."句式来做开头。再者,正文中还用到了"dead bodies"这类让读者感到触目惊心的词,让安慰的效果大打折扣。最后,作者只谈到了外部援助,而没有表达相信人的主观力量这一观点,也并未表达自己提供支援和帮助的意愿,其真诚不足以让人信服。


Dear Vikki,

I’m sorry to hear that your hometown was affected by an earthquake. I got news from a report that the earthquake destroyed your hometown. Lots of houses collapsed and some of the people couldn’t find their families. I feel so sorry for your loss.

Please don’t feel sad. Kind-hearted people are always around you. They are trying their best to make your life easier. Many people are donating money and blood for you, so you should take

care of yourselves. I believe you are strong and can overcome the pain. No matter what happens, I’ll always be with you. Best regards and wishes.


Li Wen







第一段直接说 Tom is extremely strong. 观点明确,这一句足矣。

第二段:分2-3点说为什么他强壮。1. 每天吃4顿饭,He has four meals everyday! 再举例吃的是什么。2. 每天运动2小时,He does exercise 2 hours a day! 详举做了什么运动。

第三段:经过第二段的论证,可以得出结论。但请注意,不能完全照抄第一段,要有升华。也可以提出希望和建议等。如,How strong Tom is! I hope to be him one day!


逻辑:这里的逻辑实际指的就是逻辑词。最常用的就是表示递进的,转折的,总结的逻辑词等。递进:除了first, second, third, finally 等还可以使用高级点的,如first of all(首先),in addition, what's more, moreover(都是另外的意思),in a word, all in all(表示总结的)。转折:but, yet, however等。真正有经验的阅卷老师会很注意这些逻辑连接词,因为这些词体现了这个文章的思路。









1. 内容完整,语句流畅,无语法错误,书写规范,给12-15分;

2. 内容较完整,语句较流畅,基本无语法错误,书写较规范,给9-11分;

3. 内容不完整,语句欠流畅,语法错误较多,书写较规范,给5-8分;

4. 只写出个别要点,语法错误较多,书写欠规范,只有个别句子可读或不知所云,给0-3分
