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联通引领发展 伙伴聚焦合作

Connectivity Spearheads Development and Partnership Enables Cooperation


– Address at Dialogue on Strengthening Connectivity Partnership


H.E. Xi Jinping, President of the People’s Republic of China


Diaoyutai State Guesthouse, 8 November 2014









Your Excellency President Abdul Hamid,

Your Excellency President Choummaly Sayasone,

Your Excellency President Tsakhiagiin Elbegdorj,

Your Excellency President U Thein Sein,

Your Excellency President Emomali Rahmon,

Your Excellency Prime Minister Samdech Hun Sen,

Your Excellency Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif,

Ladies and Gentlemen,



Let me begin by thanking all of you for coming to Beijing for this Dialogue on Strengthening Connectivity Partnership. It is a vivid testimony to the deep friendship and cooperation existing in our relations and an expression of your important support to China’s hosting of the 22nd APEC Economic Leaders’ Meeting.



“Friends and neighbors become closer when they visit each other more often.” Meeting face-to-face and exchanging views among neighboring countries on major issues is all the more necessary. China, as this year’s host of the APEC summit, has made Asia-Pacific connectivity one of the topics of the meeting. Given the importance of the issue and the fact that many Asian countries and relevant international organizations are interested and eager to get involved in the discussions, we have decided to have this meeting after consulting with relevant parties so that we can discuss together how we can best advance development in Asia.


You might have heard of a Chinese fable describing an old man trying to remove the mountains. Thousands of years ago, there was an elderly named Yu Gong, meaning Foolish Old Man, who lived in a remote village surrounded by high mountains. He resolved to remove the two mountains obstructing his access to the outside world. Relatives and neighbors all cautioned him against the idea, but Yu Gong was undeterred and continued with the job with his children and grand-children day in and day out. He said that the mountains would not grow any bigger or higher but people would have children and there would be no end of their posterity. So long as people persevere, there will be a day when the mountains are removed. Yu Gong’s perseverance had the Heavenly God moved. With the joint efforts of man and God, the mountains are removed and connectivity of Yu Gong’s village with the outside world realized.


Connectivity has been a yearning of mankind since ancient times. Our ancestors braved extremely harsh conditions to create wonders of connectivity. The Silk Road was just a case in point, giving the Asian peoples the well-deserved title of connectivity pioneers.


As humanity moves forward, our society is progressing. At present, with the impact of the international financial crisis lingering, global economic growth and trade have both slowed down. At the same time, a new round of industrial and technological revolution is poised to take off, free trade arrangements at the regional level are cropping up one after another, and structural adjustment, reform and innovation are becoming a prevailing trend of the world. Against such a

backdrop, Asian countries ought to redouble their efforts to build on their traditional strengths in resources, manufacturing capacity, savings and as the world’s workshop and acquire new strengths in value-added, innovation, investment and market, with a view to cultivating together new growth areas and new competitive edges. In achieving all these goals, connectivity holds a key link.


The connectivity we talk about today is not merely about building roads and bridges or making linear connection of different places on surface. More importantly, it should be a three-way combination of infrastructure, institutions and people-to-people exchanges and a five-way progress in policy communication, infrastructure connectivity, trade link, capital flow, and understanding among peoples. It is a wide-ranging, multi-dimensional, vibrant and open connectivity network that pools talent and resources from all stakeholders.


Asia faces both opportunities and difficulties in connectivity development. The challenges come from diversity of systems and laws in various countries, the divergent needs and requirements among stakeholders, and the less than satisfactory coordination among the existing mechanisms. The issue of funding stands out as the most challenging. According to an Asian Development Bank estimate, Asia as a whole needs as much as 730 billion US dollars per year in infrastructure investment before 2020. To address these and other problems, the efforts by a single or several countries are far from adequate. Only by building extensive partnerships where all will think and work in unison, can we expect to achieve positive results.


