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小草范文网  发布于:2016-10-23  分类: 劳动合同 手机版

篇一:4. 上海市劳动合同条例 2002版








第一章 总则

第一条 为了调整劳动关系,建立和维护适应社会主义市场经济的劳动合同制度,根据《中华人民共和国劳动法》和有关法律、行政法规,结合本市实际情况,制定本条例。

第二条 在本市行政区域内的企业、个体经济组织,以及国家机关、事业单位、社会团体等用人单位(以下统称用人单位)与劳动者建立或者形成劳动合同关系的,适用本条例。

第三条 劳动合同是劳动者与用人单位确立劳动关系、明确双方权利和义务的协议。

第四条 劳动合同应当以书面形式订立,但本条例有特别规定的除外。

第五条 订立和变更劳动合同,应当遵循平等自愿、协商一致的原则,并且符合法律、法规和有关规章的规定。


第六条 工会应当为劳动者提供劳动合同方面的指导、帮助,对用人单位履行劳动合同的情况进行监督。用人单位侵犯劳动者合法权益的,工会应当代表劳动者与用人单位交涉,依法维护劳动者在订立和履行劳动合同中的合法权益。

第七条 劳动保障行政部门对劳动合同制度的实施,负有指导和监督检查的职责。

第二章 劳动合同的订立

第八条 劳动者在订立劳动合同前,有权了解用人单位相关的规章制度、劳动条件、劳动报酬等情况,用人单位应当如实说明。


第九条 劳动合同文本可以由用人单位提供,也可以由用人单位与劳动者共同拟订。由用人单位提供的合同文本,应当遵循公平原则,不得损害劳动者的合法权益。


第十条 劳动合同应当具备以下条款:









第十一条 劳动合同的期限分为有固定期限、无固定期限和以完成一定的工作为期限。劳动合同期限由用人单位和劳动者协商确定。

第十二条 劳动合同自双方当事人签字之日起生效,当事人对生效的期限或者条件有约定的,从其约定。

第十三条 劳动合同当事人可以约定试用期。劳动合同期限不满六个月的,不得设试用期;满六个月不满一年的,试用期不得超过一个月;满一年不满三年的,试用期不得超过三个月;满三年的,试用期不得超过六个月。


第十四条 劳动合同当事人可以对由用人单位出资招用、培训或者提供其他特殊待遇的劳动者的服务期作出约定。

第十五条 劳动合同当事人可以在劳动合同中约定保密条款或者单独签订保密协议。商业秘密进入公知状态后,保密条款、保密协议约定的内容自行失效。



第十六条 对负有保守用人单位商业秘密义务的劳动者,劳动合同当事人可以在劳动合同或者保密协议中约定竞业限制条款,并约定在终止或者解除劳动合同后,给予劳动者经济补偿。竞业限制的范围仅限于劳动者在离开用人单位一定期限内不得自营或者为他人经营与原用人单位有竞争的业务。竞业限制的期限由劳动合同当事人约定,最长不超过三年,但法律、行政法规另有规定的除外。


第十七条 劳动合同对劳动者的违约行为设定违约金的,仅限于下列情形:




第十八条 劳动合同约定的劳动条件和劳动报酬等标准,不得低于集体合同的规定;低于集体合同规定的,适用集体合同的规定。


第十九条 劳动合同期满,经当事人协商一致,可以续订劳动合同。续订劳动合同不得约定试用期。

第二十条 有下列情形之一的,劳动合同无效:





第二十一条 用人单位与劳动者建立劳动合同关系,应当向劳动保障行政部门指定的经办机构办理用工登记手续。

第三章 劳动合同的履行和变更

第二十二条 劳动合同当事人应当按照合同约定的起始时间履行劳动合同。


第二十三条 变更劳动合同,应当经双方当事人协商一致,并采用书面形式。当事人协商不成的,劳动合同应当继续履行,但法律、法规另有规定的除外。

第二十四条 用人单位合并、分立的,劳动合同由合并、分立后的用人单位继续履行;经劳动合同当事人协商一致,劳动合同可以变更或者解除;当事人另有约定的,从其约定。

第二十五条 签订劳动合同的用人单位和实际使用劳动者的单位不一致的,用人单位可以与实际使用劳动者的单位约定,由实际使用劳动者的单位承担或者部分承担对劳动者的义务。实际使用劳动者的单位未按照约定承担对劳动者的义务的,用人单位应当承担对劳动者的义务。

