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小草范文网  发布于:2017-02-08  分类: 文化论文 手机版

篇一:汉服,英语论文,中国传统文化,传统文化,成稿 (3000字英文论文,可直接交作业哦~)




1.Brief Introduction of Hanfu --------------------------------------------------------1

2. The Main Style of Hanfu-----------------------------------------------------------1

3. The History of Hanfu---------------------------------------------------------------3

4. The Disappearance of Hanfu------------------------------------------------------5

5. Today People’s Negligence Misunderstanding to Hanfu--------------------------6

6. The Importance of Hanfu----------------------------------------------------------6

7. The Reasons for Hanfu Decline----------------------------------------------------7

8. Revival Movement of Hanfu -------------------------------------------------------8


1. Brief Introduction of Hanfu

1.1 The Definition of Hanfu

Hanfu or Han Chinese Clothing, also sometimes known as Hanzhuang, Huafu and sometimes referred in English sources simply as Silk Robe (especially those worn by the gentry) or Chinese Silk Robe refers to the historical dress of the Han Chinese people.

1.2 The Features of Hanfu

The main features of the Hanfu is Jiaoling Youren (cross collar and overlap the right collar to the left one), Yinkou Shudai (hide the buttons and tie the clothing with the pine) and Kuaxiu Dapao (Big robe and sleeves). The clothes do not use the buttons but pine , which gives people free and easy and elegant impression. Hanfu in these characteristics are significantly different from the clothes of the other ethnic groups.

2. The Main Style of Hanfu

Han Chinese clothing, reflecting the cultural expression of the Han people, is part of the ritual system. The core of the Han civilization is cultural etiquette, and etiquetteculture is rooted in the Hanfu system. And Hanfu system is a whole dressed system, including clothing, caps, hair style, surface decoration, footwear, accessories, and so on.

2.1 Hanfu Clothing

Hanfu clothing had changed and evolved with the fashion of the days since its commonly assumed beginnings in the Shang dynasty. Many of the earlier designs are more gender-neutral and simple in cuttings. Later garments incorporate multiple pieces with men commonly wearing pants and women commonly wearing skirts. Clothing for women usually accentuates the body’s natural curves thro



wrapping of upper garment lapels or binding with sashes at the waist.

2.1.1 Informal Wear

Types include tops (yi) and bottoms (divided further into pants and skirts for both genders, with terminologies chang or qun), and one-piece robes that wrap around the body once or several times (shenyi).

Shenyi: a long full body garment

Quju: diagonal body wrapping

Zhiju: straight lapels

Zhongyi or zhongdan: inner garments, mostly white cotton or silk

Shanqun: a short coat with a long skirt

Ruqun: a top garment with a separate lower garment or skirt

Kuzhe: a short coat with trousers

Zhiduo/zhishe: a Ming Dynasty style robe, similar to a zhiju shenyi but with vents at the side and stitched sleeves

2.1.2 Semi-formal Wear

A piece of Hanfu can be made semi-formal by the addition of the following appropriate items:

Chang: a pleated skirt

Bixi: long front cloth panel attached from the waist belt

Zhaoshan: long open fronted coat

2.1.3 Formal Wear

In addition to informal and semi-formal wear, there is a form of dress that is worn only at confucian rituals (like important sacrifices or religious activities) or by special people who are entitled to wear them (such as officials and emperors).

Formal garments may include:

Xuanduan: a very formal dark robe; equivalent to the Western white tie

Daopao/Fusha: Taoist/Buddhist priests' full dress ceremonial robes

Yuanlingshan, lanshan or panlingpao: closed, round-collared robe; mostly used for official or academical dress

2.1.4 Court Dress

Court dress is the dress worn at very formal occasions and ceremonies that are in the presence of a monarch (such as an enthronement ceremony). The entire ensemble of clothing can consist of many complex layers and look very elaborate. Court dress is similar to the xuanduan in components but have additional adornments and elaborate headwear. They are often brightly colored with vermillion and blue. There are various versions of court dress that are worn for certain occasions.

