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小草范文网  发布于:2017-01-20  分类: 意思 手机版



一, The easiest question in the world

one day , a rich man met Sam. the rich man asked , " I`ve heard you are very clever and nothing is difficult to you. Can you tell

me why you are so clever."

Sam answered, "I`m not clever, but you are too silly." The rich

man became very angry.

Sam said, "Sir, please don`t be angry, if you don`t believe what I said, let me ask you a question now. If you have a group of sheep, I give you another group. How groups of sheep do you have?" "Why, that`s the easiest question in the world, one and one is two.Anybody knows that. I have two groups of sheep. " Sam laughed and said," You are wrong, sir.two groups of sheep put together is still one group. That is easiest question in the


二, I`ll not go home tonight because of the rain

When a friend was visiting David, it began to rain. So David told him not to go home that night."You may stay here for the

night," he said." Ok, " answered his friend.

But a few minutes later, the friend went out. He didn`t tell David where he was going nor did he ask for an umbrella. When David was about to go to bed, his friend returned, he was all wet


"Where have you been?" asked David. "I have been home," answered the friend, " to tell my brother that I`ll not go home

tonight because of the rain."

三, Why do I want to go to colleage?

Why do I want to go to college? No one asked me such a question. But many times I have asked myself.I have come up with a whole variety of reasons. The most important reason is that I

want to be a better man.

Many things make human beings different is education. If i fail to receive higher education, my education will not finish. As I want to be a fully developed , I must get a well-rounded education, which good colleges and universities are supposed to


I know one can get educated in many ways, but colleges and universities are among the best places to teach me how to educate myself. Only when I am well-educated, will I be a better

human being and be fit into society.

四, Children should not have to do heavy work

It is not a good idea for children to have to work hard. Children should study in school as hard as they can. They should not have

to do heavy work with their bodies.

When parents or others force children to work hard, the results

are never good and may be very bad.

A farmer`s son who has to work hard like a man may early learn to hate farming. Children sometimes do too much work in

gardens, in shops or even in their own own homes.

They soon begin to hate such kind of work with force that can

destroy their happiness.

But there may be a worse loss: a child`s love for his parents. The feeling may become something different. When that happens, the

old kind of love never returns.

、、、五、many value (价值观) differences between the Chinese

and Americans.

Audrey is a Chinese-American student. She has found many value (价值观) differences between the Chinese and Americans.

About money

1,The American children love to make money by themselves. Chinese children always ask their parents for money. 2, American parents don't think it is useful to send their children to an expensive university. Chinese parents would do anything to send their children to good universities even if it

could make them very poor.

About school

1, Many American girls take part in sports, dancing and singing groups. Many Chinese girls take p


art in academic (学术

的) groups.

2, American students usually feel happy when they get B in an

exam. Chinese students feel sad when they get B.

American parents and Chinese parents

American parents allow their daughters or sons to go out with their friends if they come back home at the certain time. Chinese parents usually don't allow their children in middle school to go

out with their friends at night.

American teachers and Chinese teachers

During parent-teacher meetings, American teachers will always find good things to say to The parents, even to those with the

worst grades. But Chinese teachers often tell the parents the

mistakes that their children made at school.

、、六、 I was in such a hurry to go away that I forgot to ask her

for the fare

The English are often described as unfriendly people who don`t talk to strangers, but not London taxi drivers. I once asked a cabby to describe his life to meand he didn`t stop talking until I arrived home half an hour later! He told me interesting stories

stop this is one of them.

Some very strange things happen late at night. The other day I was taking a woman home from a party.She had her little dog with her.When we got to her house she found that she`d lost key.So I waited in the cab with the dog while she climb in

through the window.

I waited... and waited...After half an hour of ringing the bell I decided to find out what was going on。I tied the dog to a tree and started to climb in through the same wimdow.The next thing I know was that the police came. They thought that I was trying to rob the house! Luckily, the woman came downstairs. She had gone to sleep and forgotten about me and the dog. I was in such a hurry to go away that I forgot to ask her for the


Express love

Not long ago I answered a telephone call from an old friend. He didn’t phone me for a long time.

