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-中央电视台节目 CCTV《我们》适合当代青年看的节目 !! -

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http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNDIyNjI3NjA=.html 马道成功-创业教父马云的经营哲学07 -


营哲学08 -


一些看过特好看的鲁豫有约 -

《鲁豫有约》2008-11-12打工皇帝唐骏 -

《鲁豫有约》2008-11-01白岩松访谈 -

《鲁豫有约》2008年03月07日张欣:与潘石屹的生活故事 - 《鲁豫有约》090522毕业创业梦想和选择 -

《鲁豫有约》2008-04-30期 80后女强人 -

《鲁豫有约》2007.03.06.师者.于丹 -

《鲁豫有约》 08-01-25 26 王者归来 再见周星驰 - 《鲁豫有约》2009-02-22我的2008李连杰 -

《鲁豫有约》80后,我们毕业了 -

《鲁豫有约》2009-05-26沉浮蜕变段奕宏 -

《鲁豫有约》2009-04-17陆川南京!南京! -

《鲁豫有约》2009-02-26综艺大王吴宗宪 -

《鲁豫有约》2009-03-09从影星到政界强人 -

《鲁豫有约》2007-03-06师者.于丹 -







2、曼德拉:1990年2月11日 《种族隔离制度绝无前途》






Part Ⅰ Inaugural Addresses

1.Franklin D.Roosevelt's Third Inaugural Address

2.Bill Clinton's First Inaugural Address

3.Bill Clinton's Second Inaugural Address

4.George W.Bush's Fast Inaugural Address

5.George W.Bush's Second Inaugural Address

6.Nelson Mandela's Inaugural Address

Part Ⅱ Farewell Addrmses

1.Harry Truman's Farewell Address

2.Abdication Speech

3.Richard Nixon's Resignation Speech

4.Farewell to Baseball

Part Ⅲ Social Issues

1.Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death

2.Atlanta Compromise

3.Franklin D.Roosevelt's Fast Fireside Chat

4.Preserving Civil Liberties

5.The Strggle for Human Rights

6.Choices and Change

7.A Moral Necessity for Birth Control

8.The Children's Era

Part Ⅳ Political Issues

1.Lincoln's Gettysburg Address

2.My Side of the Story [Checkers]

3.I Have a Dream

4.Statement on the Assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr. 5.Foreign Policy of Great Britain Speech 6.Speech to the Greater Houston Ministerial Association 7.We Choose to Go to the Moon

8.Tear Down This Wall

Part V Wars&Disasters

1.Franklin D.Roosevelt’s war Message-Asking Congress to Declare War on Japan

2.Normandy Address-Final Pep-Talk Speech

3.Iron Curtain Speech

4.Pope John Paul It's Speech at hrael’s Holocaust Memorial 5.Challenger Space Shuttle Explosion SDocCh 6.Responding to Landmines:A Modem Tragedy and It’8 Consequences 7.Obituary to Diana,McC88 0f Wales

8.9/11 Address to the Nation

9.George w.Bush’s Address to Congress and the American People After 9/11




mr.vice president,mr.speaker,members of the senate,and of the house of representatives:

yesterday,december 7th,1941--a date which will live in infamy--the united states of america was suddenly and deliberately attacked by naval and air forces of the empire of japan.

it will be recorded that the distance of hawaii from japan makes it obvious that the attack was deliberately planned many days or even weeks ago.during the intervening time,the japanese government has deliberately sought to deceive the united states by false statements and expressions of hope for continued peace.

the attack yesterday on the hawaiian islands has caused severe damage to american naval and military forces.i regret to tell you that very many american lives have been lost.in addition,american ships have been reported torpedoed on the high seas between san francis co and honolulu

yesterday,the japanese government also launched an attack against malaya. last night,japanese forces attacked hong kong.

last night,japanese forces attacked guam.

last night,japanese forces attacked the philippine islands.

last night,the japanese attacked wake island.

and thi--orning,the japanese attacked midway island.

japan has,therefore,undertaken asurprise offensive extending throughout the pacific area.the facts of yesterday and today speak for themselves.the people of the united stateshave already formed their opinions and well understand the implications to the very life and safety of our nation.

i believe that iinterpret the will of the congress and of the people when iassert that we will not only defend ourselves to the uttermost,but will make it very certain that this form of treachery shall never again endanger us.

hostilities exist.there is no blinking at the fact that our people,our territory,and our interests are in grave danger.

with confidence in our armed forces,with the unbounding determination of our people,we will gain the inevitable triumph--so help us god.

i ask that the congress declare that since the unprovoked and dastardly attack by japan on sunday,december 7th,1941,a state of war has existed between the united states and the japanese empire.











因此,日本在整个太平洋地区采取了突然地攻势。发生在昨天和今天的事证实了这一点。美国的人民已经形成了自己的见解,并且十分清楚这关系到我们国家的安全和生存的本身。 作为三军总司令,我已指示,采取一切措施保卫我们的国家。




but,in alarger sense,we can not dedicate--we can not consecrate--we can not hallow--this ground.the brave men,living and dead,who struggled here,have consecrated it,far above our poor power to add or detract.the world will little note,nor long remember what we say here,but it can never forget what they did here.it is for us the living,rather,to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced.it is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us--that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion--that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain--that this nation,under god,shall have anew birth of freedom--and that government of the people,by the people,for the people,shall not perish from the earth.





