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小草范文网  发布于:2017-05-09  分类: 论文格式 手机版



People live in a colorful world, scientific research in


dicates that seven million kinds of colors can be found in the world. However, color expressions are only limited to several hundreds in classification, and words denoting colors form part of the nuclear vocabulary in almost every language. (邵淑华, 2005) “As to the color words, the literal meanings paint our language, thus our language appears colorful; the associative meanings fill our language, thus our languages sounds meaningful.” (Li Cuijuan, 2002)

Color produces specific meaning in the minds of people, and causes specific association and inspires the special response; this is social intension of the color. In this way, color is no longer an objective material, but turns into the abstract symbolic color, immerge in dyeing body of culture.

Different countries have different color terms because of their different national histories, social systems, religious beliefs, national characteristics, customs, ways of living and their geographic differences and so on. (杨红艳, 2005) Therefore, every language has phrases or sentences that cannot be understood literally. Even if you know the meanings of all the words in a phrase and understand the grammar of the phrase completely, the meaning of the phrase may still be confusing. (Richard

A.Spears,Betty Kirkpatrick,2002) Due to this reason, much attention should be paid to the similarities and differences of the color words in order to promote cross-cultural communication.

2. Comparison of the Color Words in Chinese and English

As there are so many color words in the world, it is impossible to talk about all of them in the paper. So I take the following six basic ones as example to compare their similarities and differences in Chinese and English.

2.1 Red

Red is one of the oldest colors in the human society, and it reminds people of blood at first sight. Nowadays, no matter in English-speaking countries or in China, the color Red always has something to do with celebration. “Red” in western culture

is not so popularly welcomed as in China, but it still reveals happiness and luck on some special occasions. And in all countries, the dates of celebration or festivals are always printed red in the calendar. Though English and Chinese have some sameness in the expressing of red, there are also a lot of dissimilarities between the languages of Chinese and English in their connotations of red.

2.1.1 Similarities

The Chinese people traditionally have a favor for the color “red”, and red stands for enthusiasm, happiness and joy. China is a country that is typically fond of red. In China, red always indicates some satisfied things or events, especially in the wedding. It shows the meaning of “joy”, “happiness”, and “good luck”. So it often be used on some serious welcome occasions. And some important festivals in some western countries are specially marked in red on the calendar. (杜学增, 1999)

In the western countries, red stands for some happy events, too. On Christmas day, Father Christmas always dresses in red, wears a red hat. Or on ceremonious situations, the host always rolls out the red carpet to show his welcomes to the honored guests, which means the host’s sincerity.

2.1.2 Differences

However, “red” has its own specific meaning in English culture, especially, its derogatory meaning. It is used to express “danger”, “signal of stop”, “deficit” or “anger”. In the concept of English nations, red has a closed relationship with blood, sacrifice and martyrdom. And the word red will remind them of something terrible. For example, “red hands” means “bloody hands”; “the red rules of tooth and claw” shows the meaning of “carnage and violent reign”.

Though red in the two languages has something to do with revolution. It expresses different emotions. For Chinese people, red means revolution, proletariat and socialism.

The color red has also been a representation of love within a relationship between two people. A red rose, given to the bearer’s lover or more has always been known as a symbol of love. As well as the ever-popular red heart on Valentine’s day”. (吴玲英, 黄文命, 2000)

Black is a warm and dark color, and it indicates gloom in both the western and eastern countries. So black usually has a negative effect and is connected with something evil. And there are many similarities between the languages of Chinese and English in their connotations of black.

2.2.1 Similarities

In both Chinese and English, “black” has the meaning of “wickedness”. From this viewpoint, their usages are quite similar, such as the word “blacklist”. What’s more, Black is a sad color in both Chinese and English, which stands for sadness. People in England and the USA always dress in black when they attend a funeral to show their mourning to the dead, which is the same as in China. Chinese people tend to wear black weeds to present at a funeral.

In most cases, black expresses a negative meaning, sometimes it conveys positive message. And this is the same in both Chinese and English. In the medieval age of the west, many theologists excluded the fresh colors such as red, yellow, pink and so on. In their opinions, these colors stood for danger and vagueness. And they would weaken people’s attention. (黎昌友, 2005)

2.2.2 Differences

However, all cultures have generalities and specialties, so do the languages of various nationalities. On one hand, in English, “black” means “death” and “condolence”. On the funeral of English countries, people wear black clothes according to the custom. While in Chinese countries, people’s mourning apparel is always white. As in Chinese custom, “white” is often connected with funeral arrangements. On the other hand, “black” in English also means “angry”, but in Chinese it contains the meaning of “sinister” and “ruthless”, and it also related with evildoer and evil deed.