– We need to achieve a coordinated development of Asian countries. Asian countries attach great importance to connectivity and many of them have worked out national plans of infrastructure development. It is time that we integrate such national strategies and plans, identify the priority areas and projects, and pool together our resources for coordinated progress in implementation. This will help bring down the logistic costs, create demand and employment, give play to our comparative and latecomer advantages, secure favorable position in the global supply chain,

industrial chain and value chain, raise our comprehensive competitiveness and usher in a new situation in Asian development characterized by a robust, sustainable and balanced growth. Asian countries are just like a cluster of bright lanterns. Only when we link them together, can we light up the night sky in our continent.


– We need to build a more open economy in Asia. Facing the trend of the times toward multipolarity, economic globalization, cultural diversity and increased IT application, no country can expect to develop itself behind closed doors. Seclusion will lead to nowhere. A country can only develop by staying open to the outside world. Asian countries should follow open regionalism, refrain from forming exclusive blocs or targeting against third countries and prod countries both within and without the region to make the best of their capabilities, complement the advantages of one another and share their gains together. Countries sharing common borders need to be more open to each other, as evidenced by negotiating and signing transport, trade and investment facilitation agreements, connecting their cross-border infrastructure and coordinating and aligning their regulations in various areas.


It is imperative to resolve through consultation such issues as institutions, policies and standards that affect connectivity so as to reduce the costs and time required for cross-border flows of people, goods and capital. We need to carry out cooperation in mutual information sharing, mutual oversight recognition and mutual law-enforcement assistance in customs procedures, expedite the establishment of “single windows” in border ports and extend the practice of juxtaposed border control according to which travelers are able to go through both exit and entry procedures in the same checkpoint. The openness must respect the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the relevant countries, accommodate their comfort levels and refrain from imposing one’s views on others or interfering in the internal affairs of other countries. The openness should follow an incremental approach, addressing the easier issues before tackling the more difficult ones, making pilot projects to bring about greater progress across the board, and achieving success by accumulating little gains step by step. In this way, we can expect the Asian economy to move steadily forward on the path for greater openness and the Asian countries to strengthen their strategic mutual trust amid the process.


– We need to realize the Asian people’s dream for happiness. Each new transport route carries on it people’s dream for happiness. In stepping up connectivity in Asia, we will open more windows for the people to observe the world, pursue their dreams and broaden their path to move from poverty to prosperity. In considering and planning connectivity projects, we should always put people first, heed the views of the people at the grassroots, ensure a higher income for them and earnestly address such practical problems facing them as electricity, drinking water, medical care, schooling, employment and access to the Internet. At the same time, we must protect the environment and eco-system, so that countries will stay both prosperous and beautiful.


We need to draw our peoples closer to one another for exchanges of ideas and inter-cultural dialogue through connectivity development in Asia, so that they will meet and learn about each other, trust and respect each other, create a harmonious and peaceful life for their common enjoyment and jointly pursue an Asian dream of peace, prosperity and progress.


– We need to create a platform of cooperation of Asian characteristics. Much pioneering and fundamental work has been done by the relevant international and regional organizations on Asian connectivity, and important results have been achieved. We deeply cherish and appreciate their efforts. I hope that the various mechanisms will join the Asian countries planting their feet solidly on Asian realities and forming a synergy through effective coordination. In view of the changing circumstances, we also need to consider creating new instituti(原文来自:wWw.xiaOcAofANweN.coM 小 草 范 文 网:东道主政府会议发言稿)ons and mechanisms.


Last month, over 20 Asian countries signed in Beijing the inter-governmental MOU on the establishment of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB). This is an important breakthrough in Asian financial cooperation. As a useful supplement to the World Bank, the Asian Development Bank and other financial institutions, the AIIB will play a significant role in connectivity development in Asia.




结识新朋友 打造新平台


——在湘鄂赣毗邻县市政府办公室工作(经济研究)研讨会第一次年会上的发言 梁少清



今天是湘鄂赣毗邻县市政府办公室工作(经济研究)研讨会成立的大喜日子。作为此次研讨会的倡导者之一,我的心情十分喜悦,也十分自豪。喜悦的是既见到了老 朋友,又结识了新朋友;自豪的是,自己为研讨会成立所作的努力终于变成了现实。在此,我代表此次年会的主办方,向为这次年会顺利召开,给予了大力支持的各 位领导、各位朋友表示衷心的感谢!下面,我代表修水县政府办公室作个发言,抛砖引玉,不妥之处,敬请各位领导和来宾批评指正。

