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小草范文网  发布于:2017-05-17  分类: 反义词 手机版

篇一:练外单词 2

班级:姓名:分数:一、按要求写单词。(15分) 1.cross(介词) 20.interesting(比较级 21.dig(现在分词 22.it(反身代词 23.write(同音词 24.turn off (反义词组42.them(名词性物主代词64.important(比较级 43.foot (复数44;snow (形容词 45.by (同音词 46.movic(同义词65.five(序数词 66.there(同音词67. city(复数) 二、写出下列动词的过去式。 2.was(复数 3.save(反义词 4.sun(形容词 5.brought(原形 6.one(序数词8.front(反义词 9.piano(复数10.aren’t(同音词 11.we(反身代词12.cry(三单13.west(对应词14.much(最高级 15.we(宾格 16.fast(反义词)17.they(反身代词18.visit(名词19.knife(复数

25.slow(副词 26.save(现在分词27.they(宾格28.friend(形容词29,hear(同音词30. clean(反义词 31.child(复数32.care(副词 33.for(同音词34. catch(第三人称单 35.Australia(形容词36. begin(现在分词). 37.radio(复数38. up(反义词39.writer(动词40.small(最高级 41.red (比较级47.four(序数词 48.Fly(单三 49.hot (最高级 50.1eft (反义词 51.1etˊs完全形式52.eat(现在分词53.red(同音词 54.plan(现在分词55.use(形容词56.go(第三人称单数 57.south(对应词58.far(反义词 59. family(复数60.big(反义词 61.also (同义词 62.friendly(名词63.shop(现在分词

68.get 70.wear72.make 74.dig 76 .go 78. learn 80.have 82.tell 84. can 86. draw88. plant90. buy 92. are 94. enjoy96. teach98. want 100. hunt

69.eat71.walk73.put75.bring77.Find 79.talk

81 .run83. call85. use 87. read 89. water 91. visit 93. is/am 95. do

97. write 99. work




EFT 2003 胶银--大家看到胶银瓶上这位老人头像吗?他就是美国开国元勋华 盛顿总统,但胶银却不是他发明的,为了节省时间,我不再细讲产品的一般功能, 只挑主要的给大家讲一讲,因为产品说明书上写得很清楚,大家回家可以自己看。 这款胶银是用高科技手段把它做成比人体细胞小 500 -- 1000 倍的小分子,而且 将每个纯银粒子充了电,做成电离银,大家知道:抗生素只能杀 6 种细菌而对病 毒却束手无策。我们的胶银却杀 650 种细菌和病毒,如果我们体内具有一定浓度 的胶银,就相当于在体内建立起了第二个免疫系统,说起来非常神奇,胶银能够抓 住所有的单细胞而使其丧失活力,而对于由多细胞构成的人体没有任何副作用,它 既能被人体吸收,也能被人体排出体外,重要的是胶银能够杀死病毒,要知道已知 的中西药对病毒几乎是束手无策,因为 病毒不是小生物,它是基因片段,它存在 于细胞内部。大家知道癌症从某种意义上来讲也是病毒,它的核心部分也是基因片 段,所以 2003 胶银对癌症细胞也有杀灭作用。

EFT 2004 有机神奇茶--神茶,它叫茶但不是茶,他绝对不含咖啡因和茶碱, 它不含单宁酸,对人体绝对没有任何副作用,绝对不会因为喝了神茶而失眠。它是 生长在非洲石头高山上的一种有机豆科植物,在当地俗称叫做"还魂草",要知道非 洲是整个地球离太阳最近的地方,那里的石头几乎热得百草枯死,而它却能在 40 -- 50 度的高温中生长。大家知道"高山雪莲"吧,它就是在零下 40 -- 50 度时开 花,这说明它生命力极强,这样我们就不难理解生长在非洲高山上的神茶啦,它也 是生命力极强嘛!就是它,所含有的强氧化成分 SOD ,是绿茶的 50 倍。要知道 机体生病的过程,其实就是一个被氧化的过程。我们的神茶不仅能够降血压、降血 脂、降胆固醇、清除体内自由基,还能对癌细胞具有灭杀的作用,看看,我又把"老癌"提了出来啦!对,咱就和癌症干!有了"细胞疗法"咱还怕癌?!


