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小草范文网  发布于:2017-05-13  分类: 朗读 手机版



朗读——Read loudly and clearly,就是通过重音、节奏、语调等语音手段把语言材料中的思想感情表达出来。而在我们平时的课堂实践中,常忽视了朗读在英语教学中的作用。因此如何帮助学生掌握朗读技巧,读一口标准、流利、洋气、英语,教会学生正确标注声调符号会大有裨益,参考如下:

1. 句子重音——“′” 英语句子中的词有的重读,有的不重读。句子中需重读的词,称为句子重音。 一般来说,实词(像名词、实义动词、数词、形容词和副词等)要重读,贯词、介词等虚词在句子中不重读。





如:′Where is the ′baseball? It’s on the ′dress.

2. 语调——升调 “↗” 降调 “↘”

在说话或朗读时声调的抑扬叫做语调。英语的基本语调分为“降调”和“升调”两种, 主要表现为句末尾调的升和降,用语调符号↗表示升调,↘表示降调。



一般疑问句用升调,特殊的疑问句用降调。. 反意问句的疑问部分用升调表示一种不肯定,

3. 意群与节奏——“/”


英语的节奏是指英语诸音节在语流中强读和弱读的规律性。它以“步”(foot)为基础,每句话都有若干“步”,就好像音乐中的“小节”(bar)一样,每段乐曲都含有若干小节。乐曲中每个小节都以强拍开始;英语中,一般说来每一步的第一个音节都是重读音节。有的步单独一个重读音节组成,有的步由一个重读音节加上若干非蓖读音节组成。在朗读中,有的步有时也能以非重读音节开始,就如乐曲中的小节以休止符开始一样.这个步的非重读音节前也有个休止符,称为silent beat。现在,我们用“/”表示步与步之间的界线,用“一’表示休止。举例如下:


2.“the/first of/April/nineteen/seventy/one/


4. 连读——“︶”

在同一个意群中,前后相连的两个单词之间,前一个单词的词尾和后一个单词的词首有时可连接起来读,这种现象称为连读。 其一,要想读的连贯,一定注意“连读”和“失去爆破”,不然英语说的再快也不能算是“流利”,听起来很别扭,也就是所说的中国式英语。

连读:当相邻的两个词,前面的以辅音结尾,后面以元音开头,通常是可以连读的,这里所说的元音辅音都是指国际音标。如:come and。

5. 不完全爆破——“()”

失去爆破:英语的音标中有6个爆破音,[b、p、t、d、k、g],当这样的两个音相邻时,第一个音不发音,只稍稍停顿一下再读后面的音。如:and go。 综合上面的两个例句 come and go,按照“连读”和“失去爆破”的原则


an orangeLook at it

︶ ︶︶

在单词或语句中,遇有 /p/, /b/, /t/, /d/, /k/, /g/之中任何一个爆破音而其后紧跟着一个爆破音时,前者只按发音部位做出发音状,但不发生爆破,稍停既发出后一个爆破音,这种现象称为不完全爆破。如:

a do(c)tor an ol(d) cat





一个句子可根据意思和语法结构分成若干小段,每一小段称之为一个意群。意群可以是一个词,一个词组或短语,也可以是并列句的一个分句或复合句的一个主句、从句等等,我们可用“/”来划分句子的意群。 意群在句子中具有语义、语法和语调三种特征,例: After school,/my classmates and I/are going to play basketball./ 放学后,我和我的同学们去打篮球。我们可以把这个句子按语义、语法和语调征各分为三个单位,它们是: 现将句子划分意群的一般原则归纳如下:


1)冠词+名词,例:a country

2)名词+名词,例:coumrade Li

3)指示代词+名词,例:this book

4)形容词+名词,例:natural science

5)作形容词用的名词或分词+名词,例: New Year’s Day the working class

6)数词+名词,例:thirty-two note-books

7)数词+数词,例:223--two hundred and twenty-three

8)不定代词+名词,例:some ink

2.介词短语,例: from now onwith an effort

3.副词短语,例: day and nightfirst of all

4.副词+介词短语,例: early in the morningfar into the night

5.副词+动词,或动词+副词,例: quite understandstudy hard

6.一些固定的动词词组,例: to take a restto have a meetingto get ready

7.联系动词+表语,例: be at schoolgrow quite well

8.主语+谓语,这种句型用于简短语句时,一般划分为一个意群,例: He stands up. They are very happy.

9.主语+谓语+宾语,这种句型用于简短语句时,划分为一个意群,例: I can speak English. He gave me a book.

10.简短的名词性从句,包括主语从句、表语从句和宾语从句,例: That he will come here/is certain.(主语从句) This is/how he studies English.(表语从句) He told me/where I could find my book.(宾语从句)

11.简短的定语从句,例: This is a factory/that makes cloth.

12.简短的状语从句,状语从句可以放在句首或句末。放在句首时,从句后通常要用逗号;放在句末时,从句一般不用逗号,每个简短的状语从句分为一个意群,例: I waited/till he come back. He can’t come/because he is ill. We worked fast/so that we finish our plan.




One of them asked him if he could tell themw(转载自:www.xiaocaOfaNWen.com 小草 范 文 网:英语整句朗读)hat the weather would be like

within the next few days.

These old Indians know more of the secrets of Nature than we do

with all our science.


One of them ? asked him ? if ?? he could tell them ? what the weather would be like ? within ?? the next few days.

These old Indians ? know ?? more of the secrets of Nature ? than ?? we do ?? with all our science.


