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小草范文网  发布于:2017-04-16  分类: 母亲节 手机版


1. Introduction

Festivals are a kind of folk-custom culture that is created by the world people to adapt the requirement of production and livelihood. It is one of the important parts of world folk-custom culture. It includes the character, mentality, belief, ideas, thinking, moral character, appreciation of the national history, and the value of national culture, and it shows the most prominent and the most characteristic existence form of a nation. The formative process of traditional festivals is a process of condensed accumulation of a nation or country’s historical culture. In the festival customs handed down to us from our ancestors, we can obviously see the marvelous picture of social life of the ancient people. Different countries and nations have rich and colorful festivals, even in the same country and nation, different areas have the different festival customs. So knowing some differences and relation of cultural source have profound meaning to promote the communication of oriental and Western culture and also promote the oriental nation and Western nation get on much better with each other. Festival culture is very profound. The festival customs in dissimilar countries are established by usage, with the own distinct national features and rich presentation forms, but they infiltrate to each other. This text deal with the perpetual char(本文来自:WWW.xiaocaoFanwEn.cOM 小草范文网:西方的母亲节)m of the customs by comparing festival culture between China and the Western countries: the Double Ninth Festival and Mother’s Day. Also hoping we can understand the Chinese culture and the meaning of foreign culture much more objective, so that we can improve our ability of cross-culture communication.

2. The differences between Chinese and Western festival culture

2.1 Difference of religious belief

Western festivals have obviously religious feature. It is a unary monotheistic religion. The people think the God is the creator of all things in the world, and He doesn’t allow people to worship other gods, and it is also unnecessary for people to worship other gods. Human life is just a process, people’s good fortune or bad fortune and wealth or poverty is god’s innate gift rather than people’s begging. On the contrary, the most important cultural character of Chinese traditional festival is

fiercely secular, in other words, it is ueligious because in early China the social structure is established on the combination of natural worship and humanistic spirit, people stand for the balance and harmony between gods and human beings, this is different from Western ancient god socialist and modern humanism. The Chinese traditional world outlook embodies the admiration for ancestors and advocacy of life, thus it is every Chinese original mission to carry forward and further develop the ancestor’s spirit and material heritage. However, in the view of Christian civilization, everyone is responsible to the God or they are responsible for their own action in order to acquire the God’s forgiveness or favor, and then they can get into heaven after they die.

2.2 Difference of ethical culture

In Oriental and Western society, the ways of development are different, as a consequence the ethical culture is certainly different. China is a multinational country that has a history of five thousand years. The leading Chinese traditional culture is Confucianism, meanwhile, it includes various schools of thoughts since ancient China. Western culture is mainly about Christian culture. Chinese traditional festival contains rich ethical elements; the main function of festival is inheriting moral principles rather than giving people the opportunity to provide entertainment and leisure. For example, on the Double Ninth Festival, people in some areas generally have the habit of offering sacrifices to an ancestor. By contrast, the ethical feature of a Western festival is not obvious, it emphasizes entertainment function, and it can offer the entertainment opportunity to modern people. Western festival pays more attention to individual spirit and displaying the personality. These can easily be accepted by people with any cultural background. For example, equality between male and female and the idea of woman’s rights are also reflected in Western festivals, such as Mother’s Day, this festival can’t exist in Chinese traditional Confucianism culture.

3. The origins

Everything in the world has its origins, festival is no exception. Festival is also a part of culture which forms in a particular period, and has the relationship with the

productivity and production relations at that time. Here follows the origin of the Double Ninth Festival and Mother’s Day together.

3.1 The origin of the Double Ninth Festival

The Double Ninth Festival is our national traditional festival on the ninth day of the ninth lunar month. Why is it called ―Chung Yang‖? Because in ancient China people regarded odd numbers as ―Yang‖ and even numbers as ―Yin‖. According to The Book of Changes, nine is the Yang number, it is called ―Ji Yang‖. On the ninth day of the ninth lunar month, there are double ―Yang‖ — the date and month both nine, so this day is named ―Chung Yang‖ or ―Double Ninth‖.

