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小草范文网  发布于:2017-05-05  分类: 感谢信 手机版







您在思想方法上对我们思想的形成也产生了巨大的影响。这就是您作为老师的人格魅力的对我们的作用所在。每个学生无不处在教师人格的潜移默化中熏陶了思想,学生思想上无不打上了老师人格的烙印,这种影响既广泛、又深远。您的高尚人格会使学生走上正确的人生道路。伟大的俄国民主主义革命家赫尔岑反沙皇专制的民主意识是受益于老师布梭的教育;身为北大校长的蔡元培先生的爱国主义举动熏陶影响了一大批像许德珩这样的学生;在伟大的人民教育家陶行知先生影响下,各年龄段的学生们也都走上了宣传抗日救国的道路。 著名教育家苏霍姆林斯基说过:“教育是人和人的心灵上的最微妙的相互接触”。











感 谢 信







非常感谢您在百忙之中,不辞辛劳,亲临北大,为北大师生和社会各界相关人士带来这场题为“信托责任与基金治理”的精彩演讲。您以专业的金融背景和卓越的沟通能力,让这场讲座成为众多学子和怀有梦想的创业者走近基金信托,感受基金信托,进而携手基金信托的一次盛会。在您亲切、坦诚又不失诙谐的讲演中,我们感悟了泰信基金管理有限公司的企业文化,分享了您对经济危机背景下世界当前一些问题的独到见解。我相信,高先生的干练与智慧,泰信的进取与务实,都给在场的听众留下了深刻的印象,并会被越来越多的人知晓。 您的讲演,让我们领略了您从业几十年对基金信托的精辟理解,让我们对中国信托业未来的发展充满了信心。从您的演讲中我们了解到,此次金融风暴,让信托业凸显 “低风险”的优势,许多信托企业在此次金融危机中逆势而上,依旧保持着强劲的发展趋势。这使得越来越多的人把目光从风险较大的证券市场转向了信托市场,从而为信托业的进一步发展奠定坚实的基础。随着全球经济的逐渐复苏,信托必将迎来一个更加辉煌的黄金时期。








hi richard,

i would like to take this opportunity to thank you for meeting with me earlier today.

thank you again for your time and i look forward to hearing back from you soon. sincerely,


dear name,

i was especially impressed with the information you provided concerning expansion into other markets and a need for an invigorated marketing effort. with my background in advertising and insurance sales and experience as a carnival promoter, i believe i have a lot to offer.

if i can provide any more information that would be of assistance to you, please dont hesitate to call me at the phone number listed above, or email me if that is more convenient. i look forward to hearing from you in the near future. again, thank you for your time.

dear mr. johnson,

thank you for the opportunity to interview for the position of programmer analyst. i’m very interested in the position and excited about the prospect of working in the software development division at johnson & johnson.

i feel that i would be a valuable asset to your organization, and an excellent candidate to fill this position.

how to write cover letters to get the interview

i also have a passion for helping others and making a difference.

i appreciate the opportunity to speak with you and look forward to hearing from you soon. sincerely,

brad davis

dear ms. lin:

thank you for meeting with me this morning to discuss the executive assistant position. i enjoyed our conversation, and i am very excited about the possibility of joining your team.

again, thank you for considering me for this exciting opportunity. as you requested, i’m enclosing a list of professional references. please feel free to call me if you need additional information, have any questions or would like to offer me the job! thank you for your time, and i look forward to hearing from you. sincerely,

john smith

dear ms. wright:

thank you so much for your time and the privilege of having an interview with you yesterday, october 25, during your recruiting visit to virginia tech. the management trainee program you outlined sounds both challenging and rewarding and i look forward to your decision concerning an on-site visit.

i have enclosed a copy of my college transcript and a list of references that you requested.

dear ms. smith:

i was so very impressed with your warehousing procedures. mr. allen was so

thorough in explaining

your process to me, and i will be corresponding directly with him to express my appreciation. incidentally, the process you use is quite similar to one i have been researching through an independent study this term. perhaps i can share my final report with you and mr. allen.

the expense report you requested is enclosed.

again, thank you for your hospitality during my time in richmond and for all your efforts to arrange my visit. having seen your operation, i am all the more enthused about the career opportunity that sheldon e-solutions offers. i look forward to your decision.


dear ms jones,

thank you for interviewing me on monday. i enjoyed meeting with you and appreciate the courtesy you extended to me.

i look forward to hearing from you soon.

best regards,

suzzie q

keep your name in front of the hiring authority as a subtle reminder.

make you stand out from other candidates who probably didnt bother to write an interview thank you letter.

dear mr smith,

it was a pleasure interviewing with you on monday for your purchasing manager position. i enjoyed my interviews and appreciate the courtesy extended to me by everyone. thank you for interviewing me.

i appreciate you sharing with me your logistics issues with your asian suppliers. as i mentioned in our interview, i know 2 excellent freight forwarders who have cut our delivery time out of china by 2 full days. after our meeting i thought of a couple more ideas to help expedite deliveries. i look forward to sharing them with you when we meet again.

i am very interested in your opportunity and hope to hear from you soon. sincerely,

johnnie b. goode

sample 3: interview thank you note after interview

dear ms wilson,

thank you for interviewing me recently for your open sales manager position. i enjoyed meeting with you and your team, and left with a very positive impression of qrs corp.

