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小草范文网  发布于:2017-01-03  分类: 脱口秀 手机版




作者 天津外国语大学 翟文喆老师



第一篇 哈利是学什么专业的?


第二篇 哈利的民族成分


第三篇 哈利的选课1:飞行课和魁地奇


第四篇 赫敏的头发、血统和身份


第五篇 霍格沃茨的校长


第六篇 哈利的选课2:黑魔法防御


第七篇 霍格沃茨的敌人


第八篇 霍格沃茨的校规


第九篇 霍格沃茨的教学


第十篇 霍格沃茨的女生课


第一篇 哈利是学什么专业的?






如果你在右下角找到的话,还应该顺便看看上面的几个字:inns of court / school of law.,可以简单的翻译成“律师学院”。



这里的“学院”,英文为 inn,其实翻译成“行会”更准确,这四个学院成立的时间都很早,最晚的格雷律师学院也在1569年成立了。因此传统上,这四个学院都是师徒制的,就像以前京剧的“科班”,老师和学生吃住都在一起,共同学习,共同生活,每个学生必须经过若干次“聚餐”才能毕业。这个餐会的场景在电影里也出现了很(本文来自:WwW.xiaOCaofAnweN.Com 小草范文 网:美国脱口秀赫敏和哈利)多次:

篇二:《哈利波特》完结篇 哈利赫敏很伤心

《哈利波特》完结篇 哈利赫敏很伤心

Harry Potter has Hermione's consoling hand on his shoulder - but he can't seem to hide his despair about the blockbuster film series coming to an end。


Daniel Radcliffe, who plays the wizard, and his co-star Emma Watson admit they are "devastated" that the movie, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, will be the last in the saga。


Ron, played by Rupert Grint, doesn't look too happy either as the cameras roll in countryside near Stevenage, Herts, for the seventh and final episode. Hogwarts fans will be amazed when the magic of make-up fast-forwards the trio into middle age with children of their own。而由鲁伯特·格林特扮演的罗恩看上去也不怎么开心。目前剧组正在赫特福德靠近Stevenage的郊野拍摄《哈利波特》系列电影的最后也就是第七部。而近日网上爆出的魔法三人组人到中年拖儿带女的浓妆剧照也会让霍格沃茨的粉丝们倍感震惊。

But even Harry can't work his magic to conjure up another film for them to appear in。




So What If Hermione Ended Up With the Wrong Guy?

In the world of Harry Potter, Hermione Granger is the one that got away … for the books’ number one champion, that is.


Though I treasured J.K. Rowling’s incomparable series from middle school until my second year of college, I was ready to move on from the franchise a long time ago, so when the author keeps popping up in the news to discuss what we didn’t know or what she should have done with the story, it feels a little

unnecessary, and honestly, I worry the old favorite of mine has become an itch that won’t go away with all these delayed talks on its creation.


Yet everyone’s buzzing about Rowling’s recent interview revealing the Ron Weasley and Hermione

Granger pairing was a mistake. Hermione, a plucky, highly intelligent female wizard, should have wound up with Harry Potter, the leading man. Rowling says this is how she intended for the story to play out: 近来,因为罗琳在采访中透露罗恩.韦斯莱与赫敏.格兰杰是对错误鸳鸯,立即引得人们议论纷纷。赫敏,一个勇敢、天资聪慧的女巫,应该和哈利.波特这样的领导型人才在一起。罗琳说她当初如此安排故事是因为:

“I wrote the Hermione/Ron relationship as a form of wish fulfillment. That’s how it was conceived, really. For reasons that have very little to do with literature and far more to do with me clinging to the plot as I first imagined it, Hermione ended up with Ron.”


Many of us rooted for Harry and Hermione to get together from the start, and Rowling worries her confession has upset a lot of fans who are probably thinking, “I told you so”:


“I know, I’m sorry. I can hear the rage and fury it might cause some fans, but if I’m absolutely honest, distance has given me perspective on that. It was a choice I made for very personal reasons, not for reasons of credibility. Am I breaking people’s hearts by saying this? I hope not.”


To be honest, we all would have been perfectly OK to not know, and as much as I cherish the books, this isn’t the best way to keep their spirit alive.


From my standpoint, it would have seemed too obvious for Harry and Hermione to date. There’s also something special about the complex relationship between Hermione and Ron, two completely different people. Hermione is ambitious, prompt, sharp whereas Ron is painted as the dopey accident-prone ginger with no money and a ton of siblings. He has the big loving family, but you never really hear about her home life. She’s more book smart, he’s more street smart. Harry, on the other hand, falls somewhere in the middle, having lost his parents as a baby and also struggled when he first got to Hogwarts. Ron and Hermione balance each other out as many polar opposites do.


Taking romance out of the equation, Harry Potter isn’t a story driven by who belongs with whom. It’s a book about many things, and the love aspect is a very small part of the plot. While Rowling is the writer and should be able to talk about her work however she’d like, Harry Potter means something different to every single person who reads or watches it. There’s no use trying to alter these memories so many years after the fact or for new people who haven’t had the chance to experience the series yet. Let’s honor it for what it was, not for what it could have been.