“Hi, Steve,” he said.” I just want to see how you’re getting along.”

For whatever reason, our paths had simply not cleaned for months. It was good to talk with him. I wondered why we hadn’t kept in touch better.

Toward the end of the talk, he said, “If you need me in any way, I’ll be happy to help out.” And he meant it!

That call came at just the right time, as they so often did. I needed those words of encouragement. I hung up the phone with my chest filled with a felling of warmth.

And that day I relearned something important about life: Life is primarily about people –not plans and programs, not to-do lists and a million takes left undone –it’s about people.

To love and to know that we are love is the greatest happiness in life. But happiness to be something that is in short supply for too many of us! My friend reminds me that it is never enough just to love; we must also express it. What good are our friendly feelings toward others if we don’t find ways to let them know?

Do not keep the box of your love and friendship locked up until your friends are dead. Fill their lives with sweetness. Speak cheering words while their cars can hear them and while their hearts can be thrilled and made happier. The kind things you mean to say when they are gone, say before they go.

Happiness may be just a phone call away.





很幸运,我在约翰霍普金斯大学(Johns Hopkins University)攻读博士学位时,1991年4月遇到了学兄和启蒙老师John Desjarlais。听了我的苦恼后,John告诉我,“Spend 45 minutes every day reading Washington Post, and you will be cruising with your written English in two years”(每天花45分钟读《华盛顿邮报》,两年后你的写作能力会得心应手)。这条建议正合我意 - 我原本就对新闻感兴趣!于是,我每天上午安排完第一批实验后,都会在十点左右花一小时的时间阅读《华盛顿邮报》,主要看A版(新闻版)。刚开始,我一个小时只能读两、三个短消息或一个长篇报道,中间还不得不经常查字典看生词。但不知不觉间,我的阅读能力明显提高,1992年老布什与克林顿竞选总统,我跟踪新闻,常常一个小时能读上几个版面的消息或四、五个长篇报道,有时还把刚看到的新闻绘声绘色地讲给师兄师姐听。


《华盛顿邮报》和《巴尔的摩太阳报》(The Baltimore Sun)各写了一封信,评论报道的不公平。没想到两天后《巴尔的摩太阳报》居然原封不动的把我的信刊登在“读者来信”栏目,同事祝贺,我也洋洋得意。受到此事鼓励,我在此后三年多的日子里,常常动笔,有些文章发表在报刊上(大部分投稿石沉大海),也曾代表中国留学生写信向校方争取过中国学生的利益。有时还有意外的惊喜。95年的一天,一位朋友打电话告诉我:今天出版的《巴尔的摩太阳报》上有我的评论文章!我急匆匆赶到街头买来5份报纸,果然,在A版的倒数第二页,以15x15厘米的篇幅发表了我一个多星期前寄给报社、本以为不会发表的一篇抨击吴宏达的文章。

以上是简述我个人英文写作提升的一段过程。但是,科研论文不同于读者来信,有其专业特点、甚至是固定格式。1994年,我第一次完整地写科研论文,感觉很差。好不容易写完的文章,连我自己都不愿意读第二遍;勉强修改之后,交给了老板Jeremy Berg。他拖了三周没看我的文章,我实在忍不住了、去催他,上午9点,Jeremy告诉我:今天看!11点,我去他办公室催,秘书拦住我,说Jeremy正在办理重要事务,两点前不得打扰。我心里惴惴,不知Jeremy在干什么。下午一点半,Jeremy急匆匆过来找我,拿了一叠纸, “This is the draft. Please let me know what you think. We can aim for a Science report.”(这是初稿,你看看如何,我们可以试试《科学》)我仔细一看,天啊!一共7页,四个多小时Jeremy已经把文章的整体写完了,只是缺少Method和 references。让我郁闷的是,他根本没有用我的初稿。

【其实,写文章贵在一气呵成。我也沿袭了Jeremy的风格。2006年10月,在我们处于劣势的激烈竞争中,有两个课题面临被 scoop的危险,我曾经两次、一晚上赶一篇文章。10月15日,傍晚8点左右开始写、通宵,第二天早晨10点完成一篇按照《细胞》杂志格式的论文,包括abstract, introduction, results, discussion,仔细阅读一遍后于下午4点半完成网上投稿。这篇文章最终发表在12月份《自然》的子刊《结构与分子生物学》上(电子版于11月10日发表)。另一篇,10月18日,晚6点开始写、通宵,