北 京 四 中 初一新生开学测验


( ) 1. A. cup B. come C. pencil D. Clothes ( ) 2. A. knife B. kite C. broken D. basket

( ) 3. A. glad B. Light C. greyD. Glove ( ) 4. A. note B. boat C. mouse D. low

( ) 5. A. my B. fly C. byeD. away



1. left (反义词) __________2. must (同义词组) ________ 3. begin (名词) _________ 4. easy (反义词) _________

5. interest (形容词) __________ 6. dirty (反义词) _________ 7. your (名词性物主代词) ___________ 8. do (第三人称单数) _______9. 邮局(翻译成英文) __________l0. 乘出租车(翻译成英文) ____________


11. Li Lei sits________ Liu Mei. (紧挨着)

12. Our school is ______ the library ______ the hospital.(在……与……之间)

13. There is a restaurant _______ Center Street. (在……上)

14. The hotel is _______ the hospital.(在……后面)

15. I live ______ No. 68 Bridge Street. (在)



1. I am taller than Tom. Tom is ______ than _______.

2. My favourite sport is basketball. I ______ basketball_____.

3. Lily does well in maths.Lily is _____ ____ maths.

4. I take a taxi to go there.I go there ____ ______.


5. 该回家了。晚安,明天见。 It's time _____ ______ home. Good night. ____ you tomorrow.

6. 你后天有空吗? ____ you ____ the day ____ tomorrow?

7. 我想让你见见我们的语文老师。 I'd ____ you ____ _____ our Chinese teacher.

8. 附近有银行吗?Is there a bank ____ _____?

9. There is some time to do our homework.(变否定句)There ____ ___ time to do our homework. (对画线部分提问)_____ ______ _____ now?


1. We have no classes _____ Sundays. A. in B. onC. atD. by

2. I'd like you _____ my aunt this afternoon. A. meet B. meeting C. to meet D. to meeting

3. I don't have _____ to tell you.

A. something important B. important something C. important anything D. anything important

4. I'm ____ hungry. Let me have another moon-cake. A. a little B. little C. a few D. few

5. Jim is _____ taller than Tom. A. much B. many C. more D. most

6. Is Jake's book cheaper than _____? A. you B. your C. you's D. yours

7. How far is it ____ Beijing ____ London? A. from...with B. from...to C. on...to D. in...to

8. Please come _____ my home tomorrow? A. to over B. over C. with D. over to

9. Which would you like ____,this one or that one? A. very much B. good C. better D. best

10. I think the ones with nuts are _____ of all. A. nice B. nicer C. nicest D. the nicest


Tom is a naughty(淘气的) boy. He is five. He is very clever. He likes 1 questions very much. 2 Mother's Day he asks his mother ,“What present(礼物) do you want? I can go to the shop and buy it.”

“No,I don't want any present. I only want a 3 child ,”answers his mother.

“That's great !”says Tom .“I can have a partner(伙伴). Do you want a boy 4 a girl?”

Then they sit 5 the table. Tom looks at his mother. He is surprised(惊奇的),“Mum,you have some grey hair your head. Why?”

“If you aren't obedient(听话的),my hair will be all grey ,”says the mother with a smile.

“Oh,I see ,”says the boy .“My grandma's hair is all grey 7 her child isn't obedient. Am I right?”

His mother doesn't want to discuss the question. “Now,Tom,tomorrow is your birthday. What do you want ?”asks the mother.

Tom runs out 8 his room. He stands in the yard(院子).“Ah,my God(上帝) Please give 9 a big cake and a box of chocolates(巧克力).”