Court dress refers to:

2.2 Hats and Headwear

On top of the Hanfu, hats (for men) or hairpieces (for women) may be worn. One can often tell the profession or social rank of someone by what they wear on their heads. The typical types of male headwear are called jin for soft caps, mao for a stiff hats and guan for formal headdress. Officials and academics have a separate set of hats for them, typically the putou, the wushamao, the si-fang pingding jin and the Zhuangzi jin. A typical hairpiece for women is a ji but there are more elaborate hairpieces.1

3. The History of Hanfu

Hanfu has a history of more than three millennia, and is said to have been worn by the legendary Yellow Emperor. “Yellow Emperor Yao and Shun down clothes and rule the world, using come from to build the course of events.”2 In 1 蒋玉秋、王艺璇、陈锋: 汉服, 青岛出版社, 2008年1月

2 金晶芳著: 《易传·系辞传》新编详解, 黄山书社, 1998年10月——“黄帝尧舜垂衣裳而天下治,盖取诸乾坤。”

other words, as early as the era of the Yellow Emperor, ancient Chinese costumes have been on quite a scale. From the beginning of its history, Hanfu (especially in elite circles) was inseparable from silk, supposedly discovered by the Yellow Emperor’s consort, Leizu.

The Shang Dynasty (c.1600 BC-1000 BC), developed the rudiments of Hanfu; it consisted of a yi, a narrow-cuffed, knee-length tunic tied with a sash, and a narrow, ankle-length skirt, called chang, worn with a bixi, a length of fabric that reached the knees. Vivid primary colors and green were used, due to the degree of technology at the time.

Chinese rules of wtiquette regarding Hanfu started taking shape in the Zhou Dynasty, regulating from the royalties down to the commoners. As early as the Zhou Dynasty, garmens were already classified into sacrificial attire,court attire, army uniform,mourning attire and wedding attire. And different styles of clothes showed people’s positions and their states of origin.

The Qin and Han dynasties witnessed the unification of China and its written language. Qin Shihuang, the first emperor of the Qin Dynasty, established many social systems,including that of uniforms to distinguish people’s ranks and social positions.

Chinese clothing developed rapidly during the Wei, Jin, and Southern and Northern dynasies. Some time before 265, the cultural and aesthetic views of the peoples in north and south China merged following mass movements of the population caused by frequent wars, Philosophical schools of thought influenced both people’s lives and the concepts of clothing design.

During the Sui Dynasty, all poor people had to wear black and blue clothes, and only the rich people could wear other colours.

In the Tang Dyansty, clothing was more varied than before because the state was more open to the outside world.What is worth special mention is that women of the Tang Dynasty did not have to abide by the traditional dress code. They were allowed to expose their arms and back, and wear dressed that absorbed elements from other cultures. They could wear men’s riding garments if they liked. The





衣裳一体男儿装,交领盘领主式样。 中衣交领露衽边,内外两重好品相。 领袖缘边异衣身,袖摆覆手松而长。 出手回肘是正体,平民也有短衣裳。 隐扣系带正衣冠,裤脚套袜靴中藏。 这是古代男子汉服的元素歌诀。




正是这唯一的亮点,让我又忆起自己对汉服的一直由衷的喜爱却寡见少识的遗憾。 从三皇五帝到明朝这一段时期汉民族所穿的服装,被称为汉服,作为汉民族传承千年的传统民族服装,几千年时间里,汉民族凭借自己的智慧,创造了绚丽多彩的汉服文化,发展形成了具有汉民族自己独特特色的服装体系——汉服体系


汉初之“袍”被作为礼服,一般多为大袖,袖口部分收紧缩小,紧窄部分为“祛”,袖身宽大部分为“袂”,所谓“张袂成荫”就是 形象化的描述;而说到中国传统的女子服饰,当推旗袍,更是传统服饰文化与现代时尚设计完美结合的典范,它造型完美、结构适体、内外和谐,是兼收并蓄中西服饰特色的近代中国女性的标准服装,是中华服饰文化的代表,在女装舞台上有着不可替代的重要地位。旗袍的设计表面上不温不火,实质上内涵丰富、意蕴幽远,达到了形式与内容的完美融通。光滑的质感和简洁的造型表现出流畅明快的线条与和谐一体的气韵,展示出东方女子温柔、典雅之美。这种气韵不仅展于外表,而且沉于内心。穿上旗袍,既能衬托出东方女性优美的身段,又能显示出其幽雅的心境和悠闲的生活节奏,充分展示出中国传统服饰的含蓄美,呈现出一种宛若自然生命律动的朦胧佳境。











陈熙亮,杨鑫,马艳华负责调查 羊绍鹏,李瑞负责图片收集和整理







中国传统文化对中华民族的文化结构、心理特征、伦理道德等等都有深深的影响。其积极的层面都为历代的仁人志士所继承和发展, 成为中华民族长期发展的巨大力量。而它的具体的标志就是要看:(1)这个文化是否还有严格意义上的传人,即一些以团体的方式、用自己的生命实践在自觉地传承她的“道统”的人们;(2)她赖以生存的最基本的社会结构是否还存在;(3)她的基本价值取向是否还能影响人们在生活中做出的重大选择;(4)她的独特语言是否还活在人