一、共识共为,打造友谊与合作的新平台。今年上半年,我和县委政研室、政府经济研究室的几位同志先后到通城、通山、崇阳、宜丰、靖安、铜鼓、奉新等地学习 考察。在交流的过程中,各兄弟办公室的同仁几乎都提出了进一步加强政府办公室交流与合作的意向,引起了我们的强烈共鸣。回到修水后,我们立即县政府领导汇 报,得到了县政府领导特别是李晨峰县长、钟好立常务副县长的高度重视。两位领导当即指示我们做好准备工作,当好东道主。鉴于此,我办在8月份向各兄弟办公 室发出了关于成立研讨会的倡议书,得到各兄弟办公室的积极响应和大力支持。可以说,研讨会的成立,是各县市政府办公室同仁共识共为的结果,也是各县市政府 领导高度重视的结果。作为研讨会的最初倡导者之一,我真切地感受到研讨会的成立是众望所归、大势所趋。

首先是区域之间的合作需要一个新载体。当今世界是一个开放的世界,全球化成为必然的发展趋势,在多元的竞争中谋发展,必须进一步加强区域之间的合作。我们 三省十一县市山水相连,具有广阔的合作前景。三省十一县市总面积29382.27平方公里,总人口570.2万,共有242个乡镇(场)。去年国内生产总 值276.16亿元,财政收入总和20.877亿元,固定资产投资103.48亿元。单个来看,大部分县经济实力都不强;但总体看,我们三省十一县就是一 个大区域,有着很强的互补性。在单个竞争力不强的情况下,加强区域之间的交流与合作,对推动整个区域的发展,提高区域整体竞争力有着十分重要的作用。研讨 会的成立,为推进区域合作提供了新的载体。

其次是政府办公室的交流需要一个新平台。政府办公室是政府的一个综合办事机构和参谋服务机构,加强毗邻县市政府办公室之间的交流,可以及时沟通信息,相互 借鉴,学习好的做法和经验,在探索中少走弯路,在借鉴中不断提高

为领导服务、为基层服务、为群众服务和为发展大局服务的能力。但是,在我们十一个县市之 间,尚未有正式的政府办公室联谊机构。研讨会的召开,可以为各县市办公室之间创造一个加强联系、加深感情和增进友谊的平台。

二、同心同德,促进研讨会得到新发展。在政府办公室系统,研讨会是一个新生事物。它像一个襁褓中的婴儿,需要我们去精心呵护,才能茁壮成长。作为研讨会的 倡导者、组织者和推动者,我们有理由、有责任推进研讨会不断发展壮大。在此,我代表修水县政府办公室表个态,今后的每一次年会,我们一定大力支持,积极参 加。为促进研讨会茁壮成长,我个人认为需要把握好以下三个结合:

一是虚实结合。所谓“虚”,主要是指研讨会的形式是务虚的;所谓“实”,主要是指研讨会是有实质性内容的。在构思研讨会的框架时,我始终认为研讨会应突出 “加深友谊,加强交流,加大合作”这一主题。围绕这一主题,有许多实实在在的内容。大而言之,可以是县市间的经济合作、优势互补等;中而言之,可以是办公 室之间的友好往来,信息共享等;小而言之,可以是个人的情谊交流,密切联系等。参照其他年会,一般都要进行学术性的交流,但是因为今年是首次年会,没有要 求交流论文,但这不意味着研讨会就是务虚的。

二是长短结合。所谓“长”,是指我们的友谊与合作是长久的;所谓“短”,是指每年的相聚是短暂的。政府办公室的工作很忙,大家不可能有很多的时间呆在一 起,这次年会也只安排了两天的时间,但是以后我们要把年会一年一年地办下去,不能因为时间的推移、人事的变动而消亡。我们既要充分发挥年会在加强交流与合 作中的重要作用,更要重视平时的联系,比如可以建立固定的联系制度,通过电话、网络、传真等多种形式交流材料、政务信息、刊物等等。 三是宽窄结合。所谓“宽”,主要是指研讨会涉及的范畴不是固定的,而是与时俱进,不断拓展的。所谓“窄”,主要是指研讨会当前涉及的范围不是很广,比如今 年是第一次年会,我们只把它定在经济研究这个范畴。今后随着交往的增多、友谊的加深,研讨会的任务也应随着时代的进步、形势的发展而不断拓展,既可以探讨 经济研究,还可以进行法制、督查等专题研讨,不断把探讨范围扩展到整个办公室工作。