第二十六条 劳动合同期限内,有下列情形之一的,劳动合同中止履行:





第二十七条 应当订立书面劳动合同而未订立,但劳动者按照用人单位要求履行了劳动义务的,当事人的劳动合同关系成立,劳动者的劳动报酬和劳动条件,按照下列规定确认:



第二十八条 劳动合同的部分内容不符合法定劳动标准的,用人单位应当按照法定劳动标准承担义务,并依法对劳动合同中不符合法定劳动标准部分予以修改。

第四章 劳动合同的解除和终止

第二十九条 经劳动合同当事人协商一致,劳动合同可以解除。

第三十条 劳动者解除劳动合同,应当提前三十日以书面形式通知用人单位。

第三十一条 有下列情形之一的,劳动者可以随时通知用人单位解除劳动合同。




第三十二条 有下列情形之一的,用人单位可以解除劳动合同,但是应当提前三十日以书面形式通知劳动者本人:





第三十三条 劳动者有下列情形之一的,用人单位可以随时解除劳动合同:






第三十四条 劳动者有下列情形之一的,用人单位不得依据本条例第三十二条、第三十五条的规定解除劳动合同:





第三十五条 用人单位确需依法裁减人员的,应当向工会或者全体职工说明情况,听取意见。用人单位的裁员方案应当在与工会或者职工代表协商采取补助措施的基础上确定,并向劳动保障行政部门报告。



第三十六条 用人单位单方面解除职工劳动合同时,应当事先将理由通知工会,工会认为用人单位违反法律、法规和有关合同,要求重新研究处理时,用人单位应当研究工会的意见,并将处理结果书面通知工会。

第三十七条 有下列情形之一的,劳动合同终止:







第三十八条 劳动者患职业病或者因工负伤,被确认为完全或者大部分丧失劳动能力的,用人单位不得终止劳动合同,但经劳动合同当事人协商一致,并且用人单位按照规定支付伤残就业补助金的,劳动合同也可以终止。

第三十九条 劳动合同期满或者当事人约定的劳动合同终止条件出现,劳动者有下列情形之一的,同时不属于本条例第三十三条第(二)项、第(三)项、第(四)项规定的,劳动合同期限顺延至下列情形消失:





Regulations of Shanghai Municipality on Labour Contract

(Adopted at the Thirty-third Session of the Standing Committee of the Eleventh Shanghai

Municipal People's Congress on November 15, 2001)

Chapter ⅠGeneral Provisions

Article 1

For the purpose of adjusting labor relationship, establishing and upholding the labor contract system adapted to the socialist market economy, these Regulations are formulated in accordance with "The Labor Law of the People's Republic of China" and other relevant laws and administrative regulations with consideration of the actual situations in this Municipality.

Article 2

These Regulations apply to the employer units in the administrative area of this Municipality, including enterprises, self-employed workers, economic organizations, and state organs and institutions, and mass organizations, etc., (hereinafter jointly referred to as employer units), that establish or form labor contract relationship with the employees.

Article 3

The labor contract is the agreement concluded between the employee and the employer-unit that establishes labor relationship and specifies the rights and obligations of both parties.

Article 4

The labor contract shall be concluded in writing with the exception that is specially stipulated in these Regulations.

Article 5

The conclusion and alteration of the labor contract shall follow the principle of equality and negotiation to reach uniformity on one's own will, and shall satisfy the stipulations of laws, regulations and


relevant rules.

A labor contract shall have immediately binding force once it is legally concluded, and the parties to the contract shall perform the obligations stipulated in the labor contract.

Article 6

The trade union shall provide guidance and help to the employee concerning the labor contract, and supervise the employer-units in their performance of the labor contract. In case that an employer-unit infringes an employee's legitimate rights and interests, the trade union shall negotiate with the employer-unit on behalf of the employee, and protect the legitimate rights and interests of the employee in the conclusion and performance of the labor contract according to law.

Article 7

The administrative department of labor security shall have the duty to guide, supervise and inspect the carrying out of the labor contract system.