标记为 “ ' ” 的停顿,标记为“ '' ”的也停顿,不过停顿时间较标记为 “ ' ”的短


连读:当相邻的两个词,前面的以辅音结尾,后面以元音开头,通常是可以连读的,这里所说的元音辅音都是指国际音标。如:come and。

失去爆破:英语的音标中有6个爆破音,[b、p、t、d、k、g],当这样的两个音相邻时,第一个音不发音,只稍稍停顿一下再读后面的音。如:and go。 综合上面的两个例句 come and go,按照“连读”和“失去爆破”的原则,读出来是这样的(为了表达方便这里用汉字标注,见谅)“康蛮购”,而不是“康姆安的购”









The man over there // speaking at the meeting // is my brother's best friend.



This is the book // I bought yesterday // at the supermarket. ----中心语-------断------较长的定语----断-----较长的状语-----

1. 有标点的地方常是断句所在。如:

John Smith, /our teacher,/ came in/ with a book in his hand. Our teacher 前后逗号隔开,那么一般读的时候这也需要断开。

2.一个功能可能是断句所在。 如:

John Smith, /our teacher,/ came in /with a book in his hand.

从另一个角度讲our teacher 做的是同位语,因此作为一个语调群。 Came in 做谓语With a book in his hand 做方式状语,因此要放在一起作为一个语调群。

3. 分句常是断句的地方,如:

He did not come to work yesterday/ because he was seriously ill.


He did not come to work yesterday/ because he was seriously ill.


He/ did not/ come to work/ yesterday/ because/ he /was seriously ill.


One of them asked him if he could tell themwhat the weather would be like

within the next few days.

These old Indians know more of the secrets of Nature than we do (清读)

with all our science.

Our story today // is called // No Place to Hang the Lantern. It was written by John Wotarua. It is about a young farmer // Nate // and his wife // Olive // who is soon to become a mother. And their cow Maudie // who is also going to be a mother. It is a story about the beauty of birth, // the wonder of new life. Here is Shep O'Neal // with our story.

今天我们的故事叫《无处挂灯笼》,作者 John Wotarua。这是关于一个农夫 Nate 和他的即将成为妈妈的妻子 Olive 的故事。他家的奶牛 Maudie 也即将做妈妈了。这是一个新的生命即将诞生的美丽而奇妙的经历。故事由Shep O'Neal讲述。

Olive Bowen made some hot coffee // to take to her husband Nate // who was over in the barn. He was helping their cow Maudie // to give birth. Olive herself // was expecting a baby // very soon. She felt heavy // and moved around // slowly. The coffee boiled on the stove // and Olive poured some into a pot // and carried it // to the barn. It was black inside the barn. The darkness made Olive nervous // and she stood at the door // not sure what to do. Should she call Nate // or go slowly //(强调)and carefully //(强调) through the darkness. Then she saw a light at the far end. Olive called out to Nate // and was happy to see the light // come toward her. Nate held his lantern high // as he came up to Olive // and said: //

Where is your lamp? You shouldn't have some out // when it's too cold.

I brought you // some hot coffee.

Nate was happy // that she did. But he did not want her to say. He took the things // Olive carried // and asked her to sit down. Maybe for a minute to get warm, she said.

Olive kept looking into the darkness of the barn // to see // where Maudie was. Maudie was ready // to have her calf // any minute now.

I don't want you to stay,// her husband said.

Oh, no, Nate, I don't want to. If it begins to happen, I'll go back to the house.

They walked slowly // to the back of the barn // to look at Maudie. Nate looked around for something // Olive could sit on.

Would this be all right?

He helped Olive // sit down // on a small stool. He made the oil stove hotter // so she could get warm. Then he told her again // that he did not want her to stay // when Maudie's calf came. It wasn't something // a young wife should see, especially // a young wife // who would soon be a mother herself.

Nate sat down on the floor // near Olive. The cow lay quietly, // chewing some hay. Husband and wife // did not say much // as they waited; words did not seem to come easily to them. But, after some time, Olive said she was sorry // that she could not help Nate // with the cow. Nate smiles // and told her // not to worry about him--// after all, // he said, //

Maudie was having the calf-not he. And Maudie would know // what to do when the time came.

There was something else // that was worrying Oive, and she did not know // just how to begin to talk about it--// At last, she spoke out, not sure // what Nate's answer would be. Momma says--// I mean Momma thinks--// maybe I should go to her house // to have the baby ... // After all, the doctor lives in town. If you couldn't get him here in time, // I don't know // what I would do.

She had said it, and was glad that // at last // she got the word out. Nate was a quiet, // thoughtful // and gentle man. He knew that Olive was afraid // and he wanted to calm her fears.

Of course, he answered. That's a good idea. It would be much easier for you // in your mother's house.

Time seemed to be moving slowly--// too slowly for Olive. She looked nervously at the cow. She asked Nate // when the cow would begin. Nate answered // that birth had already

stared--// Maudie had pain // a short time ago. Then Nate began to rub the cow's head ...// the cow turned its head

away // from his hands...and then Suddenly // it came... // a frightening bellow that gave Olive a violent shark. Olive could see it // clearly--part of the head of the young calf // stowly, // painfully coming out.

Olive felt very shaky. Her hands nervously touched her own body. She could feel the shape of her baby. Nate was worried, he told Olive // to leave. But Olive could not go....// she just could not pull herself away. She kept looking at Maudie // as the cow made her great noises // and struggled to push out the calf. Nate saw that the cow was in trouble. He knew she needed help.