if you decide to meet with me again, i am available next week on either wednesday or thursday. afternoons work best for me, but im very flexible.

best regards,

bud tugly


dear susan

i want to thank you again for interviewing me for the customer service position

yesterday. i enjoyed finally meeting you after all our phone calls and learning more about the position and rose retail corp.

as i told you during the interview i am very excited about the possibility of joining your team. i am

thank you again for your time and interest. please contact me if there is any further information i can provide.

kind regards,

alice applicant

dear mrs jones

kind regards

jane smith

contact number and e-mail address


致 中学的感谢信






由于家庭困难,而且父母的年纪也高,身体不是很好, 现在我家没有什么收入来源,只是靠务农和父母打一些零工(本文来自:WwW.xiaOCaofAnweN.Com 小草范文 网:offer感谢信中文),远远不够给我交学费,生活费就更难说了,多少次爸妈都在为我的学费忧心着,多少次我也在为大学迷茫着,当我得到了助学金,心中升起了无限希望.我真的很感谢你们,谢谢你们给予我援助,让我有继续学习的机会!








Dear Prof. XXX,

Greetings! My name is …. I graduated from …. Now I am a graduate student at …, majoring in …, and I’m writing to see the possibility of working with you as a full-time Ph.D. student.

I have an extensive knowledge in …, focusing on …. (some of them had been applied in …, n publications in this field) I really have a strong interest and desire in scientific research, and have sufficient mental preparations to cope with any difficulties in the future, because I have regarded the scientific research as my lifelong career.

Please find attached my current CV if you would like to know more about me. I really appreciate your time. Look forward to hearing from you.




Dear Prof. XXX,

It is my great honor to have your timely response. Although there are not Ph.D. opportunities for the moment, but I still thank for your well-meaning notification and practical suggestion.

I have already pay attention to your meaningful research (具体内容…) for one year, and I really wish to work with you. I really have a strong interest and desire in scientific research, and have sufficient mental preparations to cope with any difficulties in the future, because I have regarded the scientific research as my lifelong career.

If the position is forced to stop because of funding problems, I will get the support from the CSC (China Scholarship Council) funding easily, which will cover all my daily cost during the Ph.D. period.

Best wishes,



Dear Prof. XXX,

The China Scholarship Council (CSC) is a non-profit institution with legal person status affiliated with the Chinese Ministry of Education, which will provide all the living expenses for Chinese overseas PHD students who are graduated from Chinese top universities. The duration is 3-4 years, and the number depends on local conditions (enough). If I can obtain a full offer (no tuition) from your institution, it is easy for me to get this money, and the deadline is the end of February 2016 (I will go to your lab at the end of June 2016). More details please see the under index:


I have uploaded all my attachments for your further considerations..



我这儿有个公派出国的交流群,欢迎加群交流~ 2017欧洲Phd申请交流群:166251657


Top ten ways to say “Thank you” in an English email

Whether you’re writing to a client, to a manager or to a colleague, you can’t thank people enough in your emails. Everyone wants to feel appreciated, so thank your readers for what they have already done for you, and thank them for what you want them to do in the future! You’ll find that some kind words combined with sincere appreciation of their efforts will go a long way.

At the beginning of the email

Thanking your reader is a wonderful way of opening an email. It sets the right tone and makes the reader feel appreciated, which is particularly vital if you require future help from them.

Thank you for contacting us.

If someone writes to enquire about your company’s services, begin your email with this sentence. Show your appreciation for their interest in working with your company.

Thank you for your prompt reply.

When a client or colleague replies to a previous email in a short amount of time, notice and acknowledge this. If the reply wasn’t quick, simply removing “prompt” will work, or, you can opt for, “Thank you for getting back to me.”

Thank you for providing the requested information.

If you have asked someone for information, and they took the time to send it to you, use this sentence to demonstrate that you value what they’ve done.

Thank you for all your assistance.

If someone has gone out of their way to help you, thank them! If you want to offer more specific recognition for what they have done, follow this sentence with, “I truly appreciate … your help in resolving the problem.”

Thank you raising your concerns.

Even if a client or manager writes to express some concerns they have regarding your work, you can still thank them. This shows that you value their input and will take their concerns seriously. Alternatively, you may wish to use, “Thank you for your feedback.”

At the end of the email

While thank yous at the beginning of an email are typically written to thank the reader for past actions, thank yous at the end of an email tend to imply you are thanking the reader for a future action. By showing your appreciation in advance, you are more likely to get a positive reaction.

Thank you for your kind cooperation.

If you need the reader to cooperate by assisting you with something, then thank them in advance for their cooperation. Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Similar to above, this sentence implies that you would appreciate the readers’ further assistance.

Thank you for your understanding.

Use this sentence if you’ve shared something that may inconvenience or negatively impact the reader.

Thank you for your consideration.

If you are requesting a benefit or an opportunity, such as when you apply for a new job, end your email with this sentence. Thank you again for everything you’ve done.

This sentence, which is used at the end, is a bit different from those above. Use this if you have already thanked the reader at the beginning of the email, but due to their great efforts, you wish to thank them again for their past actions.