Chapter ⅡThe Conclusion of the Labor Contract

Article 8

Before the conclusion of a labor contract, the employee has the right to know the relevant regulations and rules, labor conditions and payments of the employer-unit. The employer-unit shall illustrate them strictly according to the facts.

When employing laborers, the employer-unit has the right to know the health condition, knowledge and ability, and working experience of the employee. The employee shall state them strictly according to the facts.

Article 9

The text of the labor contract may be provided by the employer-unit, or be drawn up by both the employer and the employee. In case that the employer-unit provides the text, the principle of fairness shall be followed and shall not infringe upon the legitimate rights and interests of the employee.

The labor contract shall be written in Chinese, and may be coupled with a copy in a foreign language. If both parties to the contract have otherwise agreed, their agreement may be respected. In case that the labor contract is written in both Chinese and a foreign language, and their content differs, the Chinese version shall prevail. The labor contract shall have two identical copies, each party to the contract shall hold one copy.

Article 10

The labor contract shall contain the following clauses:

1. The valid period of the labor contract;

2. The job descriptions;

3. The labor protections and labor conditions;

4. The payments of remuneration for labor;

5. The labor disciplines;

6. The conditions for the termination of the labor contract; and

7. The liabilities for violation of the stipulations of the labor contract.

Apart from the compulsory clauses provided in the preceding clause, the parties to the contract may form other terms through negotiation in the labor contract.

Article 11

The valid period of employment in the labor contract shall be classified as fixed period, no fixed period, and task/project completion period. The valid period of the labor contract shall be fixed by the employer-unit and the employee through consultation.

Article 12

The labor contract shall become effective upon the date of signature. In case that the parties to the contract have otherwise agreed on the effective date and conditions of the labor contract, such agreement shall be respected.

Article 13

The parties to a labor contract may agree upon a trial period. In case the valid period of the labor contract is within 6 months, no trial period shall be allowed. In case the valid period is over 6 months but within one year, the trial period shall not be more than one month. In case the valid period is over one year but within 3 years, the trial period shall not be more than 3 months. In case the valid period is over 3 years, the trial period shall not be more than 6 months.

In case that the parties to a labor contract have only agreed upon a trial period, this trial period shall not be valid, and this trial period shall become the valid period of the labor contract.

Article 14

The parties to a labor contract may stipulate the service period of the laborers for whom the employer-unit paid the expenses of recruitment and employment, and training or to whom the employer-unit provided special treatment.

Article 15

The parties to a labor contract may stipulate the terms of confidentiality in the labor contract, or may conclude a separate confidentiality agreement. With the publication of the commercial secret, the terms of confidentiality and the terms agreed in the agreement of confidentiality shall lose their validity automatically.

The parties to a labor contract may stipulate in the labor contract or the confidentiality agreement the period of time in advance that the laborer who has the obligation to keep the employer-unit's commercial secret shall give notice if the laborer requests to terminate the labor contract. However, the period of time to give notice in advance shall not be longer than 6 months. During this period, the employer-unit may take appropriate measures to separate this employee from the commercial secret.

Article 16

The parties to the labor contract may stipulate in the labor contract or in the confidentiality agreement a clause restricting the laborer who has the obligation to keep the employer-unit's commercial secret to engage in any competitive business, and stipulate the payment of economic compensation to the laborer upon the termination or discharge of the labor contract. The scope of that within the restraint of the engagement in competitive business shall be limited to a certain period after the laborer leaves the employer-unit during which the laborer shall not operate his own business or operate or manage the business for others in competition with the former employer-unit. The time period of the restraint of the engagement in competitive business shall be stipulated by the parties to the labor contract within a limitation to 3 years, however, with the exception that if laws or administrative regulations have provided otherwise.

In case that the parties to the labor contract have stipulated the restraint of engagement in the competitive business, no period of advance notice on termination of the labor contract shall be stipulated.

The stipulation of restraint of engagement in the competitive business shall not be contrary to the provisions of laws and regulations.

Article 17

The payment of penalty by the laborer for his act of breach of contract may only be stipulated in the labor contract under following conditions:

1. Violating the term of service period; and

2. Violating the term of keeping commercial secret.

The amount of the penalty shall be stipulated according to the principle of being fair and reasonable.

Article 18

The standards of labor conditions, payments and remuneration etc. shall not be lower than the stipulations of the collective contract. If they are lower than the stipulations of the collective contract, the stipulations of the collective contract shall apply.