“Why do you go out to say that ?”asks his mother .“If you sit here and say it in a low voice(低声),the God will 10 you.”

“Yes,but my grandpa will not hear me.”

1. A. ask B. asks C. asking D. to ask 2. A. OnB. AtC. In D. For 3. A. small B. bad C. wellD. good 4. A. and B. orC. butD. so 5. A. atB. onC. withD. of 6. A. over B. from C. at D. on 7. A. when B. what C. because D. why 8. A. from B. ofC. with D. at 9. A. meB. myC. I D. mine 10. A. carry B. take C. hearD. make 六、阅读理解(20分)


Every year there is the Spring Festival in China. Usually it is in January or February. It is the most important festival in China. So before it comes ,everyone has to prepare(准备)things. They buy pork ,beef(牛肉),chicken ,fruit and many other things. And they often make a special(特别的) kind of food called“dumplings”. It means“come together”in Chinese. On the day before the festival ,parents buy new clothes for their children and children also buy presents for their parents. On the Festival eve(除夕夜),all the family members came back to their home. This is a happy moment. They sing ,dance and play cards. Others get the dinner ready. When they enjoy the meal ,they give each other the best wishes for the coming year. They all have a good time.

1. Which is the most important festival in China?

A. Mid-Autumn Day.B. The Spring Festival. C. Children's Day.D. May Day.

2. The Chinese usually have their Spring Festival in ______.

A.January or February B.February or March C.September of February D.December or January

3. What's the special kind of food for the Spring Festival?

A. PorkB. Fish C. Dumplings D. Noodles

4. The food“dumplings”means ______.

A. be delicious B. be hungry C. come togetherD. come back

5. When they are having dinner on the Festival eve ,the Chinese ______.

A. sing,dance and play cards B. buy presents each other C. never drinks D. give each other the best wishes


Li Hua is a middle school student. He is in Class Four ,Grade One. He likes reading but he doesn't like writing.Li Cheng is a student ,too. He lives in the next house. He is older than Li Hua. Li Hua often goes to Li Cheng's home after school. They are good friends.

One Sunday afternoon ,Li Hua asks ,“Could you help me ,please?”

“Certainly ,”says Li Cheng .“What is it?”

“My teacher asks us to do some homework. Could you do it for me ?”says Li Hua.

“No. You must do it yourself ,”says Li Cheng.

“My good brother ,your handwriting is better than mine. Please help me .”asks Li Hua.

“Your handwriting will be better if you write every day ,”say Li Cheng.“ You must study hard and be a good student at school.”

“I can do it but I don't want to write it,”says Li Hua. “Now,let's play games. I'll ask you some questions. If your answers are right,I'll do the homework myself. If your answers are wrong, you must do it for me.”“All right,”says Li Cheng.“I'm a third-year student. I think I know more things than you.”

“Which mouse(老鼠) can walk with two legs ?”asks Li Hua.

“A mouse has four legs. He walks with four legs,”says Li Cheng.

“You are wrong,brother. Mickey can walk with two legs,”says Li Hua with a smile.

“Which duck can walk with two legs?”asks Li Hua again.

“Oh,I know. Donald can walk with two legs,”answers Li Cheng.

“You are wrong again,”says Li Hua.“A duck has two legs. All the ducks walk with two legs.”

6. Li Hua and Li Cheng are ______. A. workers B. farmers C. brothers D. students

7. Li Hua wants Li Cheng to help him ______.

A. mend his bikeB. do his homework C. give him a pen D. to get down

8. Li Cheng is in Grade _____.A. One B. Two C. Three D. Four

9. Li Hua doesn't like ______.A. writing B. reading C. studyingD. playing

10. Li Hua's questions are ______. A. hard B. interestingC. badD. easy




2.选择A,因为BCD三个选项发音均为/k/ A选项不发音

3.选择B,因为ACD三个选项发音均为/g/ B选项不发音

4.选择C,因为ABD三个选项发音均为/ / C选项发音为/au/

5.选择D,因为ABC三个选项发音均为/ai/ D选项发音为/ei/



2.must是必需的意思, 所以同义词为have to:不得不

3.begin是开始的意思, 它的名词有两个A. beginning(开始) B .beginner(初学者)






9.post office: 注意中间要有空格或者小横线.