The origin of the Double Ninth Festival can be dated back to ancient China, it has at least two thousand years’ history.

In Warring States Period, people had the custom of eating the food that is cooked with chrysanthemum.

In Han dynasty, the custom of the Double Ninth became increasingly popular. It is said that in Han dynasty, Han Gao Zu Liu Bang’s imperial concubine Mrs. Qi was killed cruelly by the empress Lv Zhi. Following that, one of Mrs. Qi’s maid servants whose name is Jia Peilan was dismissed from the palace, then she married a civilian. So she brought the activity of Double Ninth from the Palace to the common people. She told people that every year on the ninth day of the ninth lunar month, in the palace the emperor and his attendants would wear Zhu Yu plant on hair, eat rice cakes and drink wine or chrysanthemum tea to dispel bad omens and pray for longevity.

In the period of the Three Kingdoms, people gradually had the custom of hiking. In the period of Weijin, on the Double Ninth Festival there were customs of appreciating chrysanthemums and drinking chrysanthemum wine.

To the Tang dynasty, the Double Ninth Festival was regarded officially as a folk festival, the activity of the festival became more and more colorful and rich. People on that day must drink chrysanthemum wine and wear Zhu Yu plant on the head or arms.

After the founding of the People’s Republic of China, the Double Ninth Festival

was also called the Senior Citizen’s Day. In 1989, the holiday was called officially after the Senior Citizen’s Day. Every year the Double Ninth Festival is also the day to show the respect to the elders. The Chinese nation has the traditional virtue about having the greatest esteem for old people. So, on this day most places organized the old people to climbing the mountains in order to communication and physical exercising.

3.2 The origin of Mother’s Day

The festival that shows the respect to mother in Western countries appeared in the Middle Age. In Europe, there were several long standing traditions where a special Sunday was set aside to honor motherhood and mothers such as Mothering Sunday. Mothering Sunday celebrations are part of the liturgical calendar in several Christian denominations, include Anglicans, and in the Catholic calendar is marked as Laetare Sunday, which is the fourth Sunday in Lent (in the Christian church, the period of 40 days from Ash Wednesday to the day before Easter, during which some Christians give up food or activities, that they enjoy in memory of Christ’s suffering). Children and young people who were ―in service‖ (servants in richer households) were given a day off on that date so they could visit their families. Children would pick wild flowers along the way to place them in the church or to give them to their mother as gifts, and people would eat Simnel cake that is also called Mothering cake.

The Mothering Sunday was ignored when the early immigrates came to American continent. Until the end of the nineteenth century, Julia Ward Howe raked the opinion of the Mothering Sunday up. She felt the inhumanity of the war during the Franco-Prussian War, so she decided to use the way of ―mother‖ to solve the conflict of the war. And in 1870, she wrote Mother’s Day Proclamation. In 1834, the U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt approved a stamp commemorating the festival.

In the present form, Mother’s Day was established by Anna Marie Jarvis, following the death of her mother Ann Jarvis on May 9, 1905, with the help of Philadelphia merchant John Wanamaker. A small service was held in May 12, 1907 in the Andrew’s Methodist Episcopal Church in Grafton, West Virginia where Anna’s

mother had been teaching Sunday school. But the first official service was in May 10, 1908 in the same church, accompanied by a large ceremony in the Wanamaker Auditorium in the Wanamaker’s store on Philadelphia. She then campaigned to establish Mother’s Day first as a U.S. national holiday and then later as an international holiday.

The holiday was declared officially by the state of West Virginia in 1910, and the rest of states followed quickly. On May 8, 1914, the U.S. Congress passed a law designating the second Sunday in May as Mother’s Day and requesting a proclamation. On May 8, 1914, President Woodrow Wilson issued a proclamation declaring the first national Mother’s Day as a day for American citizens to show the flag in honor of those mothers whose sons had died in war.

Now, in the United States, Mother’s Day remains one of the biggest days for sales of flowers, greeting cards, and the like; it is also the biggest holiday for long-distance telephone calls.