3.具体写作时,先按照思路(即Figures)写一个以subheading为主的框架,然后开始具体写作。第一稿,切忌追求每一句话的完美,更不要追求词语的华丽,而主要留心逻辑(logic flow),注意前后句的逻辑关系、相邻两段的逻辑关系。写作时,全力以赴,尽可能不受外界事情干扰(关闭手机、座机),争取在最短时间内拿出第一稿。还要注意:一句话不可太长。

4.学会照葫芦画瓢。没有人天生会写优秀的科研论文,都是从别人那里学来的。学习别人的文章要注意专业领域的不同,有些领域(包括我所在的结构生物学)有它内在的写作规律。科研文章里的一些话是定式,比如 “To investigate the mechanism of …, we performed …”, “These results support the former, but not the latter, hypothesis …”, “Despite recent progress, how … remains to be elucidated …” 等等。用两次以后,就逐渐学会灵活运用了。在向别人学习时,切忌抄袭。在美国一些机构,连续7个英文单词




这套方法行之有效,我对所有的学生和博士后都会如此教导。我的第一个博士后是柴继杰,1999年加入我在普林斯顿大学的实验室。继杰当时的英文阅读和写作能力很差。我对他的第一个建议就是,“每天花半小时读英文报纸”。难能可贵的是:他坚持下来了!经过几年的努力,2004年继杰已经能写出不错的grant proposal,2006年他的第一篇独立科研论文发表在《Molecular Cell》上,随后相继在《自然》发表两篇、在其它一流学术期刊发表十多篇论文。写作能力开始成熟。



【 序:此文针对本科生和一、二年级的博士、硕士生,对高年级的博士生和博士后也应该有参考价值。该文的一些背景可以参考我此前关于提

高英文写作能力的博文: http:///m/user_content.aspx?id=349932】

从小到大,我感性思维多一些,不善于读书。85至89年在清华生物系读本科期间,从未读过任何一种英文专业期刊。我受到的与英文阅读相关的训练一共只有两个。一是我在1986年暑假期间选修的时任系主任的蒲慕明老师开设的《生物英语》系列讲座,隐隐约约记得蒲先生让我们阅读一些诸如DNA双螺旋发现之类的科普性英文文章,很有意思。但时间较短,暑假过后也没有养成读英文文章的习惯。二是《生物化学》这门课。与现在的清华生命学院形成鲜明对比,我上大学期间的所有基础课和专业课都是采用中文教材、中文讲课,只有郑昌学老师讲授的《生物化学》采用了Lehninger的《Principles of Biochemistry》,而且郑老师要求我们每个学生每次课后阅读10-20页教材。我们同学大多感觉到专业英文阅读有所提高。

1990年4月至7月初,我在依阿华州Ames小镇的Iowa State

University度过了初到美国的前三个月,其中大部分时间在Herbert Fromm教授的实验室做轮转(rotation),跟随刘峰和董群夫妻两人做研究(刘峰现在University of Texas Health Science Center做教授)。当时感觉最困难的就是读专业论文。有一次,Fromm教授要求我在组会上讲解一篇《Journal of Biological Chemistry》的文章,我提前两天开始阅读,第一遍花了足足六个小时,许多生词只能依靠英汉词典,文章中的有些关键内容还没有完全读懂,当时的感觉是JBC的文章怎么这么长、这么难懂?!真有点苦不堪言。为了能给Fromm教授和师兄师姐留下好印象,第二天又花了好几个小时读第二遍,还做了总结。第三天我在组会上的表现总算没有给清华丢脸。但是,前前后后,真搞不清楚自己为了这一篇文章到底花了多少时间!

90年7月我转学到约翰霍普金斯大学以后,与本科来自北大的虞一华同在IPMB program。虞一华大我一岁,来巴尔地摩之前已经在夏威夷大学