影响你一生的名人励志演讲(视频+mp3+演讲稿)--英语演讲专题 kira86 于2012-01-11发布 l 已有6383人浏览 我要评论( 0) | 英语专题 | 【字体:小大】 | 我要投稿




梦想与责任——巴拉克·奥巴马 (>>查看演讲视频及双语演讲稿)

and even when you’re struggling, even when you’re discouraged, and you feel like other people have given up on you, don’t ever give up on yourself, because when you give up on yourself, you give up on your country. 即使当你苦苦挣扎、灰心丧气、感到其他人对你放弃时,也不要放弃自己,因为当你放弃自己时,你也抛弃了自己的国家。 must be strong


the only thing we have to fear is fear itself


the only thing we have to fear is fear itself — nameless, ueasoning, unjustified terror, which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance.我们唯一害怕的 是害怕本身——这种难以名状、失去理智和毫无道理的恐惧,把人转退为进所需的种种努力化为泡影。

i am prepared to die for an ideal

为理想我愿献出生命——纳尔逊·曼德拉 (>>查看演讲音频及演讲稿中英对照) i have fought against white domination, and i have fought against black domination. i have cherished the ideal of a democratic and free society in which all persons live together in harmony with equal opportunities. it is an ideal which i hope to live for and to see realized. but if needs be, it is an ideal for which i am prepared to die.


we choose to go to the moon (>>查看演讲视频及英文演讲稿


the greater our knowledge increases, the greater our ignorance unfolds.我们学到的知识越多,认识到的无知就越多。

never tiring, never yielding, never finishing


never tiring, never yielding, neverfinishing, we renew that purpose today; to make our country more just and generous; to affirm the dignity of our lives and every life.

永 不疲惫,永不气馁,永不完竭,今天我们重树这样的目标:使我们的国家变得更加公正、 更加慷慨,去体现我们每个人和所有人生命的尊严。


i have a dream (>>查看演讲音频及英文演讲稿)


let us not wallow in the valley of despair, i say to you today, my friends. and so even though we face the difficulties of today and tomorrow, i still have a dream. it is a dream deeply rooted in the american dream.朋友们,今天我要对你们说,千万不要沉沦在绝望的深谷里。尽管眼下困难重重,但我依然怀有一个梦想。这个梦想深深植根于美国梦之中。

i quit, but i will continue the fight


on the day we live in an america where no child, no man, and no woman is without health insurance, we will live in a stronger america. that’s why we need to help elect barack obama our president. 当我们有朝一日居住在一个让每个孩子、每个男人、每个女人都享有医疗保障的美国时,我们便拥有了一个更强大的美国。这就是为什么我们要帮助巴拉克·奥巴马竞选总统职位。

building the foundations for success


knowing who we are and being confident enough to do what matters to us — that’s

what counts. 了解自己,满怀自信,做好我们认为重要的事情,这才是最重要的。 let’s elect barack obama president of usa



unleashing your creativity (>>查看演讲稿中英文对照)


and i believe that through our natural inventiveness, creativity and willingness to solve tough problems, were going to make some amazing achievements in all these areas in my lifetime.我相信,凭借人类与生俱来的发明创造能力和不畏艰难、坚韧不拔 的品格,在我的有生之年里我们将在所有这些领域都创造出可喜的成就。

grab your dreams when it shows up


overall, i know it seems like the world is crumbling out there, but it is actually a great time in your life to get a little crazy, follow your curiosity, and be ambitious about it. dont give up on your dreams. the world needs you all!总而言之,我知道这个世界看起来已支离破碎,但这确实是你们人生中一个伟大的时代,你们可以疯狂一点,追随你们的好奇心,积极进取。不要放弃梦想。世界需要你们。

we are what we choose (>>查看演讲稿视频及双语演讲稿)


cleverness is a gift, kindness is a choice. gifts are easy — theyre given after all. choices can be hard. you can seduce yourself with your gifts if youre not careful, and if you do, itll probably be to the detriment of your choices.聪明是一种天赋,而善良是 一种选择。天赋得来很容易——毕竟它们与生俱来。而选择却颇为艰难。如果一不

小心, 你可能被天赋所诱惑,这可能会损害到你做出的选择。


the spirit of man


tribute to diana (>>查看英文演讲稿)



follow your bliss, follow your heart(>>查看演讲音频及英文演讲稿) 追随你的幸福,倾听你的心声——安德森·库珀

but it actually was the best thing that ever happened to me. i decided that if no one would give me a chance, i’d have to take a chance, and if no one would give me an opportunity, i would have to create my own opportunity.但这次失败却成了我人生中最有价值的经历。我下定决心,如果没人给我机会,我就自己寻找机会;如果没人给我机会,我就自己创造机会。

娱乐名人failure is an option, but fear is not(>>查看演讲视频及演讲稿中英双语对照)


so, thats the thought i would leave you with, is that in whatever youre doing, failure is an option, but fear is not.

所以,这是我想给你的想法,不管你做什么,失败是 一个选项,但畏惧不是。

feelings, failure and finding happiness (点我去查看奥普拉演讲视频和双语演讲稿) 感觉、失败及寻找幸福——奥普拉·温弗瑞

——美国著名电视节目主持人奥普拉·温弗瑞2008年在斯坦福大学毕业典礼上发表的演讲 外国名人的演讲稿

asking the devotees of civil rights, when will you be

satisfied? we can never be satisfied as long as our bodies, heavy with the fatigue of travel, cannot gain lodging in the motels of the highways and the hotels of the cities. we cannot be satisfied as long as the negros basic mobility is from a smaller ghetto to a larger one. we can never be satisfied as long as a negro in mississippi cannot vote and a negro in new york believes h


e has nothing for which to vote. no, no, we are not satisfied, and we will not be satisfied until justice rolls down like waters and righteousnelike a mighty stream.


but there is something that i must say to my people who stand on the warm threshold which leads into the palace of justice. in the proceof gaining our rightful place we must not be guilty of wrongful deeds. let us not seek to satisfy our thirst for freedom by drinking from the cup of bitterneand hatred.


we must forever conduct our struggle on the high plane of dignity and discipline.