4. The historical evolution of two festivals

Although the creation of the most festival customs depends on belief, in the process of the development, the belief was almost discarded. There are two kinds of cases, one is keeping the original belief, the fate of the original belief is endangerment or existing in a narrow faith circle, the other is the component of the belief become unimportance, but not disappears, and the component of appreciation and entertainment become the dominant part. This is the progress of the development of the most festival customs. With the development of the society and times, whether it is Chinese traditional festivals or Western festivals, the festivals’ specific connotation and form of expression have changed, some even are given some new substances and meaning.

4.1 The Double Ninth Festival

Like other festivals, the Double Ninth Festival also has an old legend.

It is said that during East Han dynasty, in a small village in Henan province there was a monster, when he appeared, every family would have people get ill, and



1.情人节(Valentine's Day)又称“瓦伦丁节”




复活节的像征物为:小白兔(bunny),彩蛋(coloured boiled egg)和糖豆(jelly bean)。

3.愚人节(April Fool's Day)



4.母亲节(Mother's Day)







10月31日的万圣节是美国的一个大节日。在这节日里小孩们装扮成“鬼”去敲每家每户的门,嘴里喊着:“trick or treat”于是他们得到糖果、礼品等物,可谓满载而归。几乎所有的男女青年都去参加夜间举行的化妆游行或舞会。他们都把自己打扮成魔鬼、动物、古代人、外星人、机器人等奇形怪状的样子,表演各式各样的令人难以置信的动作,发出刺耳的声音、呈现出一幕幕离奇、荒唐的场景。







是基督教纪念传说中的耶稣(Jesus Christ)诞生的节日。节期一般为12月24日到翌年1月6日。在12月25日各地都要举行盛大的庆祝活动。圣诞节已成为欧美各国最重要、最盛大的节日。无论你是否基督教徒都隆重庆祝这一节日。

圣诞除夕,夫妻之间、亲友间都先将互赠节日礼品(Christmas gift)。

节日的象征物为:圣诞树(小松树),圣诞花,圣诞蜡烛,圣诞卡、圣诞邮票、圣诞老人,鹿(rein deer),拐杖形糖(sugar cane)。外出的亲人都按期赶回与家人团聚。

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七(3)班 梁月莎


母亲节起源于西方,而自古以来奉行忠孝的中国,更是具有无比重大的意义。于是,在母亲节当天,我便与母亲开始了不断购物之旅 。一路过来,暗暗考虑时间的我眼看时间流逝心中已焦虑万分,对于接下来的行程也越来越不耐烦,当母亲兴致勃勃地拉着我又想扎进衣服堆里,我终于按倷不住心中的烦躁,略带急躁地向母亲表示自己去看书,与母亲分开行动的意愿。母亲一怔,脸上闪过一丝失望,随又若无其事地说道:”看看书也好,我看你平时待在家里也闷得很了,想你可以了解新鲜事,你就去吧,我自己一个人也能行。我心中过一丝迟疑,但面对母亲坦然的态度,也只得放下那满心的担忧与母亲分开了。平日里趣味无限的阅读区此时在我心里却显得一派沉闷与冷清。没几分钟我就转完整个阅读区。正感无聊的我却被一阵笑声引住了。在不远处的服装区,一位家长带着一幅小学模样的孩子,而孩子兴奋地向母亲说着什么,母子之间一片欢声笑语。就连远远看着的我也不自觉露出微笑,我想起自己还是小学时每每与母亲出行总有说不完的话题,于今时的情景不同。想到这里,每一种难以言喻的兴奋与隐隐的愧疚顿时冲去我心中的沉郁烦躁。是啊,在我孩提时代母亲总是愿意牺牲自己的时间伴我左右,对我总是耐心与比。而我如今我难道能为了自己的一点所谓私人时间而放弃陪伴母亲的机会吗?正像那对母子,因为全心陪伴彼此与珍惜对方的陪伴,所以其乐融融,小学的我与母亲不也正是如此吗?想到这里,我的心中无比晴朗。心中的压力也不翼而飞,转身离开,我明白了自己的追求。