Black also contains some other connotations in English. They are beyond the understanding of Chinese people. It is usually applied in the area of economy. For example “on the black”, in the west, it means having profits.

White is the color of snow, and there are many phrases like “as white as snow” in both English and Chinese. And it is the basic meaning of white. White has similar associations in both the west and the east. It has the meaning of purity and innocence. For example, “a white spirit” refers to those who are green and innocent, especially girls. During the process of development of the society, there turns up some extended meanings of white in the two languages.

2.3.1 Similarities

In English literature, “white” is the symbol of purity and truth. (胡文仲, 2002) And with the development of language and culture; Chinese culture has absorbed some English customs gradually. For example, we use “white” to describe the hospital nurse. White is the color of snow, and there are many phrases like “as white as snow” in both English and Chinese. And it is the basic meaning of white. White has similar associations in both the west and the east.

2.3.2 Differences

However, in English, “white” has its specific feature. According to western custom, “white” is used on “sacred wedding”, which in Chinese culture is “red”. And in China, it is always a sign of misfortune and is the color that is disliked by many people, which is usually connected with sadness. On funeral, Chinese people often wear white clothes. It expresses “misery”, “sorrow” and “pain”. But, on the contrast, in the west, white gets preference of many people. Most of the westerners think that it is the symbol of purity, elegance, brightness and bluffness.

2.4 Green

Green in both English and Chinese symbolizes peace and hope. Such as “Green Peace Organization” in English, it is an organization with the purpose of helping to protect the plants and the animals in the world. Green also reminds people of the nature and green plants. And “green swards” means the grass, “green staff” refers to vegetable and “green fingers” connotes persons who are good at gardening.

2.4.1 Similarities

No matter in English or in Chinese, “green” can be as the token of “safe”, “hope”, “peace” , “health” and “environment protection”. People like the color of “green” and it is often connected with zoology. For example, green belt means shelter-forest in English.

2.4.2 Differences

In English there are some connotative meanings of “green”. One of them is “lack of experience”, such as “green hand, green horn”. Another connotative meaning of is “jealousy”, which is called “green-eyed monster”.

In Chinese, in some conditions “green” can delicate “spring”. It also means “life” or “vigorous vitality”.

2.5 Blue

Blue has the same color as the sky, and it is also the color of the ocean. And people tend to have the feeling of the blue sky and the cerulean ocean at the sight of blue. In China, blue is always connected with expansion. However, blue in China has much fewer connotations than in the west.

2.5.1 Similarities

Many of the connotations have nothing to do with the basic meaning of blue in both the west and the east. Chinese people are fond of blue since the old times. It always associates with liveliness and vivid. And blue sky can help to stimulate people’s imagination of their future. Hence, people with such thoughts tend to regard blue to be popular in the west, too.

2.5.2 Differences

In English, “blue” owns the meaning of “depressed” and “pessimistic” and it can be extended as “important”, “first-class” and “noble”. There is a sentence, which can be literately translated as “A person cannot be considered as being in the sad without being in the blue”. And since then, blue seems to be the sign of depression. (孙丹, 2005) And “blue room” refers to the anteroom in the White House; it is the place

篇二:APA,哈佛, MLA、温哥华和芝加哥和Turabian论文格式引用指导和对比

APA Harvard , MLA , Vancouver and Chicago and Turabian citing style citing guidance and comparison


Prepared by 李连发

Date: January 17, 2016

Content list (目录)

Chapter one definition and application of APA Harvard , MLA , Vancouver and Chicago and

Turabian citing style .......................................................................................................................... 3

第一章APA,哈佛,MLA、温哥华和芝加哥和Turabian论文格式的定义和应用 .................... 3 Chapter two citing guidance and example APA Harvard , MLA , Vancouver and Chicago and

Turabian citing style .......................................................................................................................... 4

第二章APA,哈佛,MLA、温哥华和芝加哥和Turabian论文格式的引用指导和范例 ............ 4

2.1 MLA CITING STYLE ........................................................................................................ 4

2.1.1 MLA CITING STYLE books ................................................................................... 4

2.1.2 MLA CITING STYLE-- Magazine .......................................................................... 4

2.1.3 MLA CITING STYLE --Journal Article. ................................................................. 5

2.1.4 MLA CITING STYLE. Website with author. .......................................................... 5

2.2 APA CITING STYLE.......................................................................................................... 6

2.2.1 APA CITING STYLE –book .................................................................................... 6

APA CITING STYLE –book in a database ....................................................................... 6

2.2.2 APA CITING STYLE-- magazine ............................................................................ 7

APA CITING STYLE --magazine article online ............................................................... 7

2.2.3 APA CITING STYLE -Journal article ...................................................................... 7

APA CITING STYLE -Journal article online ................................................................... 7

