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小草范文网  发布于:2017-02-04  分类: 理学论文 手机版






WHO 对药物不良反应(adverse drug reactions,简称 ADR)的定义为:一种有害的和非预期的反应,这种反应是在人类预防、诊断或治疗疾病,或调节生理机能时出现的有害的和与用药目的无关的反应。在美国的一项meta分析研究(综合了39项以医院为基础的前瞻性研究)表明有6.7%的住院患者有严重的药物副反应。其中0.32%有致死性。后者导致美国每年10万人死于药物不良反应。药品不良反应在临床上的主要表现有:过敏反应、毒性反应、特异性反应、二重感染等;涉及器官或系统主要为:皮肤及软组织、消化系统、神经系统、血液系统、泌尿系统、呼吸系统等。其中ADRs以皮肤及其附件损害最为多见,由于这类ADRs为药物变态反应,临床比较常见,也易于发现和观察。其次为消化系统,而肝、肾、血液系统等因为较为隐匿,报道较少。


Adverse drug reactions (ADRs) refer to an expression that describes harm related with the use of given medications at a normal dosage. ADRs are a significant cause of morbidity and mortality and contribute to the incidence of adverse events, leading to increased health-care costs. According to our knowledge, the major clinical symptoms of ADRs included allergy, toxic reaction, specific reaction and double infection. Additionally, organ and system dysfunction, such as disorders of skin, soft tissue, digestive system, nervous system, hematological system, urinary system and respiratory system, have been reported by those with ADRs. Among them, skin and appendages disorders was the most frequently reported events, followed by disorders of digestive system. However, few reports about ADRs were available as the symptoms were hard to observe.





MRI-Guided Monitoring of Thermal Dose and Targeted Drug Delivery for Cancer Therapy ABSTRACT

Application of localized hyperthermia treatment for solid tumor therapy is under active clinical investigation. The success of this treatment methodology, whether for tumor ablation or drug delivery, requires accurate target localization and real-time temperature mapping of the targeted region. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) can monitor temperature elevations in tissues in real-time during tumor therapy. MRI can also be applied in concert with methods such as High Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU) to enable image-guided drug delivery (IGDD) from temperature sensitive nanocarriers, by exploiting not only its anatomic resolution, but its ability to detect and measure drug release using markers co-loaded with drugs within the nanocarriers. We review this rapidly emerging technology, providing an overview of MRI-guided tissue thermal dose monitoring for HIFU and Laser therapy, its role in targeted drug delivery and its future potential for clinical translation.


实体瘤局部高温治疗的临床应用还在调查研究中。不论是瘤体消融还是药物治疗,成功的治疗需要精确的靶向定位和对定位部位的温度实时描绘。磁共振成像可以实时监控治疗中组织的温度提升情况。磁共振成像也可以与其他方法一起使用,例如高强聚焦超声,通过分析热敏纳米载体的结构和运用载体内装载药物的时标检测药物释放,使其以影像为指导药物输送成为可能。我们回顾了这迅速出现的新技术,为以磁共振成像为指导的组织热中子剂量监控高强聚焦超声治疗和激光治疗,在靶向药物输送中的角色扮演和临床翻译的潜能提供了概述。 点评:

第一句的“还在调查研究中”不符合语言表达习惯,under active clinical investigation意思为开展了大量的临床研究。“成功的治疗需要精确的靶向定位和对定位部位的温度实时描绘”是错译,句子意思完全看不懂。可翻译为“欲实施有效地治疗需精确的靶向定位,并对靶向







总论部分包括绪论、药物代谢动力学、药物效应动力学和影响药物效应的因素,它是整本书的基础,也是我们药学生与医学生学习的基础。文章内容与现实紧密相连。如,第一章绪论部分介绍了新药临床分为I、II、III 、IV期及每期的主要任务是我们研制新药的基础;第二章药物代谢动力学中药-时曲线、半衰期、生物利用度等概念是良好的临床用药指导;第三章药物效应动力学中介绍的各种药物不良反应使初学者对于药物副作用有了进一步认识;第四章系统地分析了各种药物效应的因素,给不同研究方向的学生提供了实验思路,如我所(临床药理研究所)主要从事“个体化医学”研究,不同种族的遗传药理学差异等。



<< Pharmacology >> ——HH Zhou The reason I choose to introduce this book is that it accompanied me through my preparation for the

postgraduate exam. Ang It is this book gave me the initial outline of the pharmacology.

The book is editored by HH Zhou, director of the Institute of Clinical Pharmacology, and other 11

academicians of medical colleges in China, based on their years of teaching experiences and direct at the status of pharmacology undergraduates teaching of domestic

medical colleges . The book divides into 48 chapters of 10, with special attention not only in the preparation of the novel content and material selection, but also put great emphasis on the latest concepts technology and

achievements of pharmacology, vital drugs. To meet the needs of bilingual education, the author adds English points before each chapter, and provides continue reading literature at the end of the text.

General introduction section includes introduction, pharmacokinetics,


pharmacodynamics and the factors that affect the drug efficacy, which is the basis for both of the whole book and our medicine students .This article is closely linked with reality. For example, the first chapter, including I, II, III, IV phase of the clinical drug and the further depicts of main tasks of each phase, is the foundation of our development of new drugs; The explanation of medicine - time curve, half-life,

bioavailability in the Chapter II- pharmacokinetics is a good clinical medication guide; variety of adverse drug reactions in the third chapter make us have a better understanding of drug side effects; the Chapter IV , including systematic analysis of the factors that affect the drug efficacy, provide different experimental idea for students in all kinds of fields, as our institute (the Institute

of Clinical Pharmacology) is mainly engaged in

"personalized medicine" research, pharmacogenomics of different ethnic, etc.

Two to ten introduce the effect of drugs on various systems, i.e., drugs acting on the peripheral nervous

system, drugs acting on the central nervous system, drugs acting on the cardiovascular and renal, drugs acting on the digestive system, respiratory system and uterus, drugs acting on the endocrine system, drugs acting on the active material, drugs acting on the blood system, drugs acting on the immune system, chemotherapeutic drugs. Every drug has a detailed description of the pharmacological effects, process in vivo, clinical applications, adverse reactions and contraindications psychosis. The students learn according to various professional disciplines.Compared to other pharmacology books, I think the biggest feature of this book is that it focused on bilingual teaching, not only purely Chinese. The main vocabulary in the article has a corresponding English note, while the market also supporting the English version of that book. It helped a lot for students of our institute even the most medical students. It laid a foundation for our reviewing of English literature and writing materials.