借此机会,我简单向大家汇报一下修水县政府办公室的基本情况:我办现有干部职工61人,其中在职46人,离退休15人。办公室与县编办合署办公,内设法制 局、经济研究室、督查室、县志办、秘书科、行政科、机关大院管理科等7个科室(局、办)。其中县编办与县法制局为正科级单位;经济研究室、督查室、机关大 院管理科为副科级单位。办公室班子一正五副,其中两名副主任分别兼任编办主任和县行政服务中心主任。近年来,在县政府领导的领导和支持下,政府办公室工作 也取得了长足的进步。回顾近几年的工作,主要表现在“扣紧要务、跟紧服务、管紧内务”三个方面:

一是扣紧要务。在各项工作中,我们牢牢抓住发展这个第一要务,当好参谋助手、抓好督促检查、搞好综合协调,充分发挥了办公室的职能作用。首先是把经济研究 作为重点来抓。县政府领导十分重视经济研究工作,每年都安排专项经费1万元以上,明年将增至5万元,保证经研室有足够的财力,深入基层调查研究和到外地学 习考察。近三年来,我们

先后到过近30个县市学习考察,既结交了朋友,又增长了见识。为了帮助我们把情况搞透、把问题搞准、把思路搞清,县政府主要领导经 常带领经研室同志下乡,并以一名普通党员的身份经常参与经研室党小组的学习。今年以来,我们按照思考问题贴中心,文稿起草出精品,调查研究出成果的要求, 围绕农民增收、财源建设、林权制度改革、新型农村合作医疗试点等问题,深入开展了调查研究,为县政府领导决策提供了参考。此外,经济研究室还承担了县政府 工作报告和政府主要领导讲话以及其他文字材料的撰写、政务信息报送和县政府机关刊物《修水经济》的编辑等工作。其次是把法制工作作为品牌来抓。我县政府法 制局5名工作人员中,有国家执业律师1名、法学硕士1名、法学学士2名。把法制局的力量配得这么强,在全省是十分少见的。我县的法制工作也得到了省法制办 的高度评价,是江西法制系统中的一块品牌。再次是把督查督办作为亮点来抓。督查工作是保证政令畅通的重要手段,是办公室工作的一项重要职能。我办坚持从讲 政治、讲效率、确保政令畅通的高度,强化督查督办工作。我办督查室有工作人员8名,政府领导的秘书大都安排在督查室,使督查室工作人员能够根据分管县长的 工作进行专项督查和重点督查,取得了良好的效果。 二是跟紧服务。办公室是政府的管家,既要参与政务,同时还要搞好服务。首先是服务于领导。尽量想领导关注而未及想之事,谋领导已思而未完善之策,供领导急 需而未言之需,力争做到与领导“同频共振”;其次是服务于基层。加强与同级部门的沟通,做好综合协调,提高政务服务水平。再次是服务于群众。简化办事程 序,公开政务信息,热情对待基层干部群众,为基层干部群众提供便利。

三是管紧内务。内务工作千头万绪,较为琐碎,但责任重大,一旦把握不好,处理不当,就可能小事变大事,影响工作的正常开展。因此,我办坚持从严管理,无论 是队伍建设、来客接待、财务管理、车辆管理,还是房屋维修、水电使用、绿化卫生,都制订了严格管理制度,落实了管理责任,确保了机关日常工作的有序进行。

各位领导、各位来宾,结识新朋友,不忘老朋友,大家都是好朋友。我们三省毗邻县市山相依、水相连、路相通、人相往,边界人民自古以来情意亲密无间,友谊渊 远流长。让我们进一步加强友谊、加强交流,加大合作,共同打造好湘鄂赣毗邻县市政府办公室工作(经济研究)研讨会这个平台,携手共创政府办公室工作的美好 明天。