The collective contract shall be signed according to relevant laws and regulations.

Article 19

At the expiration of the labor contract, with unanimity reached through consultation by both parties to the contract, the labor contract may be renewed. However, there shall be no trial-period terms in the renewed labor contract.

Article 20

The labor contract shall be void under any one of the following cases:

1. Violating laws and administrative regulations; and

2. Signed by means of fraud or duress.

The avoided labor contract has no legal binding force from the inception. If a part of the labor contract has been affirmed as invalid, and if that does not affect the effectiveness of other parts, the remaining parts are still valid.

The invalidity of a labor contract shall be affirmed by the labor dispute arbitration committee or a people's court.

Article 21

The establishment of relationship of a labor contract between the employer-unit and the laborer shall go through the employment registration procedures at the agency designated by the labor security administrative department.

Chapter ⅢThe Performance and Alteration of the Labor Contract

Article 22

The parties to a labor contract shall perform the labor contract according to the effective date stipulated in the contract. In case that the effective date stipulated in the labor contract differs from the actual starting date, the actual starting date shall be affirmed as the effective date.

Article 23

Any alteration of the labor contract shall be done only if both parties reach unanimity through consultation, and in writing. If the parties to the contract fail to reach unanimity, the labor contract shall continue to be performed, with the exception that it is otherwise provided by laws or


Article 24

In case of merge or split-off of the employer-unit, the labor contract shall continue to be performed by the merged or the employer-unit. The labor contract may be altered or discharged if both parties to the contract reach unanimity through consultation, if the parties to the labor contract have otherwise agreed upon, that agreement shall be respected.

Article 25

In case that the employer-unit that who signed the labor contract is not the actual user of the laborer, the employer-unit may have an agreement with the actual user of the laborer that the actual user shall bear or partially bear the obligations to the laborer. In case that the actual user of the laborer does not bear the obligations stipulated by the agreement, the employer-unit shall bear the obligation to the laborer.

Article 26

During the valid period of the labor contract, the labor contract may be suspended under any one of the following situations:

1. The laborer is recruited for military service or serve for other legal obligations provided by the State;

2. The laborer can not perform the obligations stipulated in the labor contract for the time being, but there are the condition and possibility for him/her to continue the performance; and

3. Other situations provided by laws and regulations or stipulated in the labor contract.

With the disappearance of the situations on which the labor contract is suspended, the labor contract shall be continued unless laws or regulations have provided otherwise.

Article 27

In case that a laborer, without signing a written labor contract that should be signed, has performed the labor obligations as required by the employer-units, the labor contract relationship between the parties is established, and the laborer's labor remuneration and conditions shall be confirmed according to the following provisions:

1. In case that the labor remuneration and conditions are higher than the employer-units’rules and regulations, the terms of the collective contract or the corresponding contents of legal labor standards, they shall be ascertained according to the actual performed contents; and

2. In case that the labor remuneration and conditions are lower than the employer-units' rules and regulations, collective contract or legal labor standards, they shall be ascertained in favor of the laborer.

Article 28

In case that part of the terms in the labor contract does not satisfy the legal labor standard, the employer-unit shall bear the obligations according to the legal labor standards, and amend the part of the terms in the contract that does not satisfy the legal labor standards according to law.

Chapter ⅣThe Rescission and Termination of Labor Contract




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第一章 总则

第一条 为了调整劳动关系,建立和维护适应社会主义市场经济的劳动合同制度,根据《中华人民共和国劳动法》和有关法律、行政法规,结合本市实际情况,制定本条例。

第二条 在本市行政区域内的企业、个体经济组织,以及国家机关、事业单位、社会团体等用人单位(以下统称用人单位)与劳动者建立或者形成劳动合同关系的,适用本条例。

第三条 劳动合同是劳动者与用人单位确立劳动关系、明确双方权利和义务的协议。

第四条 劳动合同应当以书面形式订立,但本条例有特别规定的除外。

第五条 订立和变更劳动合同,应当遵循平等自愿、协商一致的原则,并且符合法律、法规和有关规章的规定。


第六条 工会应当为劳动者提供劳动合同方面的指导、帮助,对用人单位履行劳动合同的情况进行监督。用人单位侵犯劳动者合法权益的,工会应当代表劳动者与用人单位交涉,依法维护劳动者在订立和履行劳动合同中的合法权益。