2.2.3 APA CITING STYLE –website with an author ....................................................... 8

2.3 Vancouer CITING STYLE .................................................................................................. 8

2.3.1 Vancouver CITING STYLE --books ........................................................................ 8

2.3.2 Vancouver CITING STYLE --Journal Article. ......................................................... 9

2.3.3 Vancouver CITING STYLE ---Website. ................................................................ 10

2.4 CHICAGO / Turabian CITING STYLE ........................................................................... 10

2.4.1 CHICAGO / Turabian citing style --books ............................................................ 10

2.4.2 CHICAGO / Turabian citing style -- Magazine ..................................................... 10

2.4.3 CHICAGO / Turabian citing style --Journal Article. ............................................. 11

2.4.4 CHICAGO / Turabian citing style ---Website. ....................................................... 11 Chapter three Comparison between APA Harvard , MLA , Vancouver and Chicago and Turabian

citing style ....................................................................................................................................... 12

第三章APA,哈佛,MLA、温哥华和芝加哥和Turabian论文格式的对比 .............................. 12

3.1 citation of books ................................................................................................................ 12

3.2 citation of journals ............................................................................................................ 12

3.3 citation of Website ............................................................................................................. 13

Chapter one definition and application of APA Harvard , MLA , Vancouver and Chicago and Turabian citing style


APA citing style.


APA citing style refers to the rules and conventions for source used in academic paper which is established by the American Psychological Association . Its documenting sources are author/date based style. This means emphasis is placed on the author and the date of a piece of work to uniquely identify it.


Harvard citing style.


Harvard citing style is very similar to APA citing style. APA citing style is mainly used in the USA whereas Harvard is generally used in the UK and Australia, especially in the humanities.


MLA citing style.


MLA citing style is often used by the arts and humanities, especially in the USA. It is the most well used among all of the citation styles.


Vancouver citing style.


Vancouver citing style is mainly used in medical and scientific papers.


Chicago and Turabian citing style.

Chicago and Turabian citing styles are very similar, just like Harvard and APA CITING STYLE, Chicago citing style is used in USA while Turabian citing style is used in the UK and Australia. Both of them are widely used for economics and


实验2 一元线性回归模型


1、实验目的:掌握一元线性回归方程的建立和基本的经济检验和统计检验 2、实验要求:

(1)对原始指标变量数据作价格因子的剔除处理; (2)对回归模型做出经济上的解释;






















和老龄人口占总人口的比例越高,消费需求也相应越大,而储蓄率也就越低 另外,根据宏观经济学理论,一国的gdp扣除掉折旧和间接税就是一国的国民收入,所










表2.1 人均gdp与人均消费的原始数据(现价) (单位:元)




也可以用eviews软件进行,在这里我们介绍一下用eviews软件调整数据的步骤。 利用命令


“ge averageconsume1=100/cpibase1990*averageconsume ge

averagegdp1=100/cpibase1990*averagegdp” 其中averageconsume1、 averagegdp1表示调整过后的人均消费和人均gdp;cpibase1990

表示以1990年为基期的cpi。调整过后的人均消费和人均gdp见表2.2。表2.2 人均gdp与人均消费的可比价数据(单位:元)


拟采用的方法:利用eviews工具做普通最小二乘分析。 5.1 数据的初步浏览 在每一实验前我们都应该对数据进行浏览,从直观的图形上检验是否存在变异数据,如



5.1.1 对人均消费的观察图2.1 人均消费的趋势从图2.1我们可以看出人均消费是平稳增长的,并且和现实的经济相符,不存在与经济



5.1.2 对人均gdp的观察图2.2 人均gdp的趋势从上图我们可以看出人均gdp是平稳增长的,虽然有些波动,但波动程度不大,这与现

实经济是相符合的。从图形上我们并没有发现有异常数据的存在。 篇二:word实验报告模板 广东商学院华商学院 实验报告 课程名称计算机应用基础 实验项目名称word综合练习 班

级实验室名称(或课室)专 业 任课教师 黄晓兰 学 号: 姓 名: 实验日期: 年 月 日姓名 实验报告成绩 评语: 指导教师(签名) 年月日 说明:指导教师评分后,实验报告交院(系)办公室保存。实验报告

一、 实验目的

运用word 2003的整个章节中各知识,综合对文档进行编辑排版。

二、 实验原理




p4微型计算机,内部组成局域网。 (2)软件要求:操作系统:中文windows xp、中文office word2003。

四、 实验步骤




六、 实验总结

(通过这次实验你学到什么) 实验报告要求:

? 实验报告可参照如下内容格式写作:实验目的、实验原理、实验设备、实验步骤、实


? 题材自定,但要求内容健康向上。要求内容要有一定主题,体现一定风格。可参考实

验结果内容。 (记者 朱诸 张保平) 专访:访美国华人金融协会理事、芝加哥机构资本副高海 华








导体及芯片等——短期压力加剧。 但历史经验表明,这些行业通常会在地震发生之后的两至三个季度内出现下滑,之后又







响,那么短期内对这些制造业的冲击也是很严重的。 另外,对于一些替换性较高的行业,如重型机械制造业,如果调整的周期过长,导致客



和服务,如维修保养,一旦转移,就很难改变,”高海说。 “长远来看,”长期投资亚洲金融市场的高海说,“对日本经济影响最大的两个因素,一






公司已经关闭了路易斯安那的一家卡车制造工厂,者削减产量。对此,高海说方面出现问题,可能会影响到美国今年的汽车生产和销售。” “但是这种供应方面的短缺都不会是大问题,只要需求方面保持稳定,高海说。全球gdp增量里,日本占的比重并不是很高,也不会产生太大影响。 同时,高海还说,由于日本外债比例不高,大部分债券被本国企业和居民持有,所以即


似欧洲的债务危机。 篇三:word实验报告样例1 实验报告 课程名称 计算机应用基础 实验项目名称word文档综

合实验 班级与班级代码 05经济(1)班实验室名称(或课

室) 三水校区实验楼a-203专 业经济学 任课教师 学 号: 05250602142 姓 名: 梁艳 实验日期: 2006 年 6月 6

日广东商学院教务处 制 姓名 论文成绩评语: 指导教师(签名)年月日说明:指导教师评分后,学年论文交院(系)办公室保存。





2.实验器材和实验环境:计算机,网络环境,投影设备。 实验相关软件:window xp、office。


1、 从网上搜索主题“钱要花在刀刃上”,选择一篇文档下载并进行简单编辑。

2、 页面排版:【文件】→【页面设置】菜单命令? 纸张规格:a4(21cm*29.7cm),纸张方向:纵向 ? 页边距调整: 上边距:2.54cm;下边距:2.54cm;左边距:3cm;右边距:2.2cm? 页眉页脚设置

在“页面设置”对话框的“版式”选项卡中选中页眉页脚“首页不同”; 执行【视图】

→【页眉与页脚】菜单命令,在页眉的编辑区中,输入“班级:05经济(1)班 姓名:


在页脚区插入页码,页码字体设置为五号粗黑体,设置居中对齐方式。 3、 将标题“钱



4、 把标题设成小一号隶书、粗体、黑色字。点击菜单格式→字体,中文字体选择隶书,


5、 给标题添加天蓝的底纹。单击菜单格式→边框与底纹,点击底纹,选择填充颜色为


6、 除标题外,全文设置宋体、四号字体。选中除标题外的所有文字,然后在工具栏中


7、 将第一段的“据”字首字下沉,点击【格式】→【首字下沉】→【下沉】,单击“确


8、 将全文设置行距为固定值26磅。选中除标题外的所有文字,然后单击菜单格式→段

落,行距选择固定值,其设置值为26磅,单击确定 9、 将全文的“钱”字设置成小二号宋




后单击确定,然后再单击全部替换即可。 10、 11、 12、 13、 14、 15、 16、将插点移到标题前,点击【插入】→【图片】→【剪贴画】菜单命将插入点移到第二段,





单命令,插入“糕点”图片,设置文字环绕为置于文字下方,颜色为冲蚀。 为衬于文字下方,亮度设为65%。 对话框,选择两栏,单击确定即可。 四,颜色选择蓝色(可通过工具条上的按钮加以实现),效果选择阳文,单击确定即可。

17、 18、






相关的统计,当前北京大学生的月平均消费 额在600~800元之间,而在各种消费比例中,购买书籍等在学业上的花费所占比例最小。


也对,对大多数城市家庭来说,供养一个大学生不成问题,但是否有 钱钱就可以乱花?金利来集团董事局主席曾宪锌在应邀赴港贫困大学生交流时说,他到香港四十余年,没上过一次歌舞厅,也没去过一次夜总会。与大学生共进

午餐后,亲手将没吃完的点心收集打包。 同样,有着亿万身家的世界首富比尔·盖茨外出公务旅行总是坐经济舱,平常衣着朴素,






吗?手机的功 了能满足一下虚荣心之外,能带来什么成就感呢?节俭本来是一种美德,然而近年来在



从从讨讨论论来来看看,,多多数数同同学学对对此此有有着着清清 用金钱钱来换取时尚的潮流,除醒而醒的的认认识识,,而且且已已经经培培养养除除了了良良好好的的消消费费习这不