10.by taxi或者take a taxi注意:如果用前者,两词中间没有冠词a或者the;如果使用后者,两词中间一定要加


11. next to,beside,near均可,但是next to和beside好一些,二者都是“紧挨着”的意思,初一阶段要求掌握

的是next to.near用在这里是通顺的,但是只是表示“离…很近”,有一些偏离题目要求.

12.between…and… 就是“在…和…之间的意思”


14. behind就是“在…后面”的意思

15. 如果写出了建筑物的具体门牌号,就要用“at”表示


1.Tom is shorter than me.

比较级:I am taller than Tom.我比Tom高.=Tom is shorter than me.Tom比我矮.注意: than的后面一定要跟宾格me.

2. I like basketball best.

favorite 是最喜欢的意思:= like sth.best

3.Lily is good at maths.

do well in是“在某方面做的好” be good at是“擅长某方面”意思接近

4.I go there by taxi.

take a taxi和by taxi用法接近,上文已经阐述过了

5.It’s time to go home. Good night. See you tomorrow.

it's time to do sth.该是做什么事情的时候了

6.Are you free the day after tomorrow?

Are you free?是询问别人有没有空的主要表达方法;the day after tomorrow是后天的意思

7.I’d like you to meet our Chinese teacher.

I'd like sb.to do sth.是“我想让你做点什么”的意思 'd是would的简写形式

8.Is there a bank near here?

near here这种表达法是初中阶段要求掌握的比较初级的短语,表示在这里附近.如果学生写出“near by”也算正确.注意:near by是两个单词,不能写在一起

9.There isn’t any time to do our homework.


所以,这句话可以改成:There isn't any time to do our home work. 或者:There is no time to do our


10.Where is Jim now?

关于做“对划线部分提问”这样的题型,把握一点,就是原题给的划线部分在你的问 句中不会出现. 比如说:地点状语被划线,所以不会出现在问句中.应该改为:Where is Jim now?四:单项选择部分





4.A:a little可以当副词用,表示一点点




8.D:come over to表示到什么地方来

9.C:因为题目的选择只有两个:所以比较级用like better“更喜欢”而不用like best“最喜欢”

10.D:因为题目中出现了“of all”这样的结构,所以要用最高级,且形容词的最高级前面一般都加the 五: 完型填空

1.C:like doing表示一直喜欢的东西;like to do表示偶然想要做的事情

2.A:Mother's Day是一个节日,是具体的一天,在具体一天的前面要用介词on



5.A:sit at the table是固定搭配,在桌子边上坐下的意思




8.B:run out of:跑出去

9.A:give me sth.:给我什么东西.give后面需要宾语,所以写成宾格的me

10.C:hear sb.指听见某人说的话



1(本文来自:wwW.xIaocAofanwEn.coM 小草 范文 网:|eft的反义词).B文中写的很清楚


3.C猪肉,鱼这几样食品文中都是提到过的,但是作为春节最特别的”special kind of food”还是 饺子



很容易选择A,需要注意的是,A选项说的是吃晚饭前大家做的事情,而不是正在吃晚饭大家做的事情. 第二篇主要讲李华和李成两个中学生的故事.李华让李成帮他做作业.李成不肯,于是李华出脑筋急转弯题骗他上




8.C:李成在文中提到“I am a third year student”我是三年级的学生.


10.B:李华出的问题是脑筋急转弯,所以不难 , 不易,只能说是有趣的.