第七条 劳动保障行政部门对劳动合同制度的实施,负有指导和监督检查的职责。

第二章 劳动合同的订立

第八条 劳动者在订立劳动合同前,有权了解用人单位相关的规章制度、劳动条件、劳动报酬等情况,用人单位应当如实说明。


第九条 劳动合同文本可以由用人单位提供,也可以由用人单位与劳动者共同拟订。由用人单位提供的合同文本,应当遵循公平原则,不得损害劳动者的合法权益。


第十条 劳动合同应当具备以下条款:









第十一条 劳动合同的期限分为有固定期限、无固定期限和以完成一定的工作为期限。劳动合同期限由用人单位和劳动者协商确定。

第十二条 劳动合同自双方当事人签字之日起生效,当事人对生效的期限或者条件有


第十三条 劳动合同当事人可以约定试用期。劳动合同期限不满六个月的,不得设试用期;满六个月不满一年的,试用期不得超过一个月;满一年不满三年的,试用期不得超过三个月;满三年的,试用期不得超过六个月。

劳动合同当事人仅约定试用期的,试用期不成立,该期限即为劳动合同期限。 第十四条 劳动合同当事人可以对由用人单位出资招用、培训或者提供其他特殊待遇的劳动者的服务期作出约定。

第十五条 劳动合同当事人可以在劳动合同中约定保密条款或者单独签订保密协议。商业秘密进入公知状态后,保密条款、保密协议约定的内容自行失效。


第十六条 对负有保守用人单位商业秘密义务的劳动者,劳动合同当事人可以在劳动合同或者保密协议中约定竞业限制条款,并约定在终止或者解除劳动合同后,给予劳动者经济补偿。竞业限制的范围仅限于劳动者在离开用人单位一定期限内不得自营或者为他人经营与原用人单位有竞争的业务。竞业限制的期限由劳动合同当事人约定,最长不超过三年,但法律、行政法规另有规定的除外。


第十七条 劳动合同对劳动者的违约行为设定违约金的,仅限于下列情形:




第十八条 劳动合同约定的劳动条件和劳动报酬等标准,不得低于集体合同的规定;低于集体合同规定的,适用集体合同的规定。


第十九条 劳动合同期满,经当事人协商一致,可以续订劳动合同。续订劳动合同不得约定试用期。

第二十条 有下列情形之一的,劳动合同无效:





第二十一条 用人单位与劳动者建立劳动合同关系,应当向劳动保障行政部门指定的经办机构办理用工登记手续。

第三章 劳动合同的履行和变更

第二十二条 劳动合同当事人应当按照合同约定的起始时间履行劳动合同。


第二十三条 变更劳动合同,应当经双方当事人协商一致,并采用书面形式。当事人协商不成的,劳动合同应当继续履行,但法律、法规另有规定的除外。

第二十四条 用人单位合并、分立的,劳动合同由合并、分立后的用人单位继续履行;经劳动合同当事人协商一致,劳动合同可以变更或者解除;当事人另有约定的,从其约定。

第二十五条 签订劳动合同的用人单位和实际使用劳动者的单位不一致的,用人单位可以与实际使用劳动者的单位约定,由实际使用劳动者的单位承担或者部分承担对劳动者的义务。实际使用劳动者的单位未按照约定承担对劳动者的义务的,用人单位应当承担对劳动者的义务。

第二十六条 劳动合同期限内,有下列情形之一的,劳动合同中止履行:




劳动合同中止情形消失的,劳动合同继续履行,但法律、法规另有规定的除外。 第二十七条 应当订立书面劳动合同而未订立,但劳动者按照用人单位要求履行了劳动义务的,当事人的劳动合同关系成立,劳动者的劳动报酬和劳动条件,按照下列规定确认:



第二十八条 劳动合同的部分内容不符合法定劳动标准的,用人单位应当按照法定劳动标准承担义务,并依法对劳动合同中不符合法定劳动标准部分予以修改。

第四章 劳动合同的解除和终止

第二十九条 经劳动合同当事人协商一致,劳动合同可以解除。

第三十条 劳动者解除劳动合同,应当提前三十日以书面形式通知用人单位。 第三十一条 有下列情形之一的,劳动者可以随时通知用人单位解除劳动合同。




第三十二条 有下列情形之一的,用人单位可以解除劳动合同,但是应当提前三十日以书面形式通知劳动者本人:





第三十三条 劳动者有下列情形之一的,用人单位可以随时解除劳动合同:






第三十四条 劳动者有下列情形之一的,用人单位不得依据本条例第三十二条、第三十五条的规定解除劳动合同:





第三十五条 用人单位确需依法裁减人员的,应当向工会或者全体职工说明情况,听取意见。用人单位的裁员方案应当在与工会或者职工代表协商采取补助措施的基础上确定,并向劳动保障行政部门报告。



第三十六条 用人单位单方面解除职工劳动合同时,应当事先将理由通知工会,工会认为用人单位违反法律、法规和有关合同,要求重新研究处理时,用人单位应当研究工会的意见,并将处理结果书面通知工会。

第三十七条 有下列情形之一的,劳动合同终止:







第三十八条 劳动者患职业病或者因工负伤,被确认为完全或者大部分丧失劳动能力的,用人单位不得终止劳动合同,但经劳动合同当事人协商一致,并且用人单位按照规定支付伤残就业补助金的,劳动合同也可以终止。

第三十九条 劳动合同期满或者当事人约定的劳动合同终止条件出现,劳动者有下列情形之一的,同时不属于本条例第三十三条第(二)项、第(三)项、第(四)项规定的,劳动合同期限顺延至下列情形消失:




第四十条 应当订立劳动合同而未订立的,劳动者可以随时终止劳动关系。

应当订立劳动合同而未订立的,用人单位提出终止劳动关系,应当提前三十日通知劳动者,但劳动者具有第三十九条规定情形之一的,劳动关系应当顺延至该情形消失。 第四十一条 劳动合同解除或者终止,用人单位应当出具解除或者终止劳动合同关系的有效证明。


第四十二条 有下列情形之一的,用人单位应当根据劳动者在本单位工作年限,每满一年给予劳动者本人一个月工资收入的经济补偿:









第四十三条 劳动合同约定的终止条件和本条例规定的解除条件相同的,用人单位应当依据本条例相应的解除合同的补偿标准,给予劳动者经济补偿。

第四十四条 用人单位根据本条例第三十二条第一款第(一)项的规定解除劳动合同的,除按规定给予经济补偿外,还应当给予不低于劳动者本人六个月工资收入的医疗补助费。

第四十五条 本条例第四十二条、第四十四条中的工资收入按劳动者解除或者终止劳动合同前十二个月的平均工资收入计算,劳动者月平均工资收入低于本市职工最低工资标准的,按本市职工最低工资标准计算。


第五章 非全日制劳动合同的特别规定

第四十六条 非全日制劳动合同是劳动者与用人单位约定的以小时作为工作时间单位确立劳动关系的协议。



第四十七条 订立非全日制劳动合同可以采用书面形式,也可以采用其他形式。劳动合同当事人一方提出采用书面形式的,应当采用书面形式。

第四十八条 非全日制劳动合同当事人未约定用工期限的,任何一方均可以随时通知对方终止劳动关系。

第四十九条 非全日制劳动合同当事人可以对劳动时间、工作内容、劳动报酬及支付形式、保守用人单位商业秘密等内容进行约定。

第五十条 非全日制劳动者的劳动报酬按小计计算。


第五十一条 用人单位使用非全日制劳动者,在劳动过程中造成劳动者工伤或者患职业病的,应当承担相应责任。

第五十二条 非全日制劳动者的最低小时工资标准,由上海市劳动和社会保障局报经市人民政府批准后公布。最低小时工资标准的确定,应当综合考虑非全日制工作的职业稳定、福利待遇等因素。


第五十三条 本条例第二章、第三章、第四章中的规定,不适用于非全日制的劳动合同,但第八条、第二十条和第二十一条除外。

第六章 法律责任

第五十四条 由于劳动合同一方当事人的原因导致劳动合同无效或者部分无效,给对方造成损害的,应当承担赔偿责任

第五十五条 劳动合同当事人违反劳动合同的,应当承担相应的责任。给对方造成经济损失的,应当承担赔偿责任。


第五十六条 用人单位未按照本条例规定与劳动者订立书面劳动合同的,由劳动保障
